Easiest thing to do is criticise so hope this is taken as a suggestion...
I think the Sky Poker Premiership in the future would be better if the 10k was distributed between all the teams? For example teams that finished between 11-20, their players who earned over 50pts in that week could compete in their team freeroll for £100 each. Then teams 10 to 1st could compete in higher value 'team freerolls'?
Think the present way is bit unfair on players who get the required 50pts each week but finish nowhere near the top 5?
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Either way, that'd be unlucky but it's a shot at free money so hard to grumble too much.
I'd still be surprised if Sky were generating much extra in rake as a result of how the promo is set up (not really much incentive to hit your 50pts if you get put in a no-hoper team / not much incentive to grind that much more for the regs either way) but meh, that's Sky's issue! I guess we just won't see this style promo again if it hasn't worked...
This might be too complicated though?