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The road to a Main Event score! Starting BR £252. Now £984 (£1.36k banked)



  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited January 2015
    It was by PokerVIP shakin. Read that book and the others. Reread them. Reread them. Reread them... You'll learn a lot I promise.

    Yesterday I played a cash session that saw me break even. Pretty happy with that as I didnt run that well or find many spots so it was a surprise to be break even, maybe a few pence down.

    Today, not so great. Ran into lots of coolers and mix into that some of my worst poker in a long time and I finished 3 BI's down. My first cash blip in a while so even if I feel dissapointed now I know it was bound to happen. I guess it was just the added bad play that i'm dissapointed about. Store that away and learn.

    Its good that with such a healthy BR it looks just like a drop in the ocean now so another plus. And I'm learning to look at them (positives) and not the negatives. There is always tomorrow.

    On another note I booked a holiday to Cap Salou in Spain for the end of June which is also thanks to my poker profits from last year. So I have that to look forward to, which I am immensly! The only bad thing about going away is no poker and missing my three cats! But I'm sure I can manage!
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited January 2015
    Wednesday saw me play a little cash when I got home from work and I did OK. Finished £6 up. Played better than Tuesday, which wasn't hard, but I still didnt feel like I was playing my best. I was happy though that one of the big pots I won was a total bluff. 

     It was a A high dry board and I could tell my opponent didnt like the A so I bet. The thing that I have learnt to make sure is to have a plan for the whole hand so I bet knowing that I would definatley have to fire again and maybe even fire the river. Sure enough he called and check/called the turn. I was aware also that I bet to make sure I had a pot size bet on the river to put maximum pressure on him and that I was repping a strong A and he did fold. I was pleased because I went with my read instead of bottling out convincing myself I was wrong. 

    MY £15+ PP payment came yesterday to bump up my BR.

    Tonight was a mixture. I started off playing a Sat for the main event, had a slow card dead start then built up a stack. Lost a portion when my set lost to running straight but then I got lucky to double ten mins later when my AQ v KK rivered a straight on a KJxx10 board aipf. I was 6th on the break with 50+ left a 31 paid. But shallow stacks and my 2 ahnds I got in ahead against shorties which I lost got my to a short stack and then I exited QJs v AA. Gutted to get so close and then not hold when it was important. So that is 1/3 in sats for me. 

    Bricked the two FR's. Both unluckily, one to a maniac for a mage stack. Played the £5BH, picked up an early bounty from a very very short stack but couldn't get going. Eventually lost AK v Q10 for a 60BB stack against a guy who liked to open jam.

    Cash wise though I played very well and disciplined. Ran decent to and in about an hours play in all I took almost 3 BI's profit.

    I intended to play more to bump up my PP's but I just didnt feel up to it and instead of falling into the trap of playing for playing sake I stood. Im dissapointed to not have my PP target but as I said i'm not forcing it. I'll only play when I want to. 
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited January 2015
    It was a case of almost tonight. 

    Lets start with the bad, I busted the two FR's. Then busted the £5 BH pretty early, in brutal fashion. My success came in the main event sat in which I won a seat. Was hard work, I need to brush up on satalite play as I've got myself into good positions but then I'm not sure if I should be putting on the pressure or playing snug with no risks. Playing either side of that line is easy!

    The main event got off well with a bounty, my first ever main event bounty, which put me in profit but I was pretty card dead  but did manage to last an hour and a half. Im just so annoyed with my exit. I read my opponents hand, gave him bad odds to draw and when he go there on the river I convinced myself to call. So stupid and i'm livid with myself.

    Cash was very yoyo. I managed to come away with a profit in the end of about two BI's dispite losing a few stacks. Ran so bad against the fish later on, having huge hands lose to perfect running cards on three occasions. I managed to get my fill eventually but holding in those pots would have added almost £40 to my BR. 

    This year has been the real start of my Main event challenge and I'm still confident that I have what it takes to make a deep run as I've played two and done OK with very little. Im 2/4 in satalitles so that will be my first entry mode until I actually make a decent dent in one then I may switch to buying in direct. Its a case of learning lessons and finding out the quality of my opponents. There are still a lot of weak players but also many stronger ones. Plus the blind structure is a bit different too which does make a little difference. I'm just learning lessons at the moment. 
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited January 2015
    What a day it has been. Ive played so much poker today, maybe seven hours or so, and had a roller coaster of a day.

    Ive made almost 300 PP's playing almost exclusively cash which is my most ever I would say (non Happy Days promotion wise). I've had some brutal beats and coolers including middle set v's top set, top two v bottom set, top two v's top set, big overpairs against sets and a lot of draws getting there and two outers when money is in.

    In the good corner I made £30 off a total maniac, quads twice and picking off some insane bluffs. 

    I started the day down, then had a great afternoon session and then down, up, down and up evening sessions. I've ended up slightly up but I did have £1350 as my high. 

    As for my play in reflection I wasnt happy. Didnt get the most a few times, paid off to many rivered draws and too many times slipped into auto pilot. 

    As for MTT's I only played two, the Main event sat in which I started well, got deep then lost a race and then ran into 10's next hand. Busted the £5 BH trying a bluff from UTG. I got hero called by QQ (who just flatted my raise pre) on a AKxxx board. I knew they couldn't have an A and put them on a PP but didn't get it through. I know I couldn't have called an UTG raise who then tripple barreled each street with two overs.

    In one sense I'm relieved to be only £2 down but also annoyed I'm not at least £30 up. Overall I guess I'll take it as I played a lot of hours for me and got my PP's to 34% of my 3000 target. In the past I have dropped BI's in pursuit of PP's which doesnt make sense! 

    Its wierd that the past few weeks I've been doing better in my weaker format and my strongest one is having a bit of a lull lately. Cant wait until I get them both firing!
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited January 2015
    Well today sucked, or should I say this afternoon.

    Just cash today, somehow had a great morning as dispite some hits I made 3 BI's and was back at £1350+ then I returned this afternoon. Things where going ok, then a crazy half hour where I just got coolered or sucked out on almost every hand. I wont go into detail, its boring, but I was on the wrong end a lot. Slipped back into old habits too.

    All together very dissapointing. I've had a break even week too which isnt ideal. Im ahead in my PP target so may play very little or not at all next couple of days. See how I feel. Try and regroup.
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited January 2015

    The first table where AT outdrew you was just bonkers, crazy amount of all-ins and everytime the worse hand was binking even after you did the sensible thing and left.

    I know there was a bit of chatbox moaning but you seemed to quickly get to the right decision to stand up and take a break which has to be a good sign of improvement to your tilt!

    And the cooler vs me you definitely played well to lose the minimum... I was all set to c/r all in by the river, but you are one of the few at that level that are sensible enough to take a c/c line with an OK 2 pair.

  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited January 2015
    Hi Shakin,

    Yeah, it was dissapointing to slip back. That bonkers 30 mins was just insane and really got to me. But as you said, in the past I may have just opened up and bet big with no plan on most of my tables and even moved to 50nl and four tabled there but I just got up and left it for another day.

    With that hand I have been paying more aware in the past few months playing cash (and MTT's) where I look at what I can beat and what beats me and if its in the range of hands opponent can have etc etc. Ive also improved hand selection from position to how the tables playing and such. I've become much better at that. I still dont really table select. It has the bad points that sometimes I find myself at a strong table so not so +EV but what it does is help to improve my game which IS +EV.

    On to today, I had a little 45 minute session. Was aiming for a session twice that long and even though I was playing well (so therefore should have stayed) I became aware I was up on all tables and then found bad thoughts enter my head. I didnt want to find myself coolered in a couple of spots or make a mistake and be back down again so soon after yesterdays debacle so I decided to cut it short. I was aware I was no longer going to play to my best so stood and took the win as a confidence boost.

    Not ideal I know but any long term readers will know its all about confidence with me and a clear mind and I recognised I didnt have that any more so ended it. I am pleased I was able to do that and it is progress that I can recognise the signs and not play just for the sake of it. PP targets are all well and good but paying to my best is more important.

    On a side note I would love to be able to post up some hands for some advice but I just cant seem to get it to stay in the format I have it in when I'm producing a post to when I have added the post. I use a MAc if anyone can help. I have tried copying the hand into notes and then back again but that always loses the card suits and makes looking at the hand a little akward.
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited January 2015
    Just on the last point, hands won't post correctly from Safari. 

    I've downloaded firefox (for Mac) and that addresses the problem. I don't think you can copy them directly from the table hand history though, think you have to visit the hand history via ^ 'My Sky Poker' ^ and copy from there.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited January 2015
    Thanks shakin, will try that out and hopefully I can have some hands.

    Had a couple of little sessions today, totalling nearly an hour and half. Very happy with my play. Well, maybe one hand I didnt play well but I'll mention that in a moment. Had two (not so) funny hands. First few hands in at a newly opened table and I have AA. I raise 3x, get a call and then a guy with £7 quickly open shoves. I call. He has AK so happy days! Flop comes AKJ so again very happy as he is drawing super thin. Turn Q. Ah, now you see where this is going! No prizes for guessing the river. A 10. GRRR. 

    AA again on another table. UTG raises, I raise very big as I know he doesnt like to fold. Next player cold calls. Flop comes 1076 two hearts so not great. I think then bet all in as even though I may be dead I also know either player is calling any pair and any draw and I think the cold caller has JJ/QQ/KK often enough. He calls and turns over....AA. 

    I did finish 2 BI's up so happy there. Could and should have been better had I played this hand better;

    I've tried posting it but no joy. No time to download Firefox until later. Briefly, I had JJ in the SB and UTG raises  4x(he is active but usualy doesnt bet 4x) and there are two callers before me. In reflection I should have 3 bet here to narrow it down but I hate playing from the SB so just called. My concern is so many times at this level if your raise and the first person calls, everyone calls yet if I make it too big i'm only getting action from the top of his range and I will be OOP. So I try and keep pot small by just calling. Only problem is we are 5 way.

    Flop is a benign 1094r. I check, original raiser bets £1.50 into a £2 pot. Three folds to me and I think for ages and I'mnot sure where I am, he has made an uncharistic big bet so has me confused as this is a good flop for me and I am under repped. I chose the cautious approach and folded because im OOP and will probably be facing bigger and bigger bets when I dont know where I am.

    One person called and it turned out original raiser had A10s and other guy K10o. 

    Am I being results orientated or was that far too nitty?
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited January 2015
    If anyone catches this post and has an opinion on the hand above it would be appreciated. Not just the hand but my thinking.

    I played a little yesterday but mainly had it as an off day, it was just a little 20 mins over dinner. A good one as got 2 BI's profit.

    Today I had a little dinner session again, and again I won over a BI that freerolled my two BI MTT's tonight. We will start there and get the two FR's out of the way as busted early in them. After running well in them late last year I have done absoloutly nothing in them. I blame my lack of attention/focus on them as I try and get off to a good start or experiment too much.

    I tried a Main Event Sat and was going along nicely until I lost a race AQ v 77 and then busted with a 60/40 about 15 from the money. That left the £5 BH. I had a deep run, taking four heads and finsihing 22/300+. I played very well and dispite losing a big pot versus an active chip leader two from the money (JJ v KQ - another lost race) I played my stack well, doubled up with JJ v Q10o but then finally lost out in a pot that would have got me well up when my A10 out flopped 77. Wow, I thought, I may win a race. But a seven on the turn had me dead so gg me. 

    I played a little cash on the side and came away a BI up dispite not much happening. 

    After a disapointing Sunday where my play left a lot to be disired its nice to say that this week I have played very well. I've been clear in what I'm doing and why and let the resluts go from there. Which have been good. I just want that first MTT win of 2015!

    I have just downloaded Firefox so I am going to try and post a hand. Ive had two or three I think where interesting so here goes... 
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited January 2015
    Well, Im really pleased that worked so easy. Thanks Shakin, you have solved a problem Ive had for months and months!

    So, I've chipped up Ok so far but a new guy has come to the table and I have no reads. He makes a strong UTG raise which I have to take as strength but I dont think I can fold or raise 1010 so just call. He then quickly bets full pot on a dry flop. I am not happy at all and dont think he is bluffing and I think for ages before folding.

    I fold because I cant see 88- a/ raising that much pre and then quickly potting it and b/ I dont think he would do this with overs.

    If I call i'm OOP so cant pot control, will face so many tough decisions on so many cards and I'm not sure where I am. I think i'm beat here by JJ/QQ/KK.
    CraigSG1 Small blind   30.00 30.00 3050.00
    henners10 Big blind   60.00 90.00 1940.00
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 10
    bishspur Raise   240.00 330.00 2333.75
    icnoships Fold        
    Ukjoe Fold        
    raymon1969 Fold        
    CraigSG1 Call   210.00 540.00 2840.00
    henners10 Fold        
    • 3
    • 9
    • 4
    CraigSG1 Check        
    bishspur Bet   540.00 1080.00 1793.75
    CraigSG1 Fold        
    bishspur Muck        
    bishspur Win   540.00   2333.75
    bishspur Return   540.00 0.00 2873.75
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,126
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: The road to a Main Event score! Starting BR £252. Now £1391:
    Well, Im really pleased that worked so easy. Thanks Shakin, you have solved a problem Ive had for months and months! So, I've chipped up Ok so far but a new guy has come to the table and I have no reads. He makes a strong UTG raise which I have to take as strength but I dont think I can fold or raise 1010 so just call. He then quickly bets full pot on a dry flop. I am not happy at all and dont think he is bluffing and I think for ages before folding. I fold because I cant see 88- a/ raising that much pre and then quickly potting it and b/ I dont think he would do this with overs. If I call i'm OOP so cant pot control, will face so many tough decisions on so many cards and I'm not sure where I am. I think i'm beat here by JJ/QQ/KK. Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance CraigSG1 Small blind   30.00 30.00 3050.00 henners10 Big blind   60.00 90.00 1940.00   Your hole cards 10 10       bishspur Raise   240.00 330.00 2333.75 icnoships Fold         Ukjoe Fold         raymon1969 Fold         CraigSG1 Call   210.00 540.00 2840.00 henners10 Fold         Flop     3 9 4       CraigSG1 Check         bishspur Bet   540.00 1080.00 1793.75 CraigSG1 Fold         bishspur Muck         bishspur Win   540.00   2333.75 bishspur Return   540.00 0.00 2873.75
    Posted by CraigSG1
    I'm not sure a hand as strong as JJ/QQ/KK would bet full pot on that flop.....maybe JJ dunno. Spots like these often get me in trouble as I think it looks like he really doesn't want the call. I just think you are ahead a lot here, being OOP makes it tough but I don't see the point in calling with 10's just to fold to one bet on that flop.

    Enjoyng your diary btw and I'm would be interested to hear other's thoughts on that hand because for me it is a common and tough (for me anyway) spot
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: The road to a Main Event score! Starting BR £252. Now £1391:
    In Response to Re: The road to a Main Event score! Starting BR £252. Now £1391 : I'm not sure a hand as strong as JJ/QQ/KK would bet full pot on that flop.....maybe JJ dunno. Spots like these often get me in trouble as I think it looks like he really doesn't want the call. I just think you are ahead a lot here, being OOP makes it tough but I don't see the point in calling with 10's just to fold to one bet on that flop. Enjoyng your diary btw and I'm would be interested to hear other's thoughts on that hand because for me it is a common and tough (for me anyway) spot
    Posted by waller02
    Hi. Thanks for your input. And I'm glad you do, I can make it more interesting now with some hands. 

    My thoughts are that a line I see so often with PP's is big raise followed by a pot bet when they have an overpair. So I don't beat any of them. I was thinking ahead and didn't feel I can play a big allin pot with that action and be ahead enough.  
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited January 2015
    I'd just fold pre if you're not gonna peel one on that type of flop, especially vs an unknown.
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited January 2015

    It's these sort of stack sizes where I start to tie myself in knots with these sort of hands.

    Calling seems the best option on the flop, but at the same time how wide is villains UTG 4x open range?  Best case scenario they are c-betting AK/AQ/AJ/KQ but then do we continue if an overcard comes on the turn and they bet again?  At that point we've done 25% of our stack and it seems a bit spewy?  Even if another low card comes, are we happy to put villain on exclusively two overcards and be prepared to play for stacks?

    I don't know, I don't really like calling these (although caveat that people who are good at tournis may say it's standard!)

    If we're going to fold then agree with H that fold pre seems sensible. Tight with 50BB, but vs a solid UTG range TT isn't the greatest of hands. Perhaps I'm being unduly influenced by 'one hand at a time'!

    A 3b fold strat pre flop may narrow down his range, plus avoid being in a position where the BB may squeeze (we can't call an all in by the BB here?).

  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited January 2015
    I maybe could have 3 bet folded knowing that AK is the only hand I would probably be ahead of. I'm still not sure on it. I was going to call a c-bet but when he made it full pot I felt he took away a lot of my options and I just felt TT is not ahead enough times in this situation.

    On to todays play and I'm not happy with my MTT game today. Yet again I got off to a great start in the ME sat, chipped up great and was running the table and then the blinds caught up and chip stacks varied a lot. I made a mistake I think (min raised Q10s from cutoff knowing BB was low and has pushed all in a lot recently. I felt I had decent equity against him if he did but probably failed to ralise that if I lost I would lose a lot of my 'comfort zone' play. I was up against A2 and bricked). I then ran 55 into 1010 and then lost AQ v Q10 to bust shortly after.

    The less said about the £5 BH the better. Played two hands against my better judgement and paid for it. Why do we do this? Play a hand we should no better not to and make mistakes and our inner voice is just shouting "what you doing, man???!! FOLD!!" 

    Took five then started a cash session. It was one of those dull ones where not much happens. Didnt run that great, including AJ v A5 against a nutter SB v BB on a A57 flop and then another guy who loves to open every hand. I have AJ on a AxxJ board. He, of course, has AA. Did manage to make a come back late on with some good bluffs and value bets and then a decent pot with a FH against turned trips.

    So a minus for MTTs but another + cash session. I think that must be something like 15 winning sessions out of 20. Definatley improving I just have to be careful on the losing sessions to not go chasing. Which I have managed to do lately. Take a break and leaving it for a bit does work a treat.

  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited January 2015
    A bit of a carbon copy of a day today from yesterday. Ran a bit further in the ME sat with junk but couldn't last another 10 places. The others where a rubbish effort. Not sure if its a lack or 'run' or just not 'feeling it' regards MTTs at the moment. Not sure if its my bigger BR not making me focus as much or a lack of effort. Probably a mix of all that. I need to rectify that.

    Cash went OK, another two small winning sessions.

    Aussie09 did me a favour in his PLAYER CARD thread and I was delighted to see I did bette than I thought last year even though I didnt play many of the higher garentee tournys. Here it is below.

      CraigSG1   31 Dec
      1st 846 2%
      final table 3,518 2%
      cash 2,393 13%
      quarter 1 11 3,210 21%
      quarter 4 17  32%
      heads 65 2,041 1.2
      played 53 2,888  
      points 26 2,673 0.5
      buy-in £3035,814 £6
      return £4033,910 £8
       + / -  £100 £2
      ROI % 33%  

    summary:  CraigSG1 has played 53 of the 3240 tournaments in 2014 that have a guarantee of £500 or more.  CraigSG1 has won 1 games (2%), made 1 final tables (2%), has cashed in 7 games (13%) and has bubbled 0 times.  CraigSG1 has 11 top quarter finishes (21%), 17 bottom quarter finishes (32%) and has taken 65 heads which is a rate of 1.23 per game.    

    rank:  from a total of 38383 unique players, this ranks CraigSG1 as 846 for wins and 2673 for points.  CraigSG1 is ranked at 3518 for final tables, 2393 for cashes, 3210 for making the top quarter and ranked 2041 for heads taken.    

    money:  with buy-ins of £303 and returns of £403 this gives a profit of £100 which is a return on investment (ROI) of 33%.

    I intend to improve that drastically this year.
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited January 2015

    I'd recommend raising or folding the pocket TT on the SB. Flatting for close to 10% of the effective stack OOP purely to set-mine is unwise. You also need to consider the BB is yet to act and might take advantage of a great squeeze/shove opportunity.

    Awkward spot, folding a hand as strong as TT to single action feels dirty, but it's probably better than a call here if your plan is to fold it as an over-pair to the flop. Good luck.

  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited January 2015
    Hi Gary, thanks. I wasnt purely set mining but the action forced me to make a decision earlier than I wanted so I chose the safer option. I think I may 3 bet this spot from now on (player dependant) to give me more information as to his range.

    Argh. Today was another copy of the previous two. Not sure what it is but cant get up for MTT's at the moment. Played the £3 BH this morning, lasted an hour with not much and left with one head. Did well to last that long. The £5 BH was yet another quick affair. Played on a table of limp callers and all my decent hands missed/got outdrawn and I ended up out early. Just the way it goes, on another day they will hit the other card and be in trouble instead of there 3 outs.

    Cash on the other hand went OK. I played OK, not as good as in the week but still had two winning sessions to further increase my run and BR. Could have been £30 better for just one pot this morning. Allin on turn with the nuts only to lose to both the flush draws on the river. Nut FD v medium FD v's my set. Lost to a few other draws on the river and failed to hit a lot of mine. I think I hit two or three all day. My main money came from winning a lot of medium pots catching bluffs and weaker hands.

    Away from my bad MTT form this week, the positive has been my cash game and from the frustration of a break even week last week its great to add a +£120 one this time round. All from cash. As i've said before if I can get both running at the same time I'm in for a great week! 

    As I'm aiming for a PP target this month I think next month I may try and play mainly MTT's. As many as I can and maybe give myself a target. Ill think on it.

    Away from poker I've had a great lazy Sunday. Got into Elementary over christmas and its rapidly become one of my favouraite TV programs. Watched four of them and off to watch one in a moment. I also was lucky enough to watch (those who are into cricket) AB de Villiers phonominal innings versus the West Indies today. Simply awesome. Oh, and my home town rugby team, Hull KR, won there first pre season friendly versus the cross town rivals Hull FC. Doesnt matter now but at least it keeps them at bay until we meet them in the league proper.

  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited January 2015
    Just a quick hour session today, and im exstatic (ok, maybe a bit over the top but still) to find I finished £5 up dispite the bad start I took through no fault of my own. In fact I did well to lose the minumum in most hands. Lost AA twice on flushy boards, KK to rivered trips, folded a set on a 4 flush/straight board and trips with Q8 when the button limped A8. 

    The very pleasing thing was because it wasnt my play and even though this all happened in the space of about ten minutes I did not once get flustered/tilted and just concentrated on playing my style. A lot of manic play so just concentrated on getting value with my medium hands and bluff catching the right spots. 
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