Some cracking results coming in. Especially well done to Eon though, Brilliantly done. When asked at the beginning who was going to win, you were one of four names I said, so please don't make a bum of it now! I'm done now, finished 100 games.... with the astounding PLOPTASTIC result of 51%! (needs verifying by Ger, it's probably worse than that!) Now that I've made a right old mess of that, I'll waste my time trying to build a win streak. Posted by Macacgirl1
It's not the winning that matters Mr. K, it's the taking part. But. If you win I ain't playing anymore. And deleting this thread. And moving to Ilkeston so Noodle the dog can use your lawn as her toilet.
It's not the winning that matters Mr. K, it's the taking part. But. If you win I ain't playing anymore. And deleting this thread. And moving to Ilkeston so Noodle the dog can use your lawn as her toilet. Posted by Macacgirl1
Oh dear.
I fully intend to beat you, whatever the consequences.
If you don't beat me I will be very disappointed! Some seem to be very shy with results, come on everyone, we all play/run bad at times, there's no shame! Posted by Macacgirl1
Probably waiting until next week for Double Points before playing their games?
Oh yeah Vesp, I'm expecting when the UKOPs is over and the SnG Double points starts, for more games to be played, there's just more than a few at the moment playing and being shy. Hopefully my poor showing will encourage some to let us know how they are getting on!
Oh yeah Vesp, I'm expecting when the UKOPs is over and the SnG Double points starts, for more games to be played, there's just more than a few at the moment playing and being shy. Hopefully my poor showing will encourage some to let us know how they are getting on! Posted by Macacgirl1
Now that your little bad run is over, i'm sure you're be hitting every hand next week and spoil more than a few stats :-)
Sure hoping my luck does change, and truth be told, Hopefully I'll play a bit better soon. I didn't play that great for the last week, and combine that with AA2x or AA3x losing ten (!) times to KK or QQ hitting top set, then it's obvious my results would be poor. Funny old game this, any other week, my AA2x might have held up the majority of the time and I might have won a few more of those 50/50 All-in Pre-Flop situations. That's why I love this game though, the uncertainty, nothing is cut and dry until the chips come your way. Love it, with a capital L!
I'll think of some sort of second chance saloon thing for anyone that wants to try again, but quite obviously, first results from 100 games will be the ones that count for the scoreboard.
Sure hoping my luck does change, and truth be told, Hopefully I'll play a bit better soon. I didn't play that great for the last week, and combine that with AA2x or AA3x losing ten (!) times to KK or QQ hitting top set, then it's obvious my results would be poor. Funny old game this, any other week, my AA2x might have held up the majority of the time and I might have won a few more of those 50/50 All-in Pre-Flop situations. That's why I love this game though, the uncertainty, nothing is cut and dry until the chips come your way. Love it, with a capital L! I'll think of some sort of second chance saloon thing for anyone that wants to try again, but quite obviously, first results from 100 games will be the ones that count for the scoreboard. Posted by Macacgirl1
It's an extraordinary game.
On successive nights - 29th & 30th October, I.....
Won 7 out of 8 (87.5%)
Won 3 out of 10 (30%)
Pretty sure I played as well as I'm able on both nights.
That's half the beauty of the game I suppose.
Like a golf swing, or a gravy recipe, we cant never get it all quite right at the same time.
Whilst on the subject of Gravy. I have a bone to pick with you Mr. K! You've been dobbed in and I have it on very good authority that when on television, you told a big fat fib and said you won our race to 100 wins challenge!
Whilst on the subject of Gravy. I have a bone to pick with you Mr. K! You've been dobbed in and I have it on very good authority that when on television, you told a big fat fib and said you won our race to 100 wins challenge! ps. TK 94 Mac 100 Posted by Macacgirl1
In Response to Re: Calling All PLO8 DYM Players, Our Competition, Scoreboards, Results, Chirps & Whatnot. : Awesome, let us know please when your winning streak comes to an end so I can update the winstreak leaderboard. Posted by Macacgirl1
In Response to Re: Calling All PLO8 DYM Players, Our Competition, Scoreboards, Results, Chirps & Whatnot. : Mac put her evil spell on you ! Posted by VespaPX
So that will be my target.
If you win I ain't playing anymore.
And deleting this thread.
And moving to Ilkeston so Noodle the dog can use your lawn as her toilet.
I fully intend to beat you, whatever the consequences.
I hope to resume playing in the next day or two.
Interesting times ahead.....
Some seem to be very shy with results, come on everyone, we all play/run bad at times, there's no shame!
Played 33
Won 19
Lost 14
Probably waiting until next week for Double Points before playing their games?
Funny old game this, any other week, my AA2x might have held up the majority of the time and I might have won a few more of those 50/50 All-in Pre-Flop situations. That's why I love this game though, the uncertainty, nothing is cut and dry until the chips come your way. Love it, with a capital L!
I'll think of some sort of second chance saloon thing for anyone that wants to try again, but quite obviously, first results from 100 games will be the ones that count for the scoreboard.
On successive nights - 29th & 30th October, I.....
Won 7 out of 8 (87.5%)
Won 3 out of 10 (30%)
Pretty sure I played as well as I'm able on both nights.
That's half the beauty of the game I suppose.
Like a golf swing, or a gravy recipe, we cant never get it all quite right at the same time.
To be fair, you CAN get perfect gravy every time.
I have a bone to pick with you Mr. K!
You've been dobbed in and I have it on very good authority that when on television, you told a big fat fib and said you won our race to 100 wins challenge!
ps. TK 94 Mac 100
Had to be done.