Okay, Thanks a lot Mr K, pity the take up was low, it was tremendous value. side note, well done on your recent upswing, long may it continue....the twiglet loving one must be shaking in her boots ;-))) Neil Posted by HENDRIK62
Indeed, though I fear there was a correlation between those two things.....
My upswing? Well I had a monsta downswing in September, so yes, it has been most satisfying thank you, though I fear that Lady Spite is too far ahead for me to catch now. The standings probably reflect ability, in truth - she is very good.
Hi Neil,
No, it will not be running tonight, as the take-up was a little disappointing last Saturday.
I am told it MAY return next week, guess we will hear during the next few days.
My upswing? Well I had a monsta downswing in September, so yes, it has been most satisfying thank you, though I fear that Lady Spite is too far ahead for me to catch now. The standings probably reflect ability, in truth - she is very good.