I recently had a 3 month break from sky, I started playing again around 16/6/2014 and reset my sharkscope to that date when I did... its locked but I check it every now and again to keep track of how I'm doing...
When I looked at it last night it didn't seem right so I checked my deposits and withdrawals on my sky account, that figure gave me a profit 5 times higher than the sharkscope figure!!!! (it runs into hundreds of a difference)
I very rarely play cash on sky so that's not a factor, usually just mtt's and dym's and there's only been one cash for points deposit from sky during the few weeks I've been back......
When I started playing again on sky my account was empty so I know my figures are correct and assuming sky have the figures on my account correct it kinda makes me wonder when I'm using it to check someone else's stat's if there as far out too!!!! If they are is it even worth looking at sharkscope?
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In a word, no.
As a rule, they are generally not too far out, but they sometimes seem to get numbers round their neck.
The only certain measure is your account deposits, withdrawals, & balance.
I win big in a £100 buy-in mtt - on sharkscope? - nope - and they won't correct sky info
happens every now and then
and if they miss 1 or 2 of your better results their numbers will be very different from what you actually have achieved
Missed off a $650 cash for me.
It hasn't recorded $650 at least that I've spent on rebuys.
Roundabouts and swings.
You can drill down deep into all sorts of stats though, looking at profit/loss and number of games is just the start.
It's a very good gauge of where a player is at if you know what to look for and how to interpret the information.
Had you lost the big flip on the bubble or just inside the money, it wouldn't be there and you'd still be the same player.
People get carried away with profit/loss, there's a lot more to it than that.
V word isn't it!
1) Sharkscope does not take earnings through Sky Poker Rewards into consideration.
2) If you qualify for an event (let's say you get in a £55 event for £5.50) the system sometimes does not recognise the satellite prize and will say you broke even in that tournament. If you do not go on to cash in the main event, it would say you have lost a net £55 when actually you have just lost £5.50.
People seem to make a big issue about accuracy of sharkscope. It really doesn't matter if the odd result is missing, you are getting an idea of someone's ability. Eg its the bubble of big tournament and you want to know if they will be effected by a min cash or someone makes a certain play and your not sure on their ability so you scope them.