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Scotland: With or Without?

SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,703
edited September 2014 in Poker Chat
All right, I'll get this out of the way right up front: this is not a thread to bash the English or the Scots (or anybody else for that matter) so if that's what you're bringing to the table, you can walk out that big ol' door marked EXIT. I'm an Aussie, and I don't come down on one side or the other just because I make my bed in Scotland. I still haven't made my mind up about the vote next Thursday.

I have lived here for most of my life, but unlike a lot of single-minded, nationalistic voters, I don't necessarily feel any great desire to see this country take off the training wheels... which is not to say that I think Scotland needs to be a part of the UK either.

I'm fairly sure that yes, we (Scotland) would wobble about for a bit, maybe fall off our bike and graze our knees once or twice, but then after a while we'd get our act together and ride off confidently towards the sunset and never look back. Yeah, I think if it's a majority vote in favour of independence, give it a decade and the United Kingdom will just be a distant memory through rose-tinted shades for the folks north of the border.

But is that how it should be? Do you even care?

I must admit - I've been telling everyone who'll listen that I'm going to vote yes just because... it will be fun to see what happens. Who wouldn't want a Thistle for their currency, because that's not cliche at all? And having to show my passport every time I take a trip to Newcastle will break up the journey nicely.

I guess it will be goodbye to Sky Poker as well. You know, being foreigners and all that jazz.

So, every cloud... ;)


  • TeddyBloatTeddyBloat Member Posts: 1,419
    edited September 2014
    i've not been following the debate as frankly i could not care less. the 'union' means nought to me and i dont invest any part of myself in feelings of nationhood other than having a label makes sporting events a bit more interesting by way of having peeps to root for. the flag waving can do one, and 'britishness' / englishness are meaningless concepts to me.

    having said that, what are the pragmatics re leaving? what happens to BBC scotland, your passport offfices / government departments. do 'we' just pull out completely and have the scottish government set up comparable agencies?

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2014
    Out of interest, how does it affect them in terms of an NHS? They gotta set up their own system?

    I'm a political noob.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited September 2014

    Both sides of the campaign could have done a lot better in my opinion, especially the "no" campaign.

    The no campaign has been pretty negative and incoherent.

    The yes campaign has generally been positive and upbeat, but could have answered questions a bit better such as what currency would be used in an independent Scotland.

    It's a lot more complex than most people would have first imagined.

    Socially, I feel Scotland would be better off being independent. As a small country politicians would be a lot more accountable being on the "doorstep", and a lot more could be done to tackle issues like poverty.

    It would also mean a permanent end to the tories in Scotland. In the last 50 years the conservatives have been in power 60%/70% of the time ruling Scotland despite the fact there is no appetite for the conservatives up here, currently they have 1mp from Scotland at Westminster.  Under independence Scotland would have a fairer society, there wouldn't be the likes of the hated bedroom tax.

    Economically it is really hard to say. Both sides have put up arguments saying it would be better/ or worse off. Truth is, we probably won't know until it happens. If there was a yes vote, it would take a while to see exactly what the impact would be on the economy in regards to things like financial services. Eg Companies with head offices in Scotland saying they would relocate to England. This of course could be a bluff, hard to say really.

    But to do with things like the oil industry/ fishing industry/ renewable energies a lot more could be done under an indy Scotland. At the moment Scotland pay mores to the treasury than what we actually receive from westminister, although we do receive more than the rest of the population, England, Wales and NI.

    Politically will be really interesting (if a yes vote) the tories will pretty much be dead and buried, you will have Labour Lib Dems (also in decline) SNP will continue to be a massive political force, but there will also be room for smaller parties such as the Greens. 

    It's going to get really interesting over the next week as we get closer to the vote.

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited September 2014
    Thought not been enough comedy / parodies!
  • CATCH-22CATCH-22 Member Posts: 270
    edited September 2014
    what Larson said so has to be yes
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited September 2014

    I don't think the British and Irish Lions could compete with the might of the Southern Hemisphere without the Scottish contingent. 

    Please don't go!

    Is this poker related? 

  • belsibubbelsibub Member Posts: 2,527
    edited September 2014
    Not enough info about what will happen after vote either way,so got to vote with your heart.

  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited September 2014
     Imo the price of chips would go up ---- not sure them nationalists have really thought it through?
  • thejudge10thejudge10 Member Posts: 465
    edited September 2014

      After 400 years of persecution, i think the scottish people have earned independence.
      As for the currency,lets remember the Bank of England,was founded by a scotsman.

     The N.H.S was an ideal,free health care for all,a scotsman

     Who were the guinea pigs,for the poll tax,smoking ban, yet again scotland.

     I am just an odinary working man,with not a great  understanding of politics.

    Through out my life scotland,has been ruled by england,and dont really see how scotland has benefited.

    The time is right,the time is now.

  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Scotland: With or Without?:
      After 400 years of persecution, i think the scottish people have earned independence.     As for the currency,lets remember the Bank of England,was founded by a scotsman.
    Posted by thejudge10

    Well, proposed, not really founded. And that Scotsman was a prime proponent of the Union in the first place.

  • TalonTalon Member Posts: 1,621
    edited September 2014

      It is always interesting to read or hear any discussion about scottish politics because of the fundamental oxymoronic nature of the arguements.

     The standard comments seem to be about the hatred of the english and for what they have done. This means constant referring to the history books for the wrongs that have been done and the heroes who thought against them.

     Also there is a marked dislike and distrust against the tories. This has been constantly shown in the voting in elections

     Now compare both of those things with the basic fact that the jacobite rebellion was tory led. Makes you wonder about what people are arguing for and against sometimes
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited September 2014
    you do have to laugh at the Tories trying to argue opposite sides of the same coin at the same time

    EU - better alone
    UK - better together

    Hypocritical or what?
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Scotland: With or Without?:
    you do have to laugh at the Tories trying to argue opposite sides of the same coin at the same time EU - better alone UK - better together Hypocritical or what?
    Posted by GELDY
    Exactly the same could be said of the SNP.

    They're calling for an Independant Scotland, yet they want to stay in the EU and Sterling. Does not compute.
  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited September 2014
    If Scotland goes independent under the leadership of salmond and the snp our country will flounder and fall i fear.

    All this talk of billions of barrels of oil still there in the north sea sounds good until you see the person who made/commisioned this report is part of the yes group not very reassuring now is it? I know there is oil there but how much no one knows for certain or when it will run out what then?

    Then we come too our currency.Its our pound! well yes its our pound while we are in the uk. Will the rest of the uk want too share a currency with us?When we turn our back on them! If it was the opposite way about would you allow it?

    What about our national security? will we need too build our own security services as once we leave the union we will have none. Can Scotland as a start up country really afford too implement a new army,start up a new spy agency,and so on.also with no nuclear deterrent Scotland would be seen as an easy target without the might and protection of the uk and trident!

    then we still have too set up border/customs control new passports new driving licences pretty much new everything can we really afford too or is that coming out the magic oil funds?

    Then there is the jobs we will lose! I am pretty sure if we go independant that as soon as possible everything uk related i,e M.O.D,ship building contracts,defense contracts,research and so much more will be relocated too the rest of the uk as why would you want too help support a country who has turned they,re back on you?

    and then there is membership of the eu the snp thinking we can just cut corners and become part instantly is a bit worrying too as there has been a few members that have said that we would have too reapply and follow all the procedures of a new country too gain membership which could take several years.

    you could go on and on but..

    For me there is just too much uncertainty and not enough clear and TRUSTWORTHY information too make a proper and informed choice.

    If we do vote for independence my worries are where will all the start up money come from?

    Will we start up with huge debts?
    If not where will the money come from?
    If so Who will we have these debts too?

    Instead of breaking up the united kingdom lets make it Great Brittian again.

                      UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL!

  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Scotland: With or Without?:
    In Response to Re: Scotland: With or Without? : Exactly the same could be said of the SNP. They're calling for an Independant Scotland, yet they want to stay in the EU and Sterling. Does not compute.
    Posted by GaryQQQ

    But that is consistent with the principles of subsidiarity & proportionality - they get more ability to make local decisions but still get the benefits of being part of the wider groups. Whereas it is argued that in their current situation they are overly governed by Westminster. The EU may not always get things right, but at least their constitution starts in the right place.

    EU decision-making procedures are based on subsidiarity & proportionality, whereas Westminster's aren't

    The principle of subsidiarity regulates the exercise of powers. It is intended to determine whether the Union can intervene or should let the Member States take action. In accordance with this principle, the Union may intervene in areas which do not fall within its exclusive competence only insofar as the objectives of the intended action cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States but can rather, by reason of the scale or effects of the proposed action, be better achieved at Union level.

    The principle of proportionality is the second major principle governing the exercise of powers. By virtue of this principle, action taken by the Union, in terms of its form and content, does not exceed what is required to achieve the objectives set out in the Constitution.

  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Scotland: With or Without?:
    Instead of breaking up the united kingdom lets make it Great Brittian again.                   UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL!
    Posted by churchy18
    I think it's a bit too late for that!
    & Scotland would probably be as interesting for the Chinese as England - although you maybe need another good football team or two.

    "We’ve discovered that Britain is easily replaceable in China’s European foreign policy," said the editorial in the newspaper’s Chinese edition. "Moreover, Britain is no longer any kind of ‘big country,’ but merely a country of old Europe suitable for tourism and overseas study, with a few decent football teams."

    PS I am not a Scot & I don't have a view on what is the right answer for Scotland. However I do feel the level of argument has been poor, particularly from the "better Together" camp who seemed to spend most of their time threatening Scotland instead of working with it.
  • a00rocka00rock Member Posts: 832
    edited September 2014
    If I were Scottish I would vote YES but would Sky Poker have to ban the Scots based players from participating until the new government have made their position clear on whether or not online poker was allowed? Just a thought.
  • andipandyandipandy Member Posts: 101
    edited September 2014
    The very reasons the Westminster governments are so desperate to keep Scotland in the union are enough for me to think that Scotland can just do just fine on there own ....
  • belsibubbelsibub Member Posts: 2,527
    edited September 2014
    Re the pound & such aren't Guernsey Isle of Man Gibraltar technically independent?
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,703
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Scotland: With or Without?:
    If I were Scottish I would vote YES but would Sky Poker have to ban the Scots based players from participating until the new government have made their position clear on whether or not online poker was allowed? Just a thought.
    Posted by a00rock
    I doubt an independent Scotland would ban online poker. DivsDreams would be banging on parliament's front door if they did!
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