hi my name is James, ive been playing poker for 7 years now having some great and not so great moments. in 2010 I payed $11 to enter the sunday storm and I came 3rd / 33,517 entrants winning $14,077.14. I was young and stupidly I blew this money within 6 months on booze, a car that drinks far too much fuel and traveling to my uni mates around UK. then 2 years ago I came 1st / 554 entrants winning about $4500. Had I learnt my lesson from the first time? No, I blew it instantly on a trip to New Zealand. although these times were great fun in short periods of time, in the long run they haven't benefit me very much at all.
Ive spent 7 years reading countless books and watching countless strategy videos about cash, sng and tourneys. I need a change in my mentality right about now before I waste more time playing poker with no goal or structure. The thing I mostly struggle with is my management. Im always playing random games and random stakes dependant on how im feeling that day.
This may sound completely bonkers but one of the main reasons i want to crack poker is for a fairly secure pension. if i can get a good steady income from poker whether its big or small by the time i retire i will be happy. In the UK pensions aren't looking too promising for youngsters. a lot of people are going to retire with little if any security. Obviously i would love to get to that stage in poker a **** of a lot sooner within the next few years. If you think im nuts please say so.
I know posts very similar have been created. The reason i am creating this post is i want to make myself accountable for my actions. I also would be very greatful if people could help me out with tips and advice to help me achieve my long term goals.
Bankroll - £0.51
win x2 30p dym's
lost x1 30p dym
bankroll currently at - £0.81
0 ·
I find a diary definitely helps with discipline.
Why 50p - not making it easy to start with?
Even £5 is better to manage properly and not to go broke.
My advice would be as soon as you can switch to 6max low stakes as with an edge (which I expect you will have) and a lower rake you can make much better ROI than DYM - unless of course you are multi-tabling as there just isn't the volume on 6max.
Good luck
I have only just joined sky poker, 50p is all i had on the account when i decided to make a big change in my mentality. if its a choice of depositing or getting 50p to £5 in a few days id rather take my chances first on the 50p
thanks for the advice phantom, i have quite a bit of experience in 6 max cash but at what bankroll and how many buyins would you suggest when switching to 6 max cash?
thanks, James
I am definitely not a 6max cash expert - but that is generally recognised as the best way to spin up a roll on here.
I wouldn't start cash until at least 10 BIs - £40 some would say sporty, but if you have an edge and don't run terribly you should be ok and if a bad run does start to eat into it there is breathing room to switch back to another form. 2 coolers or moments of madness and you can lose 2 BIs in a heartbeat.
it scares me that you connect poker and a pension. if you are looking for long term financial secirity and to build a better pension for your retirement do not choose poker over any pension plan.
Thanks for your post Aussie
cheers james.
Good luck with the spin up though James - I think 3 months is pretty aggressive to reach £1k from a 50p start, but as you OP is testament to, you only need to take down one main event and could be there instantly... so a spin up to £11 for a Turbo Tuesday entry and have the shot to almost smash your target!
As you're already a competent player, 10-20 BI for micro cash should give you more than a chance to spin up with minimal chance of going bust (as long as you aren't prone to tilt too much!)
Run good.