Great idea!
Sittings quietly at a 6 handed low stakes game and in drops Evilpingu.
4 players quickly leave the game and i get a chance to play a little bit of heads up, made all the sweeter with a double up, i had to jib early for food.....or i ran off with my little profit and a good story (you decide)
seen a few priority club players knocking around these last few days and its been good to watch, take part and learn a few things.....cheers guys.
ill stick to my 20ps though
have a good evening all.
Bet it was fun to stack a player who gets a fair bit of TV time but it doesn't quite make you a High stakes shark hunter.......yet. Best of luck when the next high roller drops by.
I play here every night, 90% of my play is £3.30 PLO8 DYM's, with the occasional £5.50 or £11 if they run.
I play, by the way, as "tikay1", which is my personal account & money.
If you ever fancy some real fun, join us any evening, you'll be made very welcome.
There are some useful Tips & Hints as to PLO8 DYM's HERE
And if you are really bored, the never-ending story of my little Bankroll challenge is HERE
All newcomers are made VERY welcome, we don't 'arf have some fun, too.