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Switching off after a long poker session

shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
edited October 2014 in Poker Chat
Just wondered how other people go about it... given the tendency for poker to be an evening activity and there not always being a big gap between playing and heading to bed.

I was never really affected by it when playing 3-4 tables, but running with 8 or more seems to leave my mind in overdrive and makes it even harder than usual to drop off, no matter how knackered I may be.

Obviously there is the self-medication option, currently a Japanese-produced single malt, but I'm sure there may be some healthier alternatives... any tips?


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited October 2014

    You make some good points there Shaky.

    If we are multi-tabling, & getting to the sharp end of MTT's or SNG's. the mind is all revved up & buzzing, & needs to settle down before bed.

    I try & leave time for half an hour or more of a nature documentary on TV (Wild Russia was on last night, stunning camerawork), & then an hour reading a good book, just to relax the mind & sort of "warm-down".
  • Bane12Bane12 Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2014
    Half hours reading for me. Get involved with a good book and its easy to sleep. Just finished the final Jack Reacher book, read all 19 one after the other, well worth a read.
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited October 2014
    Sky+ one of Orfords shows - be asleep in no time ! :-)
  • DTWBANDITDTWBANDIT Member Posts: 6,451
    edited October 2014

       I have some holicks & listen to some music for about half hour that seems to do the trick.
  • 5501355013 Member Posts: 336
    edited October 2014
    A brisk 30/40 minute walk. Works wonders, good for you too (although one sometimes loses the goodness by going via the chippy).
  • TeddyBloatTeddyBloat Member Posts: 1,419
    edited October 2014
    get yourself f:lux.

    it will alter the colour tempreture of your screen and it will really help you after a late night session.

    watch this for some good mental game advice and warm down routines:
  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited October 2014
    How about gradually redcuing the number of tables down towards the end of the session?
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,631
    edited October 2014
    In Response to Re: Switching off after a long poker session:
    How about gradually redcuing the number of tables down towards the end of the session?
    Posted by FCHD
    Good idea!  I  find this happens naturally for me, sometimes really quick!  ;-)) 
    I'm another for reading prior to BB's.  In fact I'm an avid reader (55 & counting in 2014!)  I've just finished reading "Life & Limb" by Jamie Andrews.  If you need a book to inspire you....this is it!  Jamie is a climber (like myself) who in 1999  was marooned  in a massive snowstorm in the alps with his best friend for 3/4 days before being rescued.  His pal did not survive & Jamie lost all his limbs from frost-bite.  Did he feel sorry for himself? **** no, he has since, run a marathon, taken up climbing again ....well thats a taster.
  • 12671267 Member Posts: 936
    edited October 2014
    In Response to Re: Switching off after a long poker session:
    Half hours reading for me. Get involved with a good book and its easy to sleep. Just finished the final Jack Reacher book, read all 19 one after the other, well worth a read.
    Posted by Bane12
    Surely if the books good you'd rather stay up and read it?
  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited October 2014
    I really stuggle with this.  Just finished a 16hr session playing 16 tables for 80% of that time (untill they dropped off after 4am).  I'll go to bed now at 7am and probably lay there 3 hours untill I have any chance of sleeping.  I'll then wake up 4 hours later and realise I'm in the raked hands race and get up and go again.  It probably doesn't help that I'm trying to get to sleep when the sun is coming up.  I usually end up watching something on the ipad which usually wakes me up after few hours later.

    Good advice so far and more welcomed.

    Run good fellas.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited October 2014
    In Response to Re: Switching off after a long poker session:
    How about gradually redcuing the number of tables down towards the end of the session?
    Posted by FCHD
    That's a good point.

    I reduce from 6 tables down to 1 as my sessions draw to a close, & the last 1 or 2 tables always seem quite relaxing, as the intensity lessens.
  • Sir-GarySir-Gary Member Posts: 1,052
    edited October 2014
    Later on in the evening I tend to be in tournies only and I drop off playing cash, so as I am eliminated I play fewer and fewer tables. If the last table finishes about 3am then I have no trouble going sleep, it's getting up for work the next day is the problem. If I finish earlier though I have dvd's and watch an episode of a comedy like "Red Drawf", Fawlty Towers", "Only fools and horses" etc. I find this relaxes me.
  • notbrook1notbrook1 Member Posts: 72
    I was going to start a new thread, but clearly this has been discussed before and just wanted to get a few other opinions from other grinders.

    I struggle to switch off after a session usually I try to finish between 11-12, but my mind is still buzzing whether I've had a good day or not. I'm replaying hands over in my head, thinking about the next day and how can I improve. Generally I worry about things out of my control and getting off to sleep has never been my forte.

    I've started to write things down more and keep track of results in a spreadsheet to help draw a line under the session. So far this has maybe highlighted more hands to think about!

    Any further advice would be greatly appreciated?
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921
    a good session on the jack helps
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited February 2018
    download Primed Mind or Headspace. I use both daily and it is the most important £20 a month I spend to my poker game (both have free versions and trial periods). Primed Mind is more hypnosis whereas Headspace is Meditation.

    Wish I had used them years ago. They just reset my mind and let things go. Poker really is such a strain mentally, it is a lot to keep all of that running thru your mind all day.
  • cpfc_2010cpfc_2010 Member Posts: 320
    I really struggle with this, especially if I've bust a tourney deep in a fashion im not happy with. I normally watch an hour or so of tv after a session in an attempt to unwind.
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,043
    Learned to just let it go if I have not run deep in anything. Live I tend to have a 1 minute grizzle, then I'm fine.

    On the good days, I spend 20 minutes basking in the dreams that I have crushed, then fall asleep reading a book :)

    PS-the early Jack Reachers were rather better than the recent ones
  • cowheadcowhead Member Posts: 177
    Smash about 10 cans of Stella and a bottle of wine and you can sometimes drop off before you’ve even finished playing.
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