Hitman , as you cant answer my question I will hopefully get a reply from someone who does know the answer.The Sky Poker Community guidelines appear not to apply to this thread.
P.S How many posts do you need before a point is respected and not belittled?
Hitman , as you cant answer my question I will hopefully get a reply from someone who does know the answer.The Sky Poker Community guidelines appear not to apply to this thread. P.S How many posts do you need before a point is respected and not belittled? Posted by CORNEXC
what,like you have showed respect to vespa,who is a poker player who got hurt and we were told on the poker chat,get a grip man
Hitman , as you cant answer my question I will hopefully get a reply from someone who does know the answer.The Sky Poker Community guidelines appear not to apply to this thread. P.S How many posts do you need before a point is respected and not belittled? Posted by CORNEXC
Hitman , as you cant answer my question I will hopefully get a reply from someone who does know the answer.The Sky Poker Community guidelines appear not to apply to this thread. P.S How many posts do you need before a point is respected and not belittled? Posted by CORNEXC
Why have you posted on here,we never belittle anyone,vespa is not well,all we do is try and cheer someone up who is having a bad time,hope this helps
In Response to Re: GET WELL SOON Squaddie Mick!!!, VespaPX : Why have you posted on here,we never belittle anyone,vespa is not well,all we do is try and cheer someone up who is having a bad time,hope this helps Posted by paige55
Please can someone explain what this thread has to do with poker? It is after all the POKER CHAT topic. Posted by CORNEXC
Hi Corn,
Strictly speaking, you are quite correct. It does not belong here.
The Mods have an awkward job on Forums, whatever they do gets attacked, but in this case, I think they've just been sensible. A regular Forum user, always gracious & polite to others, had a nasty accident, its human nature to try & wish him well right now. It's nice to be nice, & hitman, who started it, is very much a glass half-full guy, who tries to be right by people.
I'm genuinely sorry you've had a bit of a warm reception, but it was, to be fair, a very odd maiden Post, don't you agree? It does seem a bit pernickity, on the face of it, it's not THAT big a deal, surely? There are far worse examples on here.
Anyway, I hope you hang around, & enjoy the Community. Like all poker forums, you'll see some very odd things, but sift through the chaff & you'll fine that it is largely populated by decent, well-meaning, people.
Good luck at the Tables.
What is behind the alias, incidentally - you into Corn Exchanges? Here's my favouirite one, anyone know where it is? Almost Cathedral like in its magnificence. Nice tree in front of it to, which softens it beautifully. Love trees.
I know that you have to be diplomatic but this persons post doesn't deserve a response from you. I certainly wouldn't be encouraging him to hang around. Just let him sod off and be unpleasant elsewhere
Tikay I know that you have to be diplomatic but this persons post doesn't deserve a response from you. I certainly wouldn't be encouraging him to hang around. Just let him sod off and be unpleasant elsewhere Posted by Jac35
Still got the toothace then, I gather......;)
Technically, the chap is correct, perhaps his Post was just a bit "clumsy", I don't really know.
Just trying to give some balance.
I seem to spend a lot of time trying to broker peace, here & elsewhere. Think it's an age thing. So many awful things in life, & here we are arguing about what seems to many of us to be a triviality. I spent a lot of time at the weekend on that "micro-rake" thread, but really, I don't quite get it - everyone has a choice.
You been following the story of the little boy with a brain tumour, with his Mum & Dad locked in a cell & taken to court in handcuffs whilst their 5 year old son is dying of a brain tumour? Now that is the sort of thing to get het up about, imo.
Life's too short, as they say. Especially in that case.
Internet forums are such strange places, they really fascinate me.
In the real world, if we are, say, in the pub, & a newbie walks in, he tends to introduce himself, & the regulars make a little effort to welcome him. Thats regular, Level One, social skills & interaction. Barely a person earth fails to understand that.
But the rules of social interaction seem to be SO much different on Forums, the niceties seem to be redundant.
The internet exists by different rules I guess.
As a general rule, we can judge people in real life quite quickly, but it takes longer on the internet.
As a newbie to this forum I read a few posts and subsequemtly checked the guidelines. This prompted me to ask my original question, for no other reason than to clarify the guidelines. I was( and am ) extremely disappointed to be vilified for posing a genuine query before considering whether to participate in the forum. No doubt this reply will elicit billious responses but so be it, I feel I need to clarify my position.
If every single post on every single thread in Poker Chat was chat about poker, it'd be a pretty depressing read IMO. The real life stories intermingled with diaries etc are what make them unique and worth reading.
If you want to chat poker start a new thread, popping up to question why people are wishing someone else well and taking up one thread line to do so is an odd way to introduce yourself, perhaps you work in the 'parking attendant' game?
If we didn't allow the odd comments not entirely poker related we'd need a separate board for train facts and cement anecdotes, and nobody wants that now do they?
As a newbie to this forum I read a few posts and subsequemtly checked the guidelines. This prompted me to ask my original question, for no other reason than to clarify the guidelines. I was( and am ) extremely disappointed to be vilified for posing a genuine query before considering whether to participate in the forum. No doubt this reply will elicit billious responses but so be it, I feel I need to clarify my position. Posted by CORNEXC
Hi Mate!!
To be clear You were not Vilified as you so eloquently put it, my first response was to try to explain situation, maybe too briefly, but I am very Busy, and sometimes give short shrift, unlike Tikay who has explained things more articulatly than me, but i was born in the Ghetto, so excuse me!!
My Reposte to you initially is below.... Hardly Vilifying!!
"""Mick Vespa is a staunch Forumite, liked by All on Forum, [well most], lol, hence the Massive support & Messages already posted on here!!
Maybe you never read them all, I'm sure you just misunderstood, but if you not Happy just complain to Sky.. ....or if you rethink, maybe delete ur Comment & i'll delete this..& No hard feelings??
Whaddaya say??"""
I think the above was rather that, I appreciate you are technically maybe correct, but that it is not worth stirring a fuss about....
Really it Boils down too...
You ARE New..... Do you want to get on with folks on this forum, and make some Decent Contributions OR.... Do you want to be Obtuse, Abrasive, and Upset the applecart as Lots of Trolls, Idiots seem to want to do in this Cyber Age!
...I would guess the former, tho Pride is a powerful Beast!
I swallow mine...accept you are technically correct, but ask you to Understand the Reasons behind this Post & some reactions to Yours!
If I was Obtuse, I Apologise, I feel we can "Cyber Shake hands" & move on.
Hope you Enjoy The Forum!!
PS. Lesson I learnt at very early age, was, When Young & Full of Myself, When I was taking on The World, if I walked into a Boozer, upsetting People, being Loud & abrasive, I would expect someone to want to put me on ma Ar.s.e!
So I learnt to, wind myself in a bit, be polite respectful & try & get on with folks!!
Makes life easier.. I try to Continue this in The Mad Cyber World!!
As a newbie to this forum I read a few posts and subsequemtly checked the guidelines. This prompted me to ask my original question, for no other reason than to clarify the guidelines. I was( and am ) extremely disappointed to be vilified for posing a genuine query before considering whether to participate in the forum. No doubt this reply will elicit billious responses but so be it, I feel I need to clarify my position. Posted by CORNEXC
Not often/hardly ever I agree with Hitman.....but this Cornex person is well out of order.
You could've 'introduced' yourself to the forum by wishing someone well after a serious accident, but chose to do otherwise and query the validity of this thread.
Hope Mick gets better soon, and ignores the tripe being spouted from a certain someone.....not me for a change
are you on a wind-up Pal??
really looking forward to your next 10, your first three have been blinders!!
Chin up m8, as long as it doesn't hurt too much
Strictly speaking, you are quite correct. It does not belong here.
The Mods have an awkward job on Forums, whatever they do gets attacked, but in this case, I think they've just been sensible. A regular Forum user, always gracious & polite to others, had a nasty accident, its human nature to try & wish him well right now. It's nice to be nice, & hitman, who started it, is very much a glass half-full guy, who tries to be right by people.
I'm genuinely sorry you've had a bit of a warm reception, but it was, to be fair, a very odd maiden Post, don't you agree? It does seem a bit pernickity, on the face of it, it's not THAT big a deal, surely? There are far worse examples on here.
Anyway, I hope you hang around, & enjoy the Community. Like all poker forums, you'll see some very odd things, but sift through the chaff & you'll fine that it is largely populated by decent, well-meaning, people.
Good luck at the Tables.
What is behind the alias, incidentally - you into Corn Exchanges? Here's my favouirite one, anyone know where it is? Almost Cathedral like in its magnificence. Nice tree in front of it to, which softens it beautifully. Love trees.
Technically, the chap is correct, perhaps his Post was just a bit "clumsy", I don't really know.
Just trying to give some balance.
I seem to spend a lot of time trying to broker peace, here & elsewhere. Think it's an age thing. So many awful things in life, & here we are arguing about what seems to many of us to be a triviality. I spent a lot of time at the weekend on that "micro-rake" thread, but really, I don't quite get it - everyone has a choice.
You been following the story of the little boy with a brain tumour, with his Mum & Dad locked in a cell & taken to court in handcuffs whilst their 5 year old son is dying of a brain tumour? Now that is the sort of thing to get het up about, imo.
Life's too short, as they say. Especially in that case.
Internet forums are such strange places, they really fascinate me.
In the real world, if we are, say, in the pub, & a newbie walks in, he tends to introduce himself, & the regulars make a little effort to welcome him. Thats regular, Level One, social skills & interaction. Barely a person earth fails to understand that.
But the rules of social interaction seem to be SO much different on Forums, the niceties seem to be redundant.
The internet exists by different rules I guess.
As a general rule, we can judge people in real life quite quickly, but it takes longer on the internet.
To be clear You were not Vilified as you so eloquently put it, my first response was to try to explain situation, maybe too briefly, but I am very Busy, and sometimes give short shrift, unlike Tikay who has explained things more articulatly than me, but i was born in the Ghetto, so excuse me!!
My Reposte to you initially is below.... Hardly Vilifying!!
"""Mick Vespa is a staunch Forumite, liked by All on Forum, [well most], lol, hence the Massive support & Messages already posted on here!!
Maybe you never read them all, I'm sure you just misunderstood, but if you not Happy just complain to Sky..
....or if you rethink, maybe delete ur Comment & i'll delete this..& No hard feelings??
Whaddaya say??"""
I think the above was rather that, I appreciate you are technically maybe correct, but that it is not worth stirring a fuss about....
Really it Boils down too...
You ARE New.....
Do you want to get on with folks on this forum, and make some Decent Contributions
Do you want to be Obtuse, Abrasive, and Upset the applecart as Lots of Trolls, Idiots seem to want to do in this Cyber Age!
...I would guess the former, tho Pride is a powerful Beast!
I swallow mine...accept you are technically correct, but ask you to Understand the Reasons behind this Post & some reactions to Yours!
If I was Obtuse, I Apologise, I feel we can "Cyber Shake hands" & move on.
Hope you Enjoy The Forum!!
PS. Lesson I learnt at very early age, was,
When Young & Full of Myself, When I was taking on The World, if I walked into a Boozer, upsetting People, being Loud & abrasive, I would expect someone to want to put me on ma Ar.s.e!
So I learnt to, wind myself in a bit, be polite respectful & try & get on with folks!!
Makes life easier.. I try to Continue this in The Mad Cyber World!!
....think about it, .....I Have.....
PPS Thanks for your Sensible Input TK!!
Thanks Dai!!
..anyway back to The OP!!
We ALL Hope Mick Fares well thru this Difficult time....
Sounds like he's been 'Clumsy' [Tikays word], .....as well as others!
He is a Great Poker Mate & Forumite, and I ask an End to any pettyness on this Intended Good Natured Thread!
Not often/hardly ever I agree with Hitman.....but this Cornex person is well out of order.

You could've 'introduced' yourself to the forum by wishing someone well after a serious accident, but chose to do otherwise and query the validity of this thread.
Hope Mick gets better soon, and ignores the tripe being spouted from a certain someone.....not me for a change