Is it possible to take down the current leaderboard ASAP and only have leaderboards there with player aliases and never ever usernames for log in please?
A lot of us have concerns about security and, either rightly or wrongly, concerned about the PIN system for log in. It has been argued before that as the username is different from the alias that this represents an added element of security. As such, these really should never be published in a public place.
Also if there is not already a way to change usernames (not aliases obviously) I would really rather that was implemented.
Is it possible to take down the current leaderboard ASAP and only have leaderboards there with player aliases and never ever usernames for log in please? A lot of us have concerns about security and, either rightly or wrongly, concerned about the PIN system for log in. It has been argued before that as the username is different from the alias that this represents an added element of security. As such, these really should never be published in a public place. Also if there is not already a way to change usernames (not aliases obviously) I would really rather that was implemented. Posted by TommyD
Sorry, a bit late to the party with this one. As Dan has said, our priority team are in charge of this section. I can only apologise for this, and assure you that usernames alone will not mean that your accounts can be compromised. We have pin numbers in place exactly for that reason which certainly cannot be accessed by anyone. Unfortunately we have instances where people post usernames themselves in various situations (for competitions, posts on the forum etc..) which is another reason why we have PIN numbers in place.
If that doesn't put your mind at rest, then please feel free to contact our customer care department who will assist you.
are you sure the front runners are listed correctly, sam?
half don't exist, or do they?
half aren't priority..or are they?
edit: names removed just in case usernames
A lot of us have concerns about security and, either rightly or wrongly, concerned about the PIN system for log in. It has been argued before that as the username is different from the alias that this represents an added element of security. As such, these really should never be published in a public place.
Also if there is not already a way to change usernames (not aliases obviously) I would really rather that was implemented.
The leaderboard currently has a 'Username' header but this is in error and the table is not showing usernames and is showing aliases.
it has since been changed, but a few people have been compromised
Sorry, a bit late to the party with this one. As Dan has said, our priority team are in charge of this section.
I can only apologise for this, and assure you that usernames alone will not mean that your accounts can be compromised. We have pin numbers in place exactly for that reason which certainly cannot be accessed by anyone. Unfortunately we have instances where people post usernames themselves in various situations (for competitions, posts on the forum etc..) which is another reason why we have PIN numbers in place.
If that doesn't put your mind at rest, then please feel free to contact our customer care department who will assist you.
its like, a password could be anything but a pin number will only be one of 9999 things