45,000 hands to go. So in theory, it will take another 22.5 hours. But......the site is very quiet @ 0830 on a Sunday, & will get much busier, by a factor of plenty, later.
I turn radio4 off on only two occassions. When the archers comes on and thought for the day. Im sorry I havent a clue is repeated later. I miss humph though. Posted by TeddyBloat
Irreplaceable, though I do think Jack Dee has made a good fist of replacing Humph.
Did you see this piece recently about him supposedly resigning over "Samantha"?
For those who do not listen, "Samantha" is a fictional character in the Show.
I think it sends up the stuffy nature of radio4 more than demeans women.
There is a notorious optical illusion that can be seen as showing angels or naked female form. An apocryphal story is attached to it where the local priesthoid complained about it being hung in a gallery only to withdraw their complaint when the artist told them he painted the piece to test the purity of the viewers mind: the righteous would see only angels.
Amazed with whatthey get into day time R4.
And the lionel blair material is even filthier. If you have that sort of mind....
8am = 796,953,713 8.30am = 796,955,352 9am = 796,956,936 9.30am = 796,959,276 10am = 796,962,018 So the rate has increased dramatically again, its now around 5,500 hands per hour, & increasing. However, The Archers Omninus Edition is just starting, so that will kill the poker traffic. I'm off home (via Tescos), then gonna try & get some PLO8 DYM's going. Gotta be in it to win it. Posted by Tikay10
Up to 11,000 HPH now, so looking like around 1.30pm?
What you need to know for the 796m - 799m Milestone Hands
1. The hand can be dealt on any cash game, sit & go or tournament and the player that wins every one millionth hand from the 796m up to 799m will pocket themselves £100 + £1 for every Sky Poker Rewards point earned in the 24 hours leading up to the milestone hand. Any player dealt into the hand will also receive £50.
2. If you play in the 24 hours leading up to the milestone hand between 796m – 799m and earn 50 Sky Poker Reward points within that time you will gain access to an exclusive £1,500 freeroll the following night at 7pm
SQUAREKEY is down for Saturday. Also, kidwiz10 should be on the list with 11:08:16 (however, he needs the milestone to be acheived before 13:03 to win).
Current hand @ 8am = 796,953,713
HITMAN_RV 00 12 36
goldnballz 00 55 44
Macacgirl 01 13 13
churchy18 01 45 35
aussie09 03 10 00
SEPERABIT 04 45 34
GCDF 10 44 44
Kidwiz10 11 08 16
BeesHoney 12 57 36
FCHD 13 45 00
whitepony7 14 57 34
Oppo777 16 17 34
golds75 17 22 58
alex1229 17 29 29
Enut 18 31 01
POKEY2011 19 24 38
jordz16 22 16 16
DoubleAAA 22 28 09
Completely unofficial of course as I may have missed one or two or indeed got the above wrong!
Added in 3 players I missed and took out 1 I had in error
8am = 796,953,713
8.30am = 796,955,352
So, 1,700 hands in half an hour.
45,000 hands to go. So in theory, it will take another 22.5 hours. But......the site is very quiet @ 0830 on a Sunday, & will get much busier, by a factor of plenty, later.
8am = 796,953,713
8.30am = 796,955,352
9am - 796,956,936
So, 1,600 hands in that half hour, much the same pace as earlier.
I don't suppose it will get much busier until after people have got back home from Church.
Did you see this piece recently about him supposedly resigning over "Samantha"?
For those who do not listen, "Samantha" is a fictional character in the Show.
Have to say, I can't really manage "Thought for the Day" myself, either.
"Tweet of the Day" has been awesome though.
8am = 796,953,713
8.30am = 796,955,352
9am = 796,956,936
9.30am = 796,959,276
Interesting (?...) to see how much the traffic is increasing. 50% increase in speed that half hour.
8am = 796,953,713
8.30am = 796,955,352
9am = 796,956,936
9.30am = 796,959,276
10am = 796,962,018
So the rate has increased dramatically again, its now around 5,500 hands per hour, & increasing.
However, The Archers Omninus Edition is just starting, so that will kill the poker traffic.
I'm off home (via Tescos), then gonna try & get some PLO8 DYM's going. Gotta be in it to win it.
Just sayin' ... ;-)
8am = 796,953,713
8.30am = 796,955,352
9am = 796,956,936
9.30am = 796,959,276
10am = 796,962,018
11.30am = 796,975,771
So, that's up to around 10,000 hands per hour. 25,000 to go, but the site will get busier now. Early afternoon looks the time to be on site.
8am = 796,953,713
8.30am = 796,955,352
9am = 796,956,936
9.30am = 796,959,276
10am = 796,962,018
11.30am = 796,975,771
Noon - 796,981,206
Up to 11,000 HPH now, so looking like around 1.30pm?
What you need to know for the 796m - 799m Milestone Hands
1. The hand can be dealt on any cash game, sit & go or tournament and the player that wins every one millionth hand from the 796m up to 799m will pocket themselves £100 + £1 for every Sky Poker Rewards point earned in the 24 hours leading up to the milestone hand. Any player dealt into the hand will also receive £50.
2. If you play in the 24 hours leading up to the milestone hand between 796m – 799m and earn 50 Sky Poker Reward points within that time you will gain access to an exclusive £1,500 freeroll the following night at 7pm
SQUAREKEY is down for Saturday. Also, kidwiz10 should be on the list with 11:08:16 (however, he needs the milestone to be acheived before 13:03 to win).
Looks like you made a good prediction (Y)
Previous post edited, also added in Alex & Jordz and corrected Churchy & GCDF's user names
8am = 796,953,713
8.30am = 796,955,352
9am = 796,956,936
9.30am = 796,959,276
10am = 796,962,018
11.30am = 796,975,771
Noon = 796,981,206
12.30 = 796,989,013
Big increase in traffic, 16,000 HPH now.
Even at current rates, looking like around 1.15 or 1.20, but it'll speed up now I think, & won't be much after 1pm.
If you are on the Tables, good luck.
Under 10,000 to go now.
8am = 796,953,713
8.30am = 796,955,352
9am = 796,956,936
9.30am = 796,959,276
10am = 796,962,018
11.30am = 796,975,771
Noon = 796,981,206
12.30 = 796,989,013
13.00 = 796,995,680
Just over 4,000 to go. Looking good for 13.15-ish.
Don't have the "official" time, but it was either 13.15 or 13.16.