Isn't using all the information you are allowed in poker to make the best decision you can, what poker is all about? In the example of the guy who had no mates on the rail, that is not the fault of those who did have mates, surely it is the fault of the guy who didn't have any mates? He failed to use all the legal information possible. Don't get me wrong, I believe it should be against the rules, but all the time it is within the rules then it is a valid activity. Otherwise, where do you stop? At which point should the players stop using all the info available to them? And why should they be the ones to have to decide what legal info to use and what not to use? Maybe Ivey should stop making reads on people's ranges because he is better at it than his peers? Or maybe Negreanu should stop remembering people's images at the table, surely it gives him an unfair advantage? Posted by MrWh1te
No, not to me, anyway.
Poker is NOT a team game, it's an individual pursuit. Getting half the rail to help is not the idea at all.
We don't have to live our lives by what we can get away with, the spirit of the game is really the satisfying thing to most of us.
Isn't using all the information you are allowed in poker to make the best decision you can, what poker is all about? In the example of the guy who had no mates on the rail, that is not the fault of those who did have mates, surely it is the fault of the guy who didn't have any mates? He failed to use all the legal information possible. Don't get me wrong, I believe it should be against the rules, but all the time it is within the rules then it is a valid activity. Otherwise, where do you stop? At which point should the players stop using all the info available to them? And why should they be the ones to have to decide what legal info to use and what not to use? Maybe Ivey should stop making reads on people's ranges because he is better at it than his peers? Or maybe Negreanu should stop remembering people's images at the table, surely it gives him an unfair advantage? Posted by MrWh1te
I dont know the full scenario of this instance but i know several guys who travel from various tours. One lad actively gets twin rooms and pays travel so he can guarentee a friend on the rail at every event.
However i know of other people who have satellited into an event, gone away for it and nobody they knew could make it.
Just because for whatever reason this guys friends couldn't attend the event doesn't mean he should have a huge disadvantage.
Fwiw i actually love live streams in poker, i just think they should be more accessable.
Some good points raised here, and I will give you my opinion on them.
I don't think mobile phones IPADS Walkmans etc. should be allowed at the poker tables. I consider it a social game and therefore using them is both poor manners and opens the gateway for potential dubious practices.
You should not have help advice etc, from the rail or from that matter anywhere at all it just you against your opponent. I use HUD's on other sites as they allow it and is part of the game there, so not to use it would be a disadvantage, but I prefer not to have them allowed like here on SKY.
As to getting bored live as its so slow, you could try talking to your opponents or actually observing what happens even if you are not in the hand, like does a player always re-raise rather that call a raise, do they always float IP etc.
Poker is NOT a team game, it's an individual pursuit. Getting half the rail to help is not the idea at all.
We don't have to live our lives by what we can get away with, the spirit of the game is really the satisfying thing to most of us.