I've managed to make my way through a another smallish field to win my second MTT in 4 day's
Been doing well recently since switching to Omaha with 6/9 cashes in MTT's
And 9/10 DYM's
HartshorN | 50000 | 1 | £62.50 + 20 League Points |
BOYDID | 0 | 2 | £37.50 + 16 League Points |
EdGiddins | 0 | 3 | £25 + 12 League Points |
adman | 0 | 4 | 8 League Points |
pete1 | 0 | 5 | 4 League Points
However, this isn't the highlight of my post, was merely a brag as i can finally brag for once

You may notice a recognizable name in the mix finishing third, well when we were down to 3, I was in 1st with considerable amount, however Ed was in second, with BOYDID away. So ed offered for us to both sit out for around 5-6 minutes to see if BOY came back, 5 minutes past and he was still away so we restarted. Few hands got played and no change from BOYDID's status. So Ed being the gentlemen did an outstanding gesture that i don't think i am aloud to say, but just take a look at second and third..
Top Bloke Ed, nice chap on the tables aswell.