Stealing the idea for this thread from another very well known forum...
I was at my mum's for her 60th birthday recently and all the family were round so it was the first time I'd be telling my non-immediate family what I do for a living now.
Ofc many comical questions ensued from people that don't know anything about poker.
The standard one is 'I won £x last week'.... 'but how much did you lose?'
I told one of my uncles about it and he said 'aren't all the cards just going through a set sequence, so do you have a really good memory to be able to win?'
Even if you don't play for a living I'm sure everyone has told non poker playing friends that they play poker and had questions like this so do share!
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What i said to her was i might not be able to go on a walk this monday as i have a chance of entering the £530 HR for £5.30, as she doesn't understand poker she considered the sats a false game which was being done by a gang.
i also tell her how i've got lots in my account and not deposited for months but she still insists long term only sky poker itself is a winner, not even the fact i get to see my two cards before putting cash in the pot can convince her this has got thought and skill.
ah, your auntie is right with both points, craig
All the best.