Well not in this case unfortunatly, firstly thx to Matt and Geldy for inviting me to team TPT but i was rather seuced by the fact that the hitmen have quite a few x soldiers being one myself. So its HITSQUAD for me,ha ha idont know how to join or what goes on and when but no doubt Hitman rv will look me up so thx for the messages and invites guys no hard feelings g l at the tables.
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I have sent you friend Request, and will post a welcome on OUR HITSQUAD HOTNEWS in this Team Section.
Are You on facebook, can add You to our lively Friendly Groups, we have Main Busy one, one for Staking[few guests in there], and another for Moans, Bad beats whines[THS AREA 69], as I Ban all Negative from Our Main group, lol!!
Don't worry about all the PINK, its a Macmillan thing who we support a lot!!
Dave 'Hitman' Harvey