frenzie sattelite into tonights main.... its past the rebuy period. 3 left with 2 seats, im all in, in the small blind with 18k the big blind is all in with 18k and the guy on the button calls and has us both covered. the guy on the buttonwins the hand, yet im given 3rd place?? i always believed if you bust out with exact same stacks then you split the highest prize??? am i wrong? and how do they choose who gets the seat?
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It's been tested in other stuff like DYMs, all people go aipf first hand and the 3 winners (apart from the 1 with the best hand) are just randomly picked.
Very unlucky
So it's random? Live 'n' learn :-)
I always thought it the big stack knocks out two small stacks, the bigger of the smaller stacks would get the place