Hi all,
I've not played at Sky for a while, I really liked the site when I first started playing Poker maybe 9 months ago, and it is still my favourite in terms of look and feel, but I think in all honesty I seemed a little outclassed back then. Today I decided to make a fresh deposit and give Sky another go as I have been a winning player at SnG and DYM games the past couple of months.
But what is going on ? Unless I'm going mad there are almost NO players at the micro/low stakes right now (12 midday, thursday) ?? Is this mormal? If so things have definitely taken a turn for the worse here at Sky

Hope to see some of you at the tables soon!
Midday during the week in a hot summer and your surprised its dead?
Games are still good at night and at the end of summer you'll see a huge spike in traffic numbers.
not sure what happened first though, did the guarentees drop so people left or people left so they dropped the guarentees
Regarding the guarantees, they have dropped on all sites!
Football v Poker hmmmm! 2-1
Just for the record, the period of the World Cup is the nut worst period for all European facing Online Poker sites. Combine that with June & July being the quietest months of the year, & numbers are always going to be a challenge.
Come August & September, numbers will climb again, peaking between November & April. It was & will always be so.
It's BOOM time for Sky bet though, so whilst part of the SB&G feels the pain, other parts are experiencing record traffic & volume levels. That's pretty much the beauty of the business.
Keeping it in the family
Sorry if this has affected anyones experience
Normal Service will resume shortly
I read TK's post about the reasons why numbers drop during the summer months and more so with the world cup being on at the moment, i'm sure thats true but i think there's a bigger issue....
If you look at a few of the most basic reasons why people choose to play on a site you'd probably start with how easy the site is to navigate and actually i find sky the best one of all the sites i've played on. I find stars for example **** awaful...
Next would be value for money, reliability of site software, range of games and buyin's, .... if i offered my opinion here i'm pretty sure i'd be getting a call from the moderator PDQ...
One thing i've never been able to understand is considering all the people who have sky tv why they have never offered people with a sky tv account a free sky poker account with a fiver and some freebe entries.... the potential market to get new customers must be huge but they're just not tapping into it!!
In Ireland there's an ad for sky tv every hour but i don't think i've ever seen one for sky poker... and in Ireland a very high percentage of people play cards and gamble... just needs someone with a bit of forward thinking and i imagine the numbers and the potential rewards would improve for all of us.
I'm loathe to tangle, & I'm not here to make the case one way or the other, but have you considered the practicalities of that statement?
Sky TV have around 10.5 million subscribers.
(That is not a "trade secret", as it can be obtained in a few clicks via google).
Also, Jerry.....
Sky Poker already have frequent advertising campaigns on Sky TV, but as far as I am aware, they are not allowed to run these in Northern Ireland for legal reasons. (In fact I don't believe 861 is available in NI for the same legal reasons).
They would not generally advertise at this time of year though, or during the World Cup, for the reasons I mentioned a few days ago.
I'm sure your figures are accurate but it only serves to muddle the issue for me..... 10 million potential customers for sky poker even if only .1% of that 10 million played once a week the numbers would rocket.... offer them entry to 5 freerolls for example? It just seems there's a huge potential market that's being ignored...
sky could ad the free entry to sky poker onto the bills of people who are already customers... maybe I'm missing something but it seems sky have all the tools and the opportunity in place but just are't using it?
I do think player numbers have failed to increase in recent years, obviously the amount of players on site right now are going to be significantly lower at the minute due to the hot weather and of course the World Cup.
I have been reading through GaryLauds thread where some people have mentioned that the rake in the micros is so high that it is unbeatable. Not sure if this could be a factor in attracting and keeping new players?? Also the amount of mtt's on offer in the £1 region are considerably lower than other sites, could this also be a reason??? You could look at the higher stakes side of things too, more £50+ mtts would surely attract new players as well? The whole mtt schedule needs a total revamp imo.
I don't think things are as bad as some people are making out, Sky is a great site with many great promotions but I do think more could be done in order for the site to grow.