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Talk, talk. Talk about talk. Talk. Talk.



  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited July 2014
    Well, as TommyD's playing full-time these days, how about inviting him back on the show. I don't think I really need to big up the man's Sky Poker credentials.

    I also think MattBates might be interested in doing a tournament show some time. Once again, his credentials speak for themselves.

    I'm fairly sure both would be interested in returning and both would have a fair amount of insight to offer.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,583
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Talk, talk. Talk about talk. Talk. Talk.:
    In Response to Re: Talk, talk. Talk about talk. Talk. Talk. : I didn't know that. Even more kudos  to the many guests who have to travel and then sit there for hours unpaid then. It must be a very cheap night for Sky when Orford is the presenter he obv doesn't get paid either.
    Posted by MAXALLY
    Thanks Alan.

    Nope, they dont get a fee. Depending on where they are from, they may get a taxi fare, or even a Hotel Room for the night on occasion (midnight finish is awkward for public transport), but nope, no fee at all

    Orford? Well if he gets paid, there is no justice, but I fear he does. Too much, obv. If the Gent who complained that Guest Fees could be pit to better use had mentioned Orford, I'd have been with him every inch of the way.   
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,583
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Talk, talk. Talk about talk. Talk. Talk.:
    Well, as TommyD's playing full-time these days, how about inviting him back on the show. I don't think I really need to big up the man's Sky Poker credentials. I also think MattBates might be interested in doing a tournament show some time. Once again, his credentials speak for themselves. I'm fairly sure both would be interested in returning and both would have a fair amount of insight to offer.
    Posted by BorinLoner
    Watch this space.......;)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,583
    edited July 2014

    Sadly, due to illness in his immediate family, Simon Trumper will NOT be on tonight's Show.
  • salazarsalazar Member Posts: 330
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Talk, talk. Talk about talk. Talk. Talk.:
    In Response to Re: Talk, talk. Talk about talk. Talk. Talk. : We don't all like the same things though, which is a good thing really. Many of the 861 viewers only tune in to see Guests. No other Online Poker site does these things, & personally, I think it's excellent that Sky Poker are still running it, it is in it's eighth year now.   And for the record, the Guests have not, do not, & never will, receive an appearance or Guest Fee.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    Well if they're free then they might just be worth it. 'Might' being the key word, the jury's still out on whether some are worth that. 

    Try and get rosiedog on, that is someone's opinion worth tuning in for
  • bludreid11bludreid11 Member Posts: 490
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Talk, talk. Talk about talk. Talk. Talk.:
    It seems to have escaped much positive comment on here, but Ch 861 has been busy re-inventing itself lately. One of the changes is the emphasis on a wider range of Guests. Some good, some not so. But more of them. I am friends with almost all of them, & I'm pleased to see them on the telly. I don't necessarily agree that they all warrant a Guest spot, it's a subjective thing, but I agree that it is freshening up Ch 861. It's tough to keep a Show like that fresh for 8 years, & in truth, its a miracle it has survived.   No other Site does this, & it's really quite something that Sky Poker have persisted with it. Just try & imagine how much it has cost to run over it's lifetime, it's breathtaking.  Anyway, after all that waffle, I wanted you to have prior warning of TWO Guests on this Thursday's Show.  ......   
    Posted by Tikay10
    On a side issue, when Redmond lee first started explaining poker it was so easy for me to understand.
    However, because we saw his outrageous bluffs, and his ability to raise or 3 even  4 bet with air DID HIS GAME SUFFER
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited July 2014
    Just wanted to say I've been loving the new and varied guests. Agreed that some work, some don't but just keep getting more and more people on imo
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,583
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Talk, talk. Talk about talk. Talk. Talk.:
    Just wanted to say I've been loving the new and varied guests. Agreed that some work, some don't but just keep getting more and more people on imo
    Posted by Lambert180
    Yes, trying to get Guests who appeal to everyone is not easy, as has been noted.

    We live in incredible times.
  • bludreid11bludreid11 Member Posts: 490
    edited July 2014

    Something ive always wondered.
    Do these pros or semi-pros have a set working day ? do they sit at 7pm until 11pm ??
    Also do they set target wins or loses for a days play i.e. win £500 or £1000 or lose £500 or £1000
    or do they work it at a weekly rate ?
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Talk, talk. Talk about talk. Talk. Talk.:
    Something ive always wondered. Do these pros or semi-pros have a set working day ? do they sit at 7pm until 11pm ?? Also do they set target wins or loses for a days play i.e. win £500 or £1000 or lose £500 or £1000 or do they work it at a weekly rate ?
    Posted by bludreid11
    I can't imagine any 'pro' sets out to lose £500-£1000 in a session.
  • bludreid11bludreid11 Member Posts: 490
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Talk, talk. Talk about talk. Talk. Talk.:
    In Response to Re: Talk, talk. Talk about talk. Talk. Talk. : I can't imagine any 'pro' sets out to lose £500-£1000 in a session.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr

    sorry for the caps
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Talk, talk. Talk about talk. Talk. Talk.:
    In Response to Re: Talk, talk. Talk about talk. Talk. Talk. : I KNOW THEY DONT START OUT TO LOSE HOWEVER, IF THEY ARE HAVING A BAD DAY AT WHAT POINT DO THEY STOP.? sorry for the caps
    Posted by bludreid11
    I'm not in the same ballpark as some of the guests on 861 but from my experience of playing full time, you just play your hours and try to win as much as possible. Its personal choice whether you have a stop loss or not but if you can genuinely know you're playing just as good now you're 10 buyins down as you were 2 hours earlier then you can/should carry on.

    If I sit down to play a session and I'm +£250 in 30 mins that won't stop me finishing the session... 1) I wanna win more and 2) you're always earning points/rakeback. Swings happen within every month so you can't just rely on running good for 30 mins and logging off, next sesh you might run terrible in the first 30 mins and be chunks down.

    Can't set £££ targets for any day/week etc IMO, its just out of your control. I just set volume targets which you can control and more volume should mean a higher chance of winning.

    Fwiw I set proper schedules like I'm gonna do 10am-2pm Mon -Thur and 8pm -midnight tues-sat for instance. Sometimes life things come up and I swap a shift round but generally stick to the plan
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Talk, talk. Talk about talk. Talk. Talk.:
    It seems to have escaped much positive comment on here, but Ch 861 has been busy re-inventing itself lately. One of the changes is the emphasis on a wider range of Guests. Some good, some not so. But more of them. I am friends with almost all of them, & I'm pleased to see them on the telly. I don't necessarily agree that they all warrant a Guest spot, it's a subjective thing, but I agree that it is freshening up Ch 861. It's tough to keep a Show like that fresh for 8 years, & in truth, its a miracle it has survived.   No other Site does this, & it's really quite something that Sky Poker have persisted with it. Just try & imagine how much it has cost to run over it's lifetime, it's breathtaking.  Anyway, after all that waffle, I wanted you to have prior warning of TWO Guests on this Thursday's Show.  ......   
    Posted by Tikay10
    It does seem a miracle its survived when about 6 or 7 years ago Sky must have been scraping the barrell when i myslef got invited on as a guest. Someone had dropped out but unfortanetly it was to short notice - Got asked the night before show. I was only a brk even player , playing mainly 2p/4p and the odd £5 MTT . Hence i can,t complain at any of the guests i see on the show nowadays
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