Actually there is something. Rumour has it that there is someone on the forum who supports both Aston Villa and Bournemouth, and this could be quite conflicting next season. Posted by hhyftrftdr
Rozvadov, unfortunately, was a non-starter. It just wasn't logistically feasible. The flights weren't an issue, already sourced those. But Rozvadov is right on the Czech border. So flying in and out of Nuremberg would have required trains, busses and taxis to make it to the casino hotel. Or the hotel could provide a transfer, at 100e each way. I'll pass thanks. The tournament also happened to fall right before the....
....UKPC! And I was more interested in playing a bit of that. I'd not been to DTD since Sept 2013 so felt good to finally return. We got there on the Friday evening and the place was rammed. Myself and Simon(lufc) late regged for the XXL25, and ended up waiting about an hour to get on a table! Got down to the final 19 with 13 paid, and was moved table. Despite lacking chips, I had been moved in position of a guy who was probably even worse than me! He limped, I jammed a raggy ace and got folds. An orbit later he limped the button, I shipped about 9bb with KJ, and Mr button limper decided 78o was good enough to call off with. I covered him by 9 antes. The KJ4r flop was most misleading, I was foolish to think it's pretty hard for me to lose from here. 10 on the turn, 9 on the river and that was that. In a hand just before, the dealer had dished out a bad one for AA vs AQ with runner runner broadway for AQ, so when that 10 came on the turn the rest of the table said ''here we go again''...... who says its just online poker that's rigged?
I'd met up with jac35 that same evening, and we got drawn on the same table for our 12 noon mini starting flight on the Saturday. As much grief as I like to give him (he gets a fair bit on our team FB page!), he is a great guy and a good friend. Us men are simple folk (some more than others); give us beer, football and poker and its about all we need. Also met Tikay for the first time. Felt like I knew him anyway but good to see he's as big a gent in person as on here and elsewhere. Still owe you that latte! Long story short, I got lucky to stay in and then built from there, taking a 452k stack through to day 2. I think I finished with maybe the 7/8th largest stack on that flight. Mattered not, as I couldn't get going on day 2. Dribbled chips away before 3bet jamming QJs, guy tank calls with 77 and we were on our way back to York.
Had quite a few beers on the Saturday after our flight ended. Good crack with day4eire, Frascati, slipwater (yuk). We secured a £1/£1 table with enough seats for all of us. Had a couple of total punters on the table. One guy was adamant no-one could see a flop for less than a tenner. The cash machines were down so I had to withdraw the minimum from the cash desk, which was £250. I'd done £50 in the blink of an eye; trying to smash flops with a marginal hand vs the punter. Failed. He left. Got involved in a large pot (for me anyway) when I flopped the straight and flush draw with 56dd on an A78ddx board. 2 others in the pot, and I check raised the flop to £30, my mate Pete passed but the other guy hung about. The beautiful 9d on the turn and I led for £62 and he calls. In my head I was yelling at the dealer for a blank river.....he obliged with a proverbial brick, offsuit 2 or 3 or something. I think I had about £115 back and moved all in. Villain tank calls, gets the bad news when I roll over the flush and a £400 pot was coming my way. I think he said he had A8 for flopped top 2, so it was pretty fortunate for me that not only did I get there, but he had something he felt he couldn't lay down.
Ivan was on the table next to us and could obviously smell the value so he migrated over to ours. I wasn't picking up many hands after that one above, was having more fun ribbing Slippy for basically being a weekend bumhunter up in Edinburgh or wherever he lives. Left about 4am, taxi back to the hotel via a kebab house.
Also shout outs for Tommy, the Bromleys, Joesman who I met at one point or another over the weekend.
So now the focus shifts to VLV. As much as that £10k package is the dream, us mere mortals need to be realistic. I think I have a better chance for the side package, though it looks the sites finest are going for both. Qualified through one of the freerolls last night for the £17 quarter, but made a dubious 4bet shove vs the wrong person and went out way off the seats. Shall probably try again tonight. I do laugh when people pulled the promo apart in that thread. Some hadn't even read it all! Just be happy it's back and try and get that seat on the plane. There are some awful things going on in the world, yet people lose the plot over such trivial stuff.
Finally, well done Silentchiv for winning the Turbo last night. I believe the drinks are on you in Newcastle!
In Response to Re: Harry's Harmony....the harmonious road to the UKPC, Newcastle, Las Vegas and.....Rozvadov?! : [QUOTE ]Cr@@p, that really is tl;dr Posted by hhyftrftdr
Not tl:dr at all. enjoyable read. you should post more. Posted by Glenelg
I am coming up to 4k posts....I think people would love it if I posted less
Ty gents, hope you get your Newcastle digs sorted Timmy. The casino is open 24/7 if needs must!
PS, anyone know where Rainman has gone? I miss him
In Response to Re: Harry's Harmony....the harmonious road to the UKPC, Newcastle, Las Vegas and.....Rozvadov?! : Not tl:dr at all. enjoyable read. you should post more. Posted by Glenelg
I am coming up to 4k posts....I think people would love it if I posted less Ty gents, hope you get your Newcastle digs sorted Timmy. The casino is open 24/7 if needs must! PS, anyone know where Rainman has gone? I miss him Posted by hhyftrftdr
Huft what does tl:dr mean?
Ps I think they meant this kind of post not the other type you've been known to do!
In Response to Re: Harry's Harmony....the harmonious road to the UKPC, Newcastle, Las Vegas and.....Rozvadov?! : If you saw his shirt, then having to sit next to said shirt for hours, you'd understand. Posted by hhyftrftdr
What's the latest gossip on the street today?
Rumour has it that there is someone on the forum who supports both Aston Villa and Bournemouth, and this could be quite conflicting next season.
Rozvadov, unfortunately, was a non-starter. It just wasn't logistically feasible. The flights weren't an issue, already sourced those. But Rozvadov is right on the Czech border. So flying in and out of Nuremberg would have required trains, busses and taxis to make it to the casino hotel. Or the hotel could provide a transfer, at 100e each way. I'll pass thanks. The tournament also happened to fall right before the....
....UKPC! And I was more interested in playing a bit of that. I'd not been to DTD since Sept 2013 so felt good to finally return. We got there on the Friday evening and the place was rammed. Myself and Simon(lufc) late regged for the XXL25, and ended up waiting about an hour to get on a table! Got down to the final 19 with 13 paid, and was moved table. Despite lacking chips, I had been moved in position of a guy who was probably even worse than me! He limped, I jammed a raggy ace and got folds. An orbit later he limped the button, I shipped about 9bb with KJ, and Mr button limper decided 78o was good enough to call off with. I covered him by 9 antes. The KJ4r flop was most misleading, I was foolish to think it's pretty hard for me to lose from here. 10 on the turn, 9 on the river and that was that. In a hand just before, the dealer had dished out a bad one for AA vs AQ with runner runner broadway for AQ, so when that 10 came on the turn the rest of the table said ''here we go again''...... who says its just online poker that's rigged?
I'd met up with jac35 that same evening, and we got drawn on the same table for our 12 noon mini starting flight on the Saturday. As much grief as I like to give him (he gets a fair bit on our team FB page!), he is a great guy and a good friend. Us men are simple folk (some more than others); give us beer, football and poker and its about all we need. Also met Tikay for the first time. Felt like I knew him anyway but good to see he's as big a gent in person as on here and elsewhere. Still owe you that latte! Long story short, I got lucky to stay in and then built from there, taking a 452k stack through to day 2. I think I finished with maybe the 7/8th largest stack on that flight. Mattered not, as I couldn't get going on day 2. Dribbled chips away before 3bet jamming QJs, guy tank calls with 77 and we were on our way back to York.
Had quite a few beers on the Saturday after our flight ended. Good crack with day4eire, Frascati, slipwater (yuk). We secured a £1/£1 table with enough seats for all of us. Had a couple of total punters on the table. One guy was adamant no-one could see a flop for less than a tenner. The cash machines were down so I had to withdraw the minimum from the cash desk, which was £250. I'd done £50 in the blink of an eye; trying to smash flops with a marginal hand vs the punter. Failed. He left. Got involved in a large pot (for me anyway) when I flopped the straight and flush draw with 56dd on an A78ddx board. 2 others in the pot, and I check raised the flop to £30, my mate Pete passed but the other guy hung about. The beautiful 9d on the turn and I led for £62 and he calls. In my head I was yelling at the dealer for a blank river.....he obliged with a proverbial brick, offsuit 2 or 3 or something. I think I had about £115 back and moved all in. Villain tank calls, gets the bad news when I roll over the flush and a £400 pot was coming my way. I think he said he had A8 for flopped top 2, so it was pretty fortunate for me that not only did I get there, but he had something he felt he couldn't lay down.
Ivan was on the table next to us and could obviously smell the value so he migrated over to ours. I wasn't picking up many hands after that one above, was having more fun ribbing Slippy for basically being a weekend bumhunter up in Edinburgh or wherever he lives. Left about 4am, taxi back to the hotel via a kebab house.
Also shout outs for Tommy, the Bromleys, Joesman who I met at one point or another over the weekend.
So now the focus shifts to VLV. As much as that £10k package is the dream, us mere mortals need to be realistic. I think I have a better chance for the side package, though it looks the sites finest are going for both. Qualified through one of the freerolls last night for the £17 quarter, but made a dubious 4bet shove vs the wrong person and went out way off the seats. Shall probably try again tonight. I do laugh when people pulled the promo apart in that thread. Some hadn't even read it all! Just be happy it's back and try and get that seat on the plane. There are some awful things going on in the world, yet people lose the plot over such trivial stuff.
Finally, well done Silentchiv for winning the Turbo last night. I believe the drinks are on you in Newcastle!
[QUOTE]Cr@@p, that really is tl;dr
Posted by hhyftrftdr
Posted by Glenelg
I am coming up to 4k posts....I think people would love it if I posted less
Ty gents, hope you get your Newcastle digs sorted Timmy. The casino is open 24/7 if needs must!
PS, anyone know where Rainman has gone? I miss him
Posted by hhyftrftdr
It means too long; didn't read.....apparently.

I try to please my fan club with a variety of posts
Does that make up for my poor memory?