well been getting pestered too do the ice bucket challenge for the last week odd and most of my family and freinds have done it so who too nominate?
And then i thought why not nominate a couple from here!
https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=648331711932178So Tikay1, Rich orford and Macacgirl you have all been nominated :
@)hope too see the videos soon :P
all the best churchy
How do you define soon?
Barely flinched! haha. brilliant.
wd churchy.
cheers doh.
could,nt beat that one jd cheers
I've been a bit waylaid yesterday & this morning, so apologies for not replying before, I'll reply properly tomorrow.
Quite an interesting topic, actually, which I wrote about at some length elsewhere recently, & I'll do so here, too.
I was being asked about it a lot whilst I was playing last night, but it's a bit beyond my abilities to 6 Table PLO8 & debate these things, so apologies also to those who were asking me to comment in the chat boxes on Thursday & Friday evenings, I simply can't manage whilst 6 Tabling, sorry.
Tomorrow, I'll reply.
Sorry Churchy, forgot all about this.
Can I assume it is for Charity?
If so, yes, count me in.
I actually wrote a piece elsewhere about these Ice Bucket Challenges last week, I'll try & find it.
".....Maybe I read the wrong newspapers or websites, but it is astonishing to me how "viral" these ice-bucket challenges have become in such a short period.
I'm not even sure I get why, but something has definitely piqued folks interest.
I can understand why Kate Perry in a bikini might appeal to some, or the elegantly couiffered Claire Balding, but some old bloke, not so much.
Yesterday alone, I was "challenged" 5 times. Guess I'll be OK, but I have a rider that insists on water that is tepid, if not luke. Ice cold, I think not. Not sure the ticker would cope, tbh.
All very odd. We live in strange times....."
WARNING - Contains Language that may offend
"...One thing leads to another.......
I was reading up on these Ice Bucket Challenges, & many of them are called "ALS Ice Bucket Challenges".
What that?
Some googling took me to the Wiki page, & "ALS" is what most of us know as motor neurone disease, a truly dreadful thing. Felt quite ashamed I never knew that.
Reading on, I find that in the USA, it is commonly known as "Lou Gehrig's disease".
Who he?
More googling......
A stunning story.
Perhaps the best baseball player of his generation, & as it happened, a team-mate in the New York Yankees of the greatest ever, Babe Ruth.
Lou had great stats, & won the World Series 6 times.
His greatest stat, though, was that he played 2,130 consecutive games for the Yankees over a 16 year period. 2,130!
It gets better - or worse - though.
He developed ALS in 1939, & initially continued playing. But his performances were terrible. He could still hit the ball out of the middle of the bat, (he had been one of the games biggest & most powerful sluggers) but it went nowhere, & he kept getting caught in the outfield. He could not run properly, either.
After a few games, he did the unthinkable - he dropped himself. People were aghast. Drop himself after 2,130 straight appearances? What gives?
Soon his illness became more apparent.
He died 2 years later.
Amazing the things we can learn, & so quickly, from the internet. It shows us our ignorance, too....."
i like most know it as motor neurone disease mainly down to reading about jimmy johnstone a famous celtic player who suffered from it.before that i had never even heard about it but he did a lot of charity work and tried too raise awareness of the disease.and was in the papers quite a bit up here.
i just texted a donation too http
im sure there is similar charities down your way too whom you could make a donation as i think most charities have jumped on the bandwagon due too the popularity of it.
great that you are doing it see you on tables soon all the best churchy.
at least if tikay doesn't do it you can pester him now
all the best churchy