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My 10,000 hand challenge



    edited September 2014
    Biggest winning session to date - but still in the red

    Hands played in session - 265
    Total hands played - 981
    Result - £28.30+
    Total balance - £196.22 (-£3.78)

    If my first week has taught me anything, it's that losing money is much easier to do than winning it!
    It is going to take me more than two sessions to make up for the first one (which cost me nearly £40).
    And that's with me running well!
    I've just had my best session so far, and the first one really worth writing about.
    A £28.30 profit - but I'm still nearly £4 short of my starting bank roll.
    This session was all about the run-good though.
    Stacked a guy with quad fives against his flopped top-top pair button vs big blind, and picked up aces twice.
    A big motivation for me doing this is to try to cancel out the variance and look at my return over a reasonable sample size.
    I know that it takes around 200,00 hands to trully do this, but it's a start.
    However, so far the only sort of luck I have come across has been good luck.
    Hopefully I can get into the black before my luck changes.

    It will change. But to remind myself of the good times, I'm going to post my biggest pot of the night.
    And the easiest I won.
    basty2010 Small blind   £0.05 £0.05 £9.15
    Carnage Big blind   £0.10 £0.15 £10.15
      Your hole cards
    • 5
    • 5
    VINEY73 Fold        
    swfc001 Fold        
    ANY_2 Fold        
    Sp3cialK Raise   £0.30 £0.45 £9.92
    basty2010 Fold        
    Carnage Raise   £0.85 £1.30 £9.30
    Sp3cialK Call   £0.65 £1.95 £9.27
    • A
    • J
    • 5
    Carnage Bet   £1.95 £3.90 £7.35
    Sp3cialK Call   £1.95 £5.85 £7.32
    • 8
    Carnage Bet   £5.85 £11.70 £1.50
    Sp3cialK All-in   £7.32 £19.02 £0.00
    Carnage Call   £1.47 £20.49 £0.03
    Carnage Show
    • A
    • K
    Sp3cialK Show
    • 5
    • 5
    • 5
    Sp3cialK Win Four 5s £19.09   £19.09
    edited September 2014
    I've just noticed something I hadn't even considered yet - the bonus rakeback!
    I've played enough hands now to qualify for a small bonus return.
    We are talking £1.18 so far!
    But it's extra cash I hadn't considered.
    I think I'll have to keep that separate, but also include it.
    I don't want the rakeback to be the margin between profit and loss.
    That would be rubbish!
    Still, nice to get a wee boost.
    Shame the month is nearly up!
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2014
    68cc hand - Even though our hand looks quite nice and we have a decent amount of equity we have to assess how strong we look and how he's reacting to it... In this case we've check/raised the flop which is always seen as strong, we've barrelled turn, and despite that he has still raised us on the turn... this would lead me to think that he already has a strong made hand and he is pretty much never going to fold when we shove the turn. We only have 1 card to come so if all our outs are clean (9 clubs and 3 outs to a gutshot) we only have a 25% chance of hitting, and as we have no fold equity, we're just getting our stack in knowing we lose 75% of the time. I'd just call the turn raise, if we miss give up.

    A8o hand - I probably bet bigger on the turn, you've gone less than half pot when we have TP + NFD, otherwise, nh, wp.

    55 hand - I think it's a fold preflop unless you have good reads on opponent and some plans to make moves postflop. If we're just calling to setmine then we shouldnt really setmine to 3bets when 100xBB deep imo. Once you have though, nh.
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: My 10,000 hand challenge:
    68cc hand - Even though our hand looks quite nice and we have a decent amount of equity we have to assess how strong we look and how he's reacting to it... In this case we've check/raised the flop which is always seen as strong, we've barrelled turn, and despite that he has still raised us on the turn... this would lead me to think that he already has a strong made hand and he is pretty much never going to fold when we shove the turn. We only have 1 card to come so if all our outs are clean (9 clubs and 3 outs to a gutshot) we only have a 25% chance of hitting, and as we have no fold equity, we're just getting our stack in knowing we lose 75% of the time. I'd just call the turn raise, if we miss give up. A8o hand - I probably bet bigger on the turn, you've gone less than half pot when we have TP + NFD, otherwise, nh, wp. 55 hand - I think it's a fold preflop unless you have good reads on opponent and some plans to make moves postflop. If we're just calling to setmine then we shouldnt really setmine to 3bets when 100xBB deep imo. Once you have though, nh.
    Posted by Lambert180

    Appreciate the feedback Lambert.
    The first hand was a bit of a shocker.
    Agree that I should have got a bit more in the second hand too.
    Re the third one, I'm pretty happy taking a flop in position in this spot.
    Obviously a lot easier when I make the hand, but if I never call here, then I'm just bluffing when I bet pre.

    edited September 2014
    Tiredness strikes as I reach the 1000 hand mark

    Hands played in session - 211
    Total hands played - 1192
    Result - £2.99 loss
    Total balance - £193.23 (-£6.77)

    It's a hard game to play tired!
    I broke my first target of 1000 hands, but if I'm honest, I played a pretty tired game tonight.
    It felt like a bit of a grind and the hands didn't really flow.
    I was a bit impatient and I think it cost me some chips.
    But in truth, my draws didn't get there, my low pairs never made trips, and I didn't get any action from my big hands.
    In fact, I'm quite content with my £2.99 loss.
    It's fair to say that I'm not going to win every session, especially when I'm tired.
    But getting the volume in is the aim of my challenge, and with 211 hands played tonight, I'm still on track.
    Hopefully a good night of sleep will get me back on track, and hopefully I can end the first week by being back in the black.
    No great hand story tonight either - I guess the reality is that they're hard to come by.

    Here's one of the many small pots I lost.
    Sp3cialK Small blind   £0.05 £0.05 £9.85
    pilgrim29 Big blind   £0.10 £0.15 £7.17
      Your hole cards
    • 8
    • J
    xTheNutzx Fold        
    Soton1005 Fold        
    Sp3cialK Call   £0.05 £0.20 £9.80
    pilgrim29 Check        
    • Q
    • 10
    • A
    Sp3cialK Bet   £0.12 £0.32 £9.68
    pilgrim29 Call   £0.12 £0.44 £7.05
    • 3
    Sp3cialK Bet   £0.25 £0.69 £9.43
    pilgrim29 Call   £0.25 £0.94 £6.80
    • 2
    Sp3cialK Check        
    pilgrim29 Bet   £0.10 £1.04 £6.70
    Sp3cialK Call   £0.10 £1.14 £9.33
    pilgrim29 Show
    • A
    • 2
    Sp3cialK Muck
    • 8
    • J
    pilgrim29 Win Two Pairs, Aces and 2s £1.05   £7.75
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited September 2014
    Am I the only one hoping the name derives from the Placebo* song?

    *Jac35, Placebo are an English indie/rock band, formed in the mid 90's. 7 albums and 10 million+ sales later and they are still going strong.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,129
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: My 10,000 hand challenge:
    Am I the only one hoping the name derives from the Placebo* song? *Jac35, Placebo are an English indie/rock band, formed in the mid 90's. 7 albums and 10 million+ sales later and they are still going strong.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    Still going.....maybe. Still going strong.......give over!
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: My 10,000 hand challenge:
    In Response to Re: My 10,000 hand challenge : Still going.....maybe. Still going strong.......give over!
    Posted by waller02
    Lets not derail please, ty :)
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,129
    edited September 2014
    Apologies (I am right though)

    Best of luck with this challenge Sp3cialK!
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: My 10,000 hand challenge:
    Apologies (I am right though) Best of luck with this challenge Sp3cialK!
    Posted by waller02
    Ah Waller, clearly you're the man.
    No doubt you're always right.
    Hope you're feeling pretty satisfied with yourself.
    All needless grief much appreciated.
    Best wishes.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,129
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: My 10,000 hand challenge:
    In Response to Re: My 10,000 hand challenge : Ah Waller, clearly you're the man. No doubt you're always right. Hope you're feeling pretty satisfied with yourself. All needless grief much appreciated. Best wishes.
    Posted by Sp3cialK
    ???? I am joking mate chill!!! Apologies for the slight derail having a harmless disagreement about placebo with somebody who I regularly chat with on the forum and tables.

    Not sure there was any need for your overreaction. Needless grief?? I'm sure I wished you the best of luck with your challenge (something I won't be repeating if that's your attitude).
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: My 10,000 hand challenge:
    In Response to Re: My 10,000 hand challenge : ???? I am joking mate chill!!! Apologies for the slight derail having a harmless disagreement about placebo with somebody who I regularly chat with on the forum and tables. Not sure there was any need for your overreaction. Needless grief?? I'm sure I wished you the best of luck with your challenge (something I won't be repeating if that's your attitude).
    Posted by waller02
    Fair enough - perhaps I'm being a bit over the top.
    Been a long day.
    No offence intended.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,129
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: My 10,000 hand challenge:
    In Response to Re: My 10,000 hand challenge : Fair enough - perhaps I'm being a bit over the top. Been a long day. No offence intended.
    Posted by Sp3cialK
    No worries mate. All the best
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: My 10,000 hand challenge:
    Am I the only one hoping the name derives from the Placebo* song? *Jac35, Placebo are an English indie/rock band, formed in the mid 90's. 7 albums and 10 million+ sales later and they are still going strong.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    You're half right actually!
    Was working in a bar on my first week and managed to pour a pint over the boss's head.
    The nickname followed soon after - along with that as my 'theme tune'...
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,638
    edited September 2014
    And heres me thinking it was more like..."I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar.."

    Is that much true?

  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: My 10,000 hand challenge:
    In Response to Re: My 10,000 hand challenge : ???? I am joking mate chill!!! Apologies for the slight derail having a harmless disagreement about placebo with somebody who I regularly chat with on the forum and tables. Not sure there was any need for your overreaction. Needless grief?? I'm sure I wished you the best of luck with your challenge (something I won't be repeating if that's your attitude).
    Posted by waller02
    He's lying, Placebo.

    Lying toerag :)
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited September 2014
    I like Placebo
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: My 10,000 hand challenge:
    And heres me thinking it was more like..."I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar.." Is that much true?
    Posted by Glenelg
    LOL - That much is true.
    But even then I knew I'd find a much better place.
    Either with or without you.
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