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donk play

ckdckd Member Posts: 1,386
edited January 2010 in Poker Chat
 iam fair new to this posting stuff as you can see .
 latly i havebeen read the posts and there is a lot saying about being sucked out on by donks and saying that its wrong, i myself have done thisat the tables which is wrong and i appologies to any 1 i have had a go at for calling with rubbish and winning . at the end of the day there is not 1 player that can say that they have never sucked out on some1 , thats part of the game i have relised that now if you let it get to you it will happen more to you cos you will go on tilt more. there isno need to have a go if u get a bad beat ( again apologies to any1 i have done this to ) it was wrong i see that now

gl to all at the tables and if you are on a bad run chin up settle down dont let it get to u
remember throwning good money away is not good tc all

and just to see there is a poll


  • KnackersYaKnackersYa Member Posts: 468
    edited January 2010
    Anybody who votes no is either lying or has never played poker before!!!

  • dav1964dav1964 Member Posts: 2,526
    edited January 2010
    i voted no as i am a terrible not really
  • FlutNushFlutNush Member Posts: 371
    edited January 2010
    Well I've never sucked out on anyone, so voted no. 

    Furthermore, I positively refute the allegation. And if we must continually rake over this, I wasn't even near Hampstead Heath on that day.
  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited January 2010
    Perhaps we can turn this into a confessional.

    "Bless me father for I have sucked out."

    Here is an example that I have quoted elsewhere.

    In a multi-way pot, three of us flopped a set. I flopped the middle set and all three of us got all of our money in.
    I made a back-door flush to scoop the pot.
    I felt dirty (but richer).
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: donk play:
    Well I've never sucked out on anyone, so voted no.  Furthermore, I positively refute the allegation. And if we must continually rake over this, I wasn't even near Hampstead Heath on that day.
    Posted by FlutNush
     I think you misread the wording on "Sucked Out" LOL!!!!
  • elsadogelsadog Member Posts: 5,677
    edited January 2010
    OMG I voted no then realised it was a poker question.

    Could have been worse I suppose.....I could have voted yes,
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,772
    edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: donk play:
    [QUOTE]Anybody who votes no is either lying or has never played poker before!!!
    Posted by KnackersYa

  • hogan2089hogan2089 Member Posts: 169
    edited January 2010
    i think it happens more  with the players who think theyre good, rather than the players who actually are !!!

    digest that one
  • KnackersYaKnackersYa Member Posts: 468
    edited January 2010
    Whenever I get a "bad beat", I look at the hand in context. If I can explain to myself how the other player got his/her chips in, no problem. I don't control what happens after that.

    AA v KK is not a bad beat ever. Put the shoe on the other foot, your chips are going in.

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