I know its not that hard to click "My profile" at the top to check if you have a new private message, but wouldnt it be easier and simpler if next to the "My profile" link there was a little number in brackets that appeared every time you got a new one, as on your page where it says Inbox(1) etc.
My profile(1) at the top would make sure you knew whenever you had a new private message.
Just a thought

I'm a mere baby to the forum and struggle to get to my profile...I would really like a link to my 'profile page' on the forum section as at the moment I have to find one of my old posts and access profile from there so generally I don't even know that someone has sent me a PM until I read it in a thread...I think this makes me seem terribly rude!!!
Although, after reading this thread I now realise I can access this area via the 'my profile' button (how did I not know this???)
Also, can we have a back button as when I check PM's I can't figure out how to get back to profile page...lol It's a hard life eh?