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£40 to £1,040.... dev's 2nd DYM/CASH challenge.



  • TeddyBloatTeddyBloat Member Posts: 1,419
    edited January 2015
    welcome to club tropicana, jac. i hear the drinks are free.

    on a more serious note, i like dev and dont know where the animosity came from. obviously he feels offended about summat, but unfortuanately all the offence was in the taking, certainly non was meant [even when telling him to 'go get his f-ckin shine box'....]

    i am a part of a group where we pull apart each others ranges, lines and  thinking on a daily basis. all done with respect and the intention of collectively improving. i'm happy to offer advice where i can as i know i appreciate the advice i am given. and being confronted with the possibily of being wrong about summat is a great way of improving and at the very least can cause you to investigate why you were right.

    anways dev, if you ever do read this hope you get involved again. these forums and diary threads are pretty dull without interaction. and theres no better way for new players to get interested in a format than being able to read a boss diary of a reg and interact / ask questions etc.

  • stuarty117stuarty117 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1,040.... dev's 2nd DYM challenge.(current b/r £672.77).... profit from £5 games...+£67.50:
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1,040.... dev's 2nd DYM challenge.(current b/r £672.77).... profit from £5 games...+£67.50 : Hi Matt, ty, of course a hand can be discussed, i've no problem with that. if i want a hand looked at that i think i might have played badly or could have played better or diferently, i'll post it up & get others views on it. it's actually not my tone that is the problem here, but the people who come here giving their points of views in an almost you are wrong we are right attitude & with no room for any discusion at all that get's to me... the k7 hand or k8 can't remember, is a perfect example. anyway, i'm on a hiding to nothing here, as my opinions or feelings mean nothing to most of you, so i'll leave it at that.
    Posted by devonfish5
    I didnt even comment on this hand lol

    For what its worth now i can understand y dev played it. Could be a him or me situation.

    But i am on the nauty list  
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2015
    so members in the recently formed Dev's Ignore Player Club are;

    * EDITED  ..... NO MEMBERS.

    keep posting away people....if it makes you feel better...
    i'm not following you.
    this is my diary & simply a record of my progress for my benefit & i'll play & say whatever i like whenever i like to who i like & how i like...
    if you don't like it i don't care stop coming here & go & annoy others elsewhere.
    when i want anyones advice i'll ask for it & as to hands i'll post them in the poker clinic...any that i post here are for my amusement only & yours i guess too.
    you're really not getting it are you...I don't care what anyone thinks we are way past that.
    this is just a job to me & i'm loving it...well most days anyway & stops when i either reach my target or choose to stop.
    yes, i make mistakes on & off the tables, i'm not perfect i know that. i'll live with them.
    as to my poker, as long as i make a few quid i'm happy, it just buys me nice things every now & again...
    it's not life & death or bills money.

  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited January 2015

    Ok everyone stop and take a moment before you post and decide if it's a post which is productive or not please, or at the very least can we cut out the sniping, insults and dual agendas.

    Dev, stop calling people idiots please.  If people take the time out and post on your diary in a constructive and positive way then I would appreciate that if I was you.  If people are honestly trolling you then PM me and I'll look into it and take action.  If you post HHs then people will discuss them, it's a poker forum after all.  We discuss HHs, it's what people do and can't resist, as soon as you put one out there it is in the public domain and people will talk about it.

    I don't like this 'ignore player list.'  It reminds me of an eight year old writing up a 'Super anti-awesome won't talk to' list.  You don't want to be that guy man.  If you disagree with someone be constructive.  If you want to ignore someone then hit the ignore button on them.  Don't be childish.

    Also to other people who have posted in this thread negatively, don't Troll Dev or each other.  Don't try to flame bait.  And in general, can we all just be more constructive, positive and frankly better people please?

    thanks for listening, good luck all.

  • rainman397rainman397 Member Posts: 1,394
    edited January 2015
    Has anyone mentioned the £2.20 @2.20 deepstack yet.
    All the best.
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1,040.... dev's 2nd DYM challenge.(current b/r £688.55):
    Has anyone mentioned the £2.20 @2.20 deepstack yet. All the best. Rainman397
    Posted by rainman397

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited January 2015

    lol rainman

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1,040.... dev's 2nd DYM challenge.(current b/r £688.55):
    Ok everyone stop and take a moment before you post and decide if it's a post which is productive or not please, or at the very least can we cut out the sniping, insults and dual agendas. Dev, stop calling people idiots please.  If people take the time out and post on your diary in a constructive and positive way then I would appreciate that if I was you.  If people are honestly trolling you then PM me and I'll look into it and take action.  If you post HHs then people will discuss them, it's a poker forum after all.  We discuss HHs, it's what people do and can't resist, as soon as you put one out there it is in the public domain and people will talk about it. I don't like this 'ignore player list.'  It reminds me of an eight year old writing up a 'Super anti-awesome won't talk to' list.  You don't want to be that guy man.  If you disagree with someone be constructive.  If you want to ignore someone then hit the ignore button on them.  Don't be childish. Also to other people who have posted in this thread negatively, don't Troll Dev or each other.  Don't try to flame bait.  And in general, can we all just be more constructive, positive and frankly better people please? thanks for listening, good luck all.
    Posted by TommyD
    Appreciate the post Tommy,
    I'll do my best & try not to call players idiots in future.
    I did make a half hearted written apology a while a go but that was a waste of time & effort quite frankly.
    If people choose to come here & have their say, that's their choice, I can't stop that.
    if people want to criticise/critique my play when I post a hand that's fine, I can't stop that either.
    I'll try to be more understanding & appreciative in the future.
    I at least have had some control as to who I wished to talk to or as to who's posts I have no interest in reading.
    To those people I am prepared to wipe the slate clean & start a fresh.
    Feel free to have your say, I will take your advice on board, I will try not to react negatively when I disagree with your point of view,(which will be most of the time -:),  & will simply try to choose not to reply.
    That's all, I can't do any better than that right now.

  • yuranASSetyuranASSet Member Posts: 485
    edited January 2015
    Da Na!
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1,040.... dev's 2nd DYM challenge.(current b/r £688.55):
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1,040.... dev's 2nd DYM challenge.(current b/r £688.55) : Appreciate the post Tommy, I'll do my best & try not to call players idiots in future. I did make a half hearted written apology a while a go but that was a waste of time & effort quite frankly. If people choose to come here & have their say, that's their choice, I can't stop that. if people want to criticise/critique my play when I post a hand that's fine, I can't stop that either. I'll try to be more understanding & appreciative in the future. I at least have had some control as to who I wished to talk to or as to who's posts I have no interest in reading. To those people I am prepared to wipe the slate clean & start a fresh. Feel free to have your say, I will take your advice on board, I will try not to react negatively when I disagree with your point of view,(which will be most of the time -:),  & will simply try to choose not to reply. That's all, I can't do any better than that right now.
    Posted by devonfish5
    Perhaps a sincere apology wouldn't have been a waste of time an effort? Just a thought.
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited January 2015
    Personally if i were you I would invest in a pen, and an actual diary... you can then fill that with all your records, notes and lots of positive comments. Then no-one will ever be able to say one bad thing to you...

    But while you have an open diary in a forum people are free to write whatever they see fit, I cant see any personal benefit to you for having this diary as you dont want to improve, you dont want to take on board constructive critisism and you dont seem to be much of a "people person"

    after reading a few pages it seems that maybe you are just looking for a bit of an ego boost?? which being a winning player you will get... but after a while people will try and help you improve and thats when you have to be able to handle the critisism.

    so my overall advice would be to either take the critisism on board, soak it all up and try to implement most of what you are being told, or if that isnt what you want to do then maybe keep a diary on your own where you can do exactly as you like without anyone else having an input
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited January 2015
    n1 MrD a quality post as always. (ps do i need to start a forum war to get you to reply to my comments on your rivers thread? ).

    dev, i do think your apology was not helpful as it was clearly not meant. In the same way as hhyftrftdrs comment above isn't helpful but is relevant. 

    You don't have to be a saint to be active on the forum. But as jac mentioned there has been a change in personality from before, and a lot of us loved the old dev. That's not to say we can't love the new one but a little more contrition and a little less arrogance would help. life is a biitch and times change and we all need to live with that. Be more reasonable when you disagree with comments and everyone will be happier. and yes there are some trolls on this thread saying things just to be inflammatory, and they are very worthy of an ignore list. But for the majority read and enjoy if possible, learn if helpful and ignore if sh*te.

  • SJspanky1SJspanky1 Member Posts: 620
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1,040.... dev's 2nd DYM challenge.(current b/r £688.55):
    Personally if i were you I would invest in a pen, and an actual diary... you can then fill that with all your records, notes and lots of positive comments. Then no-one will ever be able to say one bad thing to you... But while you have an open diary in a forum people are free to write whatever they see fit, I cant see any personal benefit to you for having this diary as you dont want to improve, you dont want to take on board constructive critisism and you dont seem to be much of a "people person" after reading a few pages it seems that maybe you are just looking for a bit of an ego boost?? which being a winning player you will get... but after a while people will try and help you improve and thats when you have to be able to handle the critisism. so my overall advice would be to either take the critisism on board, soak it all up and try to implement most of what you are being told, or if that isnt what you want to do then maybe keep a diary on your own where you can do exactly as you like without anyone else having an input
    Posted by jordz16

    Nailed it!!
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2015
    Nice posts as usual guys but I'm not rising to it...

  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited January 2015
    Dev's declared a clean slate and I suggest everyone move past everything which has been said previous.

    Move on from now and don't keep anything previous simmering imo.
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2015
    day 228 thursday  29/1/15  day off
    day 229 friday  30/1/15


    won £0.79 b/r £689.34 pts 150

    just a quickie 25-30 mins, still happy playing 1 table cash right now especially as internet has been playing up.
    hand of the day...
    think I played it ok, player x was playing loose but still had the flush to worry about so just called river bet.
    Small blind   £0.02 £0.02 £4.76
    tdl176 Big blind   £0.04 £0.06 £2.57
      Your hole cards
    • 2
    • 2
    pixie69 Fold        
    devonfish5 Raise   £0.08 £0.14 £4.60
    Call   £0.06 £0.20 £4.70
    tdl176 Fold        
    • 5
    • 2
    • A
    Bet   £0.20 £0.40 £4.50
    devonfish5 Call   £0.20 £0.60 £4.40
    • J
    devonfish5 Check        
    • 10
    Bet   £0.60 £1.20 £3.90
    devonfish5 Call   £0.60 £1.80 £3.80
    • 5
    • 10
    devonfish5 Show
    • 2
    • 2
    devonfish5 Win Three 2s £1.66   £5.46
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited January 2015
    Bet the turn.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2015
    3x pre, raise flop,bet turn, would b/f river if he doesn't donk
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,663
    edited January 2015
    '3x pre, raise flop,bet turn, would b/f river if he doesn't donk'
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2015
    just watched some mastercash on tv & by chance someone hit a set of 2's, they bet each street pretty much building the pot asap, so learnt from that.
    ty for your advice  hhy, Paul & enut.

    so another day... more cash I think, even if it is just 1xnl4 for now -:)
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