Mainly for sattelite tournies this one really. And it's not just the short stacks.
When it's nearing the cut off for qualifying through a sattelite nearly all the players on the table run the clock down, which is really annoying but I do it myself if you can't beat them join them. But it really makes the game drag on pointlessly as all tables are doing it thinking that they are gaining an advantage.
When it gets to this stage all the tables should be played hand by hand. So until each hand has finshed on every table the next hand will not start. Which would make time wasting pointless.
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Could you not consider the managment of time on the bubble as one of the skills of satalites ???
I think i would
The managment of your stack against position of other players in the tournament is most definatly one of the skill sets of sat play. Like it or not it is here to stay because many who use sats a lot (like myself) will always allow others the oportunity to knock themselves out while i take my time with my decisions