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In The Well with............Melty!



  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,661
    edited August 2014

    Glad you have brought up your exit hand from the UKPC. I hope my questions don't come across as rubs now as I think you know I do respect your game and after my horse fell by the wayside....I thought you may go on and TID. Anyway,

    Can you tell me your thought process on this before the call?
     I am genuinely interested what you put him on if not a 9 in his hand.

     Did the fact that the other players had left the table for a break have any bearing on your did you think added pressure was there to make the call?

    After sharing a table with you until you sent me to the Bar (AK v AJ), could you give me any tips from my play?. I can and will accept criticism with grace ;)

    Lastly, I will still give you a reminder over the w'end for Monday.You have not got away with it! TommyD didnt set the bar that high though :)
  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: In The Well with............Melty!:
    Hey! Well done on the UKPC was delighted for you! What was the big thing that pushed you forward as an MTT player, to get you to your current level?
    Posted by LARSON7
    when ever you see a "well", they always get asked this question...

    I think the majority of the answers say the same thing - hard work.

    for me that means watching videos, running numbers/reviewing hands, reading books etc.

    If I had to pick one skill though that I think is most important, I would say the ability to hand read. Being able to define your opponents range well allows you to make good decisions. for example,  say you know that your opponents range is capped at 2nd pair, so it allowed you to make a thin value bet on the river with your 2nd pair good kicker in a spot where most people might check back.

  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: In The Well with............Melty!:
    Glad you have brought up your exit hand from the UKPC. I hope my questions don't come across as rubs now as I think you know I do respect your game and after my horse fell by the wayside....I thought you may go on and TID. Anyway, Can you tell me your thought process on this before the call?  I am genuinely interested what you put him on if not a 9 in his hand.   Did the fact that the other players had left the table for a break have any bearing on your did you think added pressure was there to make the call? After sharing a table with you until you sent me to the Bar (AK v AJ), could you give me any tips from my play? . I can and will accept criticism with grace ;) Lastly, I will still give you a reminder over the w'end for Monday.You have not got away with it! TommyD didnt set the bar that high though :)
    Posted by MAXALLY

    Thanks Maxally

    ok so my thought process in that hand, flawed as it was...

    i raised preflop  with 88, and got a call from the SB and BB. the flop came 499. 

    the BB donk bet 300k into 650k ish. I know the BB is a capable player and still has a pretty wide range. I decided to raise, because it looks a bit FOS. I intended on calling a shove from the BB hoping to induce a bluff or a shove with worse, or just take the pot down without seeing any more cards.

    the raise from the SB was a suprise. the BB quickly folded and the action was back on me. At this point going through my head was a hand earlier in the FT, pretty much the exact same spot and the raise had gotten through. there was some debate at the table and off the table about whether is was a bluff or not. Dispite the SB being a tight player, who didnt make big bluff often I thought this could be a spot where he might.

    As well as this, I thought the hands with a 9 in that he would call from the SB are 89s, 9Ts, 9Js. thats it. dont forget I have 88, so there are very few combos of hands he can have with a 9 IMO. If you look at the action at this point too, my raise looks either FOS, or strong. I thought if he did have a 9, is wasnt with a great kicker and would be better off calling to keep my range wider rather than narrow it to PPs, 44 and a 9 - where you potentially have kicker problems. I had also seen him playing monsters slow before on the FT. My read was that he wouldnt raise a 9. so I called the raise then the shove on the blank turn.

    Obviously my read was wrong, I basically levelled myself into calling. It is quite difficult to think clearly with everything that is going on - lights, cameras, the fact you know its going to be on TV, the money, the long hours playing etc.

    I was pretty angry with myself afterwards, I should have just folded and waited for a better spot, despite not having many up to that point.


    yeah UL with the bust hand, i was running pretty good that day. tbh, it was a while ago now so its hard to remember if I thought you were making any mistakes. I'm sure there were tonnes tho :P 

    yeah, i can play on Monday

  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited August 2014
    Hi Andy,

    Big conrats on the recent success.  I always like to see the good guys do well.

    We met briefly at the UKPC.  I was busto at the bar while you were crushing.  Your probably aware that I play alot of online poker and wanted to ask how having a family influences many hours you can play.  I'm guessing you never start an mtt if you know your going to be on baby sitting duties later in the day.

    I also wondered if the big win would change your schedule in anyway.  Bigger buy ins etc etc?

    Look forward to hearing your thoughts and congrats one again,

  • ShaunyTShaunyT Member Posts: 619
    edited August 2014
    Great answers mate. Thanks very much.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited August 2014
    Who can bench more? You or your brother?
  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: In The Well with............Melty!:
    Hi Andy, Big conrats on the recent success.  I always like to see the good guys do well. We met briefly at the UKPC.  I was busto at the bar while you were crushing.  Your probably aware that I play alot of online poker and wanted to ask how having a family influences many hours you can play.  I'm guessing you never start an mtt if you know your going to be on baby sitting duties later in the day. I also wondered if the big win would change your schedule in anyway.  Bigger buy ins etc etc? Look forward to hearing your thoughts and congrats one again, DTM
    Posted by Donttelmum

    yeah i remember. 

    tbh, I have a pretty good routine now. I start playing sometime between 3pm and 6:30pm most days and reg my last tournament at 9:30pm for regular speed and 11pm for turbos. that normally means I'm done around 1-2pm, sometimes later. take an hour or so to wind down then get some sleep and wake up around 10:30.

    I have a 6 month old baby, so my wife puts him to bed and gets up with him most days - I get it pretty good in that respect - i do like my sleep - although it is nice seeing his face light up when you come to get him in the morning, so it is kind of a shame I dont get to do it more often. I spend most of my time in between sessions with my family, but I try to fit in an hour or so for HH reviews or watching videos etc when i can.

    it works for us at the moment. I can take a day off if I need to, and normally before 7pm, when Noah is still awake I dont have too many tables going so I can look after him for a few minutes if i need to whilst playing. pretty happy with the balance at the moment

    The win hasn't really changed my schedule, but it has allowed me to go on my own for all sites - previously I was backed on some. 
  • gazzaluf05gazzaluf05 Member Posts: 50
    edited August 2014
    Well done on UKPC! 
    Didn't realise it was you at the time but you bust me on day 2. Glad you made good use of my donation! 

  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited August 2014
    hey mate was a pleasure meeting you in notts and like dtm said it`s good when you see the good guys do well vwp.

    gl in the future
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited August 2014
    What is the biggest animal you could kill with your bare hands?
    Who would win a fight between Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee?
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited August 2014
    Lovely to meet you at the UKPC mate and very well done on the result.

    1)  Are you planning a trip to the WSOP next year or in the near future and if so, what sort of schedule would you go for?  Stick to the WSOP sides or hit some of the other MTTs or cash tables in town?

    2)  What was the biggest leak you had to overcome so far in your poker career?

    3)  What would be more fun, shooting Matt out of a cannon into a net or shooting Matt out of a catapult onto a bouncy castle?  His birthday is coming up and I'm looking for ideas what to get him. 
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited August 2014
    Was rooting for ya in the UKPC Melty!

    Do you do a 'full schedule' on a Sunday? If so, what does it look like?

  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: In The Well with............Melty!:
    What is the biggest animal you could kill with your bare hands? Who would win a fight between Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee?
    Posted by MattBates

    erm, probably a small rodent of some kind

    well bruce lee is dead, so i'm going for chuck norris.
  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: In The Well with............Melty!:
    Lovely to meet you at the UKPC mate and very well done on the result. 1)  Are you planning a trip to the WSOP next year or in the near future and if so, what sort of schedule would you go for?  Stick to the WSOP sides or hit some of the other MTTs or cash tables in town? 2)  What was the biggest leak you had to overcome so far in your poker career? 3)  What would be more fun, shooting Matt out of a cannon into a net or shooting Matt out of a catapult onto a bouncy castle?  His birthday is coming up and I'm looking for ideas what to get him. 
    Posted by TommyD
    Thanks Tommy

    1. yes, i hope to go to vegas next year. My schedule will depend alot on how I do this year but I imagine I will play a load of sats, buy into a couple of the smaller events as well as playing some non wsop comps

    2. erm, i would say tilt was a major problem - not so much any more. I'm still trying to find the fine line between agro and spew and get it wrong quite often still. 

    3. i'd say the cannon has more potential for damage, so I'll go with that
  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: In The Well with............Melty!:
    Was rooting for ya in the UKPC Melty! Do you do a 'full schedule' on a Sunday? If so, what does it look like? Cheers.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    on a sunday I normally start between 12 and 5 - just depends on how i feel/ what i got on.

    I pretty much play my normal schedule but with a few of the sunday majors thrown in. 

    not sure if that really answers your question?
  • yoyoyoyo Member Posts: 642
    edited August 2014
    congrats on the nice run sir, long may it continue.

    do you see yourself playing poker as a main source of income for the forseeable future?

    & if you were starting out now do you think you would view it as a viable career choice?

  • robertodrobertod Member Posts: 152
    edited August 2014
    Where do babies come from?
  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited August 2014
    Hey chicken (!),

    Do you make any adjustments to your game in rebuy or turbo tournaments?
    Whats the biggest loss you ever managed to pull back in one session?
    Have you ever felt yourself being consistently outplayed by any players in a tournament? How do you adapt?


  • Sky_PokerSky_Poker Member Posts: 2,715
    edited August 2014


    How would you score yourself out of ten for Cash, MTTs and STTs?

    On the one you score lowest on, is that something you want to improve?
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited August 2014
    Congrats on the cash good to see a forum reg do so well at the UKPC!

    Some random questions if you haven't tired of answering...

    What's the biggest downswing you've suffered so far and how did you turn it around?

    How big a part (if at all) does poker tracking / HUD play in your games (assuming you are multi-siting)? Is it essential on sites that allow it if you are to avoid losing an edge?

    Did you receive any formal coaching yourself and if so, at what stage of your poker career? And how much do you think would be required by a novice that knows the basics but isn't very good, to get to a level where they could at least hold their own at any buy-in levels at Sky?

    If you were hungry and the casino had sold out of bbq chicken melts, what alternative sarnie would you order?
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