I have always thought there seems a gap where a £4.40 DYM should be. £1, £2, £3 and £5 are all represented, just as 2, 3 and 5 points are. So why nothing for £4 and 4 points?
I believe they would be extremely popular with the crowd for whom the £5.50 seems too much and they are frequented by sharks anyway.
So Sky could we please have a £4.40 DYM that pays out £8 and awards 4 points??
I agree
I am afraid to take a proper shot at 11 DYMs.
I think a 7.70 would be good
You are getting a bit of stick here - boys will be boys! - but the real answer to your question (imo) is....
By adding an extra DYM to the existing portfolio, all it achieves is to thin out the liquidity across the buy-ins above & below £4.40, (£3.30 & £5.50) which would be a bad thing. It just spreads the same number of players over more DYM's, so they all suffer.
Adding a Buy-In Level is easy, very easy, but you have to consider the effect it has.
One option would be to remove the £3.30 &/or £5.50, but that would be overwhelmingly unpopular with most who currently play those levels, & would create a right hoohah, perhaps rightly so.
It looks so simple, but you have to consider the consequences, which I have outlined.
I have no idea whether Sky Poker would consider your suggestion, but I'm pretty sure they would not do so for the reasons I have outlined.
Hope that helps explain the likely thinking.