To try & pre-empt the incoming questions & queries, just thought I'd try & forewarn you that there will be wholesale changes to the regular MTT & Satellite schedules during UKOPS XI.
This is NOT an exhaustive list, but these are a selection of the MTT's that will disappear for the duration of UKOPS X1, that is, 2nd to 9th November inclusive. Most of them will, presumably, re-appear on Monday 10th November.
Main & Mini Events......
£8,000 B/Hunter
£5,000 Turbo Open
£6,000 Rebuy Open
£10k Sky Sports BH
£10,000 B/Hunter
£2,000 Mini Roller
£2k Mini Turbo BH
£1,500 Mini Rebuy
£1500 Mini B/H
In addition, these will not run for the duration of UKOPS XI either......
9pm - £2,000/£3,000 Bounty Hunter (£55 Buy-in)
9.30pm - £2,000 Bounty Hunter (£11 Buy-in)
10.30pm - £1,500 Speed Bounty Hunter (£55 Buy-in)
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The regular satellite schedule will also, & obviously, change completely.
There will be a dynamic schedule of UKOPS X1 Satellites every day, but keep an eye on the Lobby (there is a UKOPS tab) as it will change daily &, on occasion, at short notice, based on take up.
Freerolls will also be part of the UKOPS changes, & many, if not most of them, will now point towards UKOPS during UKOPS week.
Normal service will be resumed after UKOPS XI finishes.
Any questions as to schedules next week for MTT's, UKOPS, Satellites or Freerolls, pop them on this thread & I'll try & get a answer from Upstairs.
Good morning.
There has been a small change to my OP for tonight (Sunday), as this Tourney WILL now run tonight.
9.30pm - £2,000 Bounty Hunter (£11 Buy-in)
There will NOT be any Satellites to it though.
It has yet to be decided if it will run on Monday.