I want to address an issue that is perhaps not very important at all, but it does have regular legs on the forum, so I figured it would be good to put it to bed.. or at least tuck it in for the night. There is, of course, no direct correlation between this post and anything else

Not your image at a poker table, but how you represent yourself as a person, and
more specifically, as a member of this community in live play.
I have met a number of players from these pages, and shared a drink/laugh/bad beat with perhaps twenty of them over the last couple of years. I got on with every one of them, without exception. I can honestly say I have not met anyone who rubbed me up the wrong way, and certainly none that I have a problem with. I'd like to think the reverse is also true

Now, of course, that is not to say that they are all nice people - they could all go home and beat their mothers with a baseball bat - but the image I was left with, upon leaving an SPT or a meet at DTD, or (in one instance) a hastily-organised poker night in Glasgow, was that they're all just regular guys and girls looking to have a good time with a couple of cards, and without causing any upset.
I think, in the majority of cases (exactly as happens in Real Life), what you see is what you get. If a community member comes across as helpful and friendly here, that's generally what you will find when you shake their hand too. There's not much mileage in presenting a positive image in the forum and then proving to be a complete jerk when you go to meet
those very people who have read your words, at a live game. Having said that, it's a lot more likely that someone who comes across poorly in the forum will present a much more palatable image in person, because it's a lot simpler to be a donkey from behind a keyboard

First impressions do last, but it is important not to put too much value on them. If you meet a forum member for the first time, try to keep an open mind about them, and
respect the situation. When alcohol and poker are combined, sometimes you have to make an allowance or two.
When I was at the UKPC in February I remember being a bit of a sad sack for about an hour, after busting from the Main Event. I had been outdrawn... guy shouldn't have called... poker is rubbish... blah blah. I dragged myself to the bar and spoke to one of the regulars here. I knew him, so it wasn't the first time we had met. He had busted earlier, and he bought me a drink and tried to talk me out of my doldrums. But I still left him that night wanting to jack the game in.
My point is: had that been our only meeting, I'm sure he'd have looked back and thought:
gee, that Slipwater is a right grumpy so and so, and he'd have carried that impression with him into the next time we met and perhaps onto the pages here.
Catch us at the wrong time and we can
all be jerks, but give us a second chance and the vast majority of us are worth being around.
I read a few posts this morning about another community member, and I wanted to at least try and put a little perspective on the situation.
It would be good to meet you too, Hux. Well done on your recent run
To stop the glare from Slipwaters shirts (obviously)
Belittling others online is quite the thing these days. It's a really odd thing, taking enjoyment from the misfortune of others.
Do you remember the Noel Edmonds TV Show section called "Gotcha"? That was what it did, deliberately tried to make people look silly. And viewers seemed to enjoy it. Go figure.
Welcome to the world of schadenfreude.