I cant take it any more, after almost 5 weeks of constant outdraws, coolers and everyone hitting gutshots and 2 outers everytime I get money in ahead or a big pot. Im obviously rubbish and unlucky which is a bad combination.
I cant take it any more, after almost 5 weeks of constant outdraws, coolers and everyone hitting gutshots and 2 outers everytime I get money in ahead or a big pot. Im obviously rubbish and unlucky which is a bad combination. Really is my all time low and I quit. Posted by CraigSG1
Hi Craig,please reconsider this in the cold light of day,I have played on some tables you have been on and IMO you have a very good solid game and are a nice chap also,perhaps have a break for a week or so,let the dust settle,etc,etc.hope to see you back at the tables soon.good luck.
Poker is always going to be there, whether thats next week, next month, next year.
I don't imagine there is any poker player out there that hasn't felt like you are feeling right now at some point while playing.
A lot of poker is about pyschology and a lot of players don't handle variance well.
When we sit down to play there is always going to be times we run good and bad. It's better to look at the bigger picture, however, than look at a screenshot of a weeks results.
If i was you i would take a break and come back refreshed, but ultimatly if you are no longer enjoying it there is no point in continuing to play.
When we all started playing it was for fun, no point in playing if we are no longer enjoying it.
Maybe take a break, and if you come back play the game that you enjoy the most, whether that be MTTs or cash.
It was always a pleasure having you on the tables, and good luck with whatever you decide.
to help, i would prefer to add some realistic comments craig. you are not an awful player and you are not a brilliant player. you are not very unlucky and you are not very lucky. when you or others start to think in any of these groups you will learn a lesson shortly afterwards. you are average. some of us aspire to be average. suck it up. life in the middle lane is where we are. life away from the edge. and how ever much you try and be brilliant or rubbish you will not achieve it. best regards Posted by aussie09
What a downer you are. If everyone on the planet had that attitude we'd still be living in caves drawing on walls.
Craig, the best advice I can give (having been there a few times myself) is to either, take a break, drop down a few levels and play where running bad doesn't hurt for a while, or even try a different game like Omaha or Omaha high lo, just for a change.
Enter all the 60p all in sats for tuesdays turbo qualify take down the tournament and then quit if you still want to! Craig everyone has felt the same the harder you try the worse it gets! play in modays DTD or Tuesdays open and play for fun not profit and you may be pleasantly surprised
I`ve played with you a few times on the cash tables and you have a good solid game and don`t think your average at all. Sometimes though we all go through bad patches in all formats of poker,it defo makes you doubt your game or annoys so much you have enough and want to quit. I think we all been there at one point but defo take on board some of the ideas people have already posted above.
Things I do personally if going through a bad spell is just take a break do other things outside poker that are fun take your mind off the game because tbh there is lot more to life than poker unless you play professionally it is.
If you don`t choose to take a break just move down levels,play another format or go play live if you haven`t done so in a while it`s so much more fun than an online grind.
Also one last thing I do is listen to the mental game of poker on my iphone, some of the chapters can help when going through these spells.
I feel your pain Craig. I have played on SKY for a good couple of years now and have for the most part I have enjoyed my time and even managed to build a decent roll for the levels I play at.
For the last few months everything has now gone completely belly up, admittedly some of this through bad play, but the amount of horrific beats has gone through the roof. I don't think I have seen so many 4 card running draws hit when you are a massive favourite.
I have cashed out now, will take a break and decide what to do next as there is no enjoyment in spending hours/days/weeks in building a roll only for it to be decimated by the miracle 2 outers and 4 card running draws that are so prevalent at the moment
Hope you do not leave the game. All of us hit that barrwn run. Did you drop levels when role reduced? I find that is the key to not taking it personally when running bad.
Agree with all, take a break and come back at a lower level?
In Response to Re: I quit : What a downer you are. If everyone on the planet had that attitude we'd still be living in caves drawing on walls. Posted by FlyingDagg
I dunno, I kinda like that way of viewing things. If we all wanted to be the best poker player on the planet then all bar one person would be permanently miserable and disappointed... if you're enjoying the game and making a profit (ie 'average') then happy days, anything else (of which we all still aspire to) is a bonus.
Surprised to see you give up Craig, you are easily one of the better players around the micros and would inevitably exit the downswing at some stage and start to rebuild your roll.
No point playing if it has stopped being fun though, so good luck with whatever other hobbies will be filling your time now.
I feel your pain Craig. I have played on SKY for a good couple of years now and have for the most part I have enjoyed my time and even managed to build a decent roll for the levels I play at. For the last few months everything has now gone completely belly up, admittedly some of this through bad play, but the amount of horrific beats has gone through the roof. I don't think I have seen so many 4 card running draws hit when you are a massive favourite. I have cashed out now, will take a break and decide what to do next as there is no enjoyment in spending hours/days/weeks in building a roll only for it to be decimated by the miracle 2 outers and 4 card running draws that are so prevalent at the moment Good luck and I hope it turns round for you. Posted by dabossman
Hi Daboss,
"at the moment"?
That is specific to you. The number of outdraws, &, let's not forget, the suckouts we also get, have never changed viewed long term.
What happens is that Lady Variance fancies a bit of sport with us, & seems to deliver these beats in clusters. But it delivers suckouts in clusters, too. We just don't notice them!
Take a few days off. Post some hands, watch some training videos, work on improving your game. I really don't get what posts like this are trying to achieve. Everybody runs really badly from time to time. It's the nature of the game. Posted by 77Chris91
Chin up Craig, the game was not designed to be easy.
In Response to Re: I quit : I dunno, I kinda like that way of viewing things. If we all wanted to be the best poker player on the planet then all bar one person would be permanently miserable and disappointed... if you're enjoying the game and making a profit (ie 'average') then happy days, anything else (of which we all still aspire to) is a bonus. Surprised to see you give up Craig, you are easily one of the better players around the micros and would inevitably exit the downswing at some stage and start to rebuild your roll. No point playing if it has stopped being fun though, so good luck with whatever other hobbies will be filling your time now. Posted by shakinaces
I see Aussie 09 has removed his post but let me enlarge on what I mean specifically to poker and then in general. I realise there are players on the site who are quite happy to pay their money and are not too bothered about making a profit, they play for the enjoyment. Personally I will always try to improve my game and hopefully I can add to my meagre income. I think Craig has the same attitude or he wouldn't have bothered posting. Maybe it's more of a personal thing with me as I wasn't very good at school, dreaded exams and had a series of poorly paid jobs. It took a long time but I eventually found something I was fairly decent at and it has helped stave off the debts.
There are people in this world who are destined to be average and no better but unless you try then you will never know. As they say it's better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all.
Keep on truckin'.
Sorry to hear you have been running bad.
Poker is always going to be there, whether thats next week, next month, next year.
I don't imagine there is any poker player out there that hasn't felt like you are feeling right now at some point while playing.
A lot of poker is about pyschology and a lot of players don't handle variance well.
When we sit down to play there is always going to be times we run good and bad. It's better to look at the bigger picture, however, than look at a screenshot of a weeks results.
If i was you i would take a break and come back refreshed, but ultimatly if you are no longer enjoying it there is no point in continuing to play.
When we all started playing it was for fun, no point in playing if we are no longer enjoying it.
Maybe take a break, and if you come back play the game that you enjoy the most, whether that be MTTs or cash.
It was always a pleasure having you on the tables, and good luck with whatever you decide.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
Also disgaree with Aussie, for the stakes we play i think you are a very good player.
Sometimes not, you cant win all the time
But everytime we play it is for fun
If your not enjoying it just stop it is your choice.
for tuesdays turbo
take down the tournament
and then quit if you still want to!
Craig everyone has felt the same the harder you try the worse it gets!
play in modays DTD or Tuesdays open and play for fun not profit and you may be pleasantly surprised
Surprised to see you give up Craig, you are easily one of the better players around the micros and would inevitably exit the downswing at some stage and start to rebuild your roll.
No point playing if it has stopped being fun though, so good luck with whatever other hobbies will be filling your time now.
"at the moment"?
That is specific to you. The number of outdraws, &, let's not forget, the suckouts we also get, have never changed viewed long term.
What happens is that Lady Variance fancies a bit of sport with us, & seems to deliver these beats in clusters. But it delivers suckouts in clusters, too. We just don't notice them!
Hope your luck changes soon.
Take a few days off. Post some hands, watch some training videos, work on improving your game.
I really don't get what posts like this are trying to achieve. Everybody runs really badly from time to time. It's the nature of the game.
Chin up Craig, the game was not designed to be easy.
There are people in this world who are destined to be average and no better but unless you try then you will never know. As they say it's better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all.