In Response to Re: Some folk will understand! : you coulda took today off and still made it, sik effort considering the stakes you play Posted by MIKEY802
TY Mikey. Yea, Im not like you guys who play half the month and cruise 50k points. Seen you getting your grind on the last few days tho
Thanks guys, it took alot of effort. I averaged just under 15 hours a day. Which isn't all that impressive tbh but its very taxing when playing 16 tables. I did manage to win 135 buy ins along the way so that helped. I say 135 but I did play a very slight % at master cash tables 30,40 and 50 nl so maybe not quite that many. Although had to throw in some 10nl during quiet times.
I believe its in the region of £2k rb. The gf has given me a list of various high end fashion products that she requires in exchange for keeping me supplied with food and drink for a month, so there goes the rb funds.
Not quite a pb Shakin. Managed a 64k month once before. Strangely feel more burnt out this time.
Typical, its been red hot the whole time I've been stuck in the office grinding and today its chucking it down.
If sky gave me a timebank I'm sure I could manage 70k. PC has also decided to keep shutting down with anymore than 16 tables and usually happens when I try to check hh. Happens about 10 times a day and takes a few minutes to load and position tables again. Not sure whether its my PC or a sky problem. I did buy a gaming PC recently to handle alot of tables so it's maybe a sky issue.
I almost started a challenege/diary thread to keep me on track through the month, but there was alot of talk about there being alot of diaries at the time so decided not to. Maybe next time.
Just hope I made it.
Good Lord.
HOW MANY Reward Points?
Congrats, that's really something.
I made a lot of effort this month to achieve my target of.....3,000 points. Takes you about 2 days to get 3,000.
Hope you made money doing so, too.
Is that a new PB?
Unbelieveable and incredibly impressive given you're playing as low as NL10 to reach that target. My flabber is gasted.