In Response to Re: GELDY goes gaga - UKOPS high roller madness : more of a chance now 1/17 in a superdirect sat, vul devil_tear who came 2nd and got zilch GELDY 34000 1 Entry to £25,000 UKOPS HR + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £530, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee. Posted by GELDY
In Response to Re: GELDY goes gaga - UKOPS high roller madness : VWP Sir Nice Cash!! it just me or hs this UKOPS just got a whole lot MORE Buzz about it Posted by HITMAN_RV
i think more forum regs are running deep, maybe we're getting better, or luckier. but yes there is a distinctly good vibe about it all.
Run well, run deep!
Macacgirl113680 beardyjohn12795 Moley7712260 skillman12200 Bas11990 ElRupert11945 NigDawG11735 SamSquid11615 Nutter593211590 Nosebleed_11545 somepunter11110 lundie10960 Take_Risks10787.50 gadgerno110600 Andy_Horns10515 jambeyang10500 RUNITSRANN10490 bromley0410430 railtard1110320 HITMAN_RV10300 cheesies10230 aussie0910200 GELDY10200 raygrayte10190 bearlyther10170 1tsonly1yf10135 FoldMachii10115 gordon197510045 darrenadd710030 equaliser10000 fun4furby9865 chrisdboy9855 rtc9850 IH8PALACE9850 pak_se_ri9770 TommyD9760 Barrie269760 YOURACED9750 Max_Bear9630 jondabar9590 NOMADICUS9580 sara36dd089578 darsum3339540 kgee9530 The_Hux9390 WOW1tsANDY9375 rndmmuppet9370 Omen699280 JonSpunks9160 Wacko908880 72off5uit8790 chicknMelt8730 TwoAnchors8370 CMoorman8172 madeyeII8040 Value_Town8030 GagginKs7580 al873killl6647.50 philroyal5595
Next time it just me or hs this UKOPS just got a whole lot MORE Buzz about it
Well played my good man, nice cash. Good luck for the next one