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starting over again

thejudge10thejudge10 Member Posts: 465
edited November 2014 in Poker Chat
Hi everyone,
I have been on this site for 4 years now, and in general have enjoyed playing poker on sky.I am not a great player,but not too bad either,when i put my mind to it, and discipline myself. I have been reading a lot of the posts on here,which i think are great ,the way players really apply themselves to what ever task, they have set for themselves,inspiring.

So i have purchased a new p.c with dual monitors. My intention is to try and make this hobby of mine pay for a change.So i am going to be multi tabling at Nl 4 ,4 tables to start with,and hopefully through time progress to more tables,ideally about 12 tables by the end of the year.

I have deposited £100 into my account,and see how i get on.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited November 2014
    Welcome back Judge

    I am not one to advise on NL strategy - Take in Lamberts video though!

    In general try and play without distractions and manage your biggest opponent (yourself) with good discipline. 

    Keep posting the good and the bad and use the Poker Clinic if you are not sure about hands.

  • poppy765poppy765 Member Posts: 1,534
    edited November 2014
    Hi Judge,
    Goodluck with your mission, it's good to be profitable but try and learn and have fun from playing.
    I think that comes from quality rather than quantity.

    Grinding away playing abc poker is standard advice for micro multitabling but it might not be the best way to improve your game, personally i think i've learned more playing from loose aggressive in the last few weeks than i have in the last few years playing tightly...

    I think this will go against the advice that most people will give you but the way i see it- if you plan to work your way up the levels then bluffing and reading your opponent will become increasingly important- So you should get the practice in at micro levels where it's cheap.

    Best of luck!
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited November 2014
    GL judge all the best!
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited November 2014
    GL Comrade Judge10, I will look in & hope to see you going well

    Great advice from Poppy & Phantom[he does give very good advice actually, taken some meself, ta]

    I can Only Add, Defo Enjoy and avoid the Distractions that come in many forms!!

    Gwan Comrade!!

    The Hitman
  • thejudge10thejudge10 Member Posts: 465
    edited November 2014
    well i was waiting for my new pc to arrive today,(still playing on my wee laptop).I decided to phone and ask if it was defo be coming today,no such luck ,it will be thurs now.Hey being a poker player lol,im used to set backs so no probs.

    Well any way ,i deposited my br yesterday,so i thought i would have a wee game last night.
    I played in the DTD as i really enjoy playing in them.Infact if it wasnt for them i dont think i would be able to multi table.Now i know that it was unrealistic of me, hoping to cash in any of those,but i tend to treat them more as a fun thing to do on a monday night.After i finished playinhg in those,i went straight the cash tables. Was just about holding my own,but wqs short of tables,so rather than waiting,i went on the 5p 10p tables x2. Yes u can guess the rest i done £30.Wow such a large chunk of my br.

    so today i just concentrated on 4nl,and a couple of DYM,s

    ive managed to get back up to £90.33, so not to bad so far.I have learned my lesson and wont step up until i have £450 br.
    Its not that im out of my depth playing them ,just my bankroll.

    So as it stands im down £9.67,but in 24 hrs ive earned 189 points,so its not all bad.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2014
    Hey judge!

    Post hands up in the poker clinic, if there's anything your unsure about in a hand.

    I would also get stuck into the freeroll's aswell, you could geta  nice score for free!

    All the best
  • thejudge10thejudge10 Member Posts: 465
    edited November 2014
     guys done it again,went to the nl20 and nl10,held my own,probs should have played longer,but hey.

    opening br £100
     so my br stands at £90.51 
             loss            £9.49
      pl points  230
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,702
    edited November 2014
    Best of Aussie to you, mate :)
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited November 2014
    Best of luck and I will be reading with interest. Oh, and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Just can't reply on my iPad as need Adobe.

    Run well. 
  • scouse_redscouse_red Member Posts: 5,968
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: starting over again:
    well i was waiting for my new pc to arrive today,(still playing on my wee laptop).I decided to phone and ask if it was defo be coming today,no such luck ,it will be thurs now.Hey being a poker player lol,im used to set backs so no probs. Well any way ,i deposited my br yesterday,so i thought i would have a wee game last night. I played in the DTD as i really enjoy playing in them.Infact if it wasnt for them i dont think i would be able to multi table.Now i know that it was unrealistic of me, hoping to cash in any of those,but i tend to treat them more as a fun thing to do on a monday night.After i finished playinhg in those,i went straight the cash tables. Was just about holding my own,but wqs short of tables,so rather than waiting,i went on the 5p 10p tables x2. Yes u can guess the rest i done £30.Wow such a large chunk of my br. so today i just concentrated on 4nl,and a couple of DYM,s ive managed to get back up to £90.33, so not to bad so far.I have learned my lesson and wont step up until i have £450 br. Its not that im out of my depth playing them ,just my bankroll. So as it stands im down £9.67,but in 24 hrs ive earned 189 points,so its not all bad.
    Posted by thejudge10
    Hi Judge I remember when you started playing DTD, and it's good to see you bk around 

    Good Luck At The Tables mate
  • thejudge10thejudge10 Member Posts: 465
    edited November 2014

      Morning all,
     well played some more last night,after i thought i packed it in for the night.I went downstairs and my misses was watching,something about babies being born.Needless to say that was me going back upstairs for another session.

    It didnt go to well,playing the nl10 master cash tables, one of my first hands ran qq in to kk on 10 high board.
    next was my own doing,hit broadway on the river,there was already 3 diamonds on the board,he shoves the river, i think a little bit, was going to fold,then i heard a voice saying he doesn,t have to have it, so i called , and guess what , he had it.
    next one was ,my jj,safe  flop,safe turn,Ace on river,guy had a rag Ace. So within 1/2 an hour i had lost £50.

    So i thought blast this,im going to start really playing,gave the weak players a terrible time,never let them limp,and 3 betting,and 4 betting there 3 bets,i really enjoyed myself.mind you with iceman3,shakinaces,and evil pingu, on the table,the other 2 players had a torrid time. but i loved it.

    Anyway finished up on £71 .83 br left
    393 points.

    I am going away on thurs morning for a long weekend,i wont be back until mon,so this will be my lastday of playing.

    I am seriously thinking about re depositing again and play the nl10 tables any advice please,i thought £450
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited November 2014
    Hi Judge - good to play with you briefly last night, like you said that table with you and Pingu 3betting so frequently must have been a proper headache for the unknowns that came along and got well beaten up.

    If you play like that regularly (and avoid being out of position to people like Pingu too frequently!) then you definitely ought to beat the game over the long term.

    I think as a decent player, a minimum of £200 should suffice for non-mastercash NL10, especially if you are able to redeposit if you happen across a really bad run of cards. £450 will be plenty that as long as you avoid tilt you shouldn't go busto (it's about what I started with when I started playing more regularly back in April).
  • thejudge10thejudge10 Member Posts: 465
    edited November 2014
      Hey guys,

    Done it again,busted ma bankroll.However not through playing poker.
    I really fancied a horse last night,the 7:40 at kempton.It was agonising to watch,got in to all sorts of trouble,came with a rattling late run,got done a short head,i must say the jockey wasn,t at his best,but hey thats the way it rolls.

    Anyway i away at the moment until mon,giving my darling wife a much needed break.The good news is my new pc came today,ive entrusted the task of setting it up,to my step son.So i will be back on tues to play poker.So i will be making another deposit on tues,im not sure that havin a betting account,and a poker account,on the same site is a good idea. I suppose i shall have to be more adult about my self control.

    so its onwards and forwards tues,however i think i,ll skip the 2p 4p tables,and go to nl5 - 10p tables,i have more fun on them.

    I hope to be playing against some old names on tues.

    May the river be with me.

    ps the horse was khadria
  • thejudge10thejudge10 Member Posts: 465
    edited November 2014

      guys guess what ive deposited another £100,no more betting horses with my bankroll
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