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Hello UKOPS XII - any suggestions?

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522
edited November 2014 in Poker Chat

Will there be a UKOPS XII?

You bet.

The dates are already agreed, TV coverage is being discussed, & the actual MTT Schedule is nearly finalised.

So if anyone has any suggestions as to how you think UKOPS XII can be better than UKOPS XI, please make your suggestions on this thread.
Bigger/smaller buy-ins?

More Bounty Hunters, Freezeouts or Rebuys?

More - or less - PLO? (There was one PLO this time around).


Suggest away.
Note that UKOPS XII will not last as long as UKOPS XI, which ran for 8 straight nights. UKOPS XII is likely to be a 4 or 5 night jobbie.



  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    edited November 2014
    Sats from now plz.... i need lots of time and chances. 

    A plo8  aswell as a plo event 22buy in again or 11. More 9 max games.

    a Ukops cash challenge. Players who make the most profit from cash games. At different levels. Over the 4-5nights. On mastercash tables. Have to enter what stakes u play.  Then at the the end see who makes the most back from there games played.

    A ukops SnG Challenge.  Players with best results over a 4-5 day period too play the ukops SnG with a braclet and big prizepool. Say 3k or something like that.

    Very basic ideas but sure sky could sort somerhing out possibly. 

    This way it covers all games on sky and doesnt just focus on mtt's.

  • alex1229alex1229 Member Posts: 680
    edited November 2014
    Big Guarantee's and Big Buy in's!! 

    As seen the super roller and all big main events, generally smashed guarantee's and attracted some of the best players around
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,637
    edited November 2014
    It would be nice to have it around Xmas/New Year?  #justsaying
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,522
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: Hello UKOPS XII - any suggestions?:
    Big Guarantee's and Big Buy in's!!  As seen the super roller and all big main events, generally smashed guarantee's and attracted some of the best players around
    Posted by alex1229

    But to me, a very important part of the "package" was the Micro & Mini Events, which attracted monster fields. I think every UKOPS should include a range of events at the smaller buy-in levels.
  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited November 2014
    A PLO8 one please
    Leaderboards please (one for each buy-in level & one overall to cover all tournaments) with a prize for winners, nothing fancy, but something would do. Might encourage some to play the micro every night, the mini every night etc.
  • Wacko90Wacko90 Member Posts: 906
    edited November 2014
    HI Tikay, 

    Congrats on another successful series!

    As far as improvements go...

    Possibly avoid putting a deepstack on at 10pm at night, it's way too late to start a deepy for most people and it put me off regging.

    100% at least one plo8 (9pm challenger), fab game.

    More rebuys would be nice (though I realise it's not everyone's cup of tea).

    Adjusted GTEs, looks like most of the events beat the GTEs, I se no reason why you cannot push them up a little for the next series.

    And definitely introduce a proper leaderboard for player of the series. It would give a big incentive for players to grind more and would no doubt boost numbers, even if it was only slightly. Sky could create a fabulous promo based around this.

    All just my opinion, loved the series and can't wait for the next one!

  • TalonTalon Member Posts: 1,621
    edited November 2014

      This is always a tough one for people to answer in the right way.

     On one hand they will want to say what they want and what would be good for them, either to play or watch. But on the other hand when these things are organised the first consideration is to get the entrants required to make them work and keep the format going.

     So for me and my opinions. I am not a big fan of bounty hunters but realise they are very popular so was no surprise to see 23 of them per night because they are almost guaranteed to fill. So they have to be kept.

     As an advocate of the 4 card variants i would like to see both PLO and PLO8 included in the next line up. Obviously they would not be mains and would have to be put on the fringes. But maybe an extra little bit could be thrown in to help push these a little bit.

      An idea that has come to me would be to have 3 consecutive night of a NLHE, PLO and PLO8 tournament. Possibly in the side or challenger slot. And put in an extra prize, on the bracelet line, for the person with the best combined result in all three. Just an idea and one which may not even get a discussion but i like the sound of anyway
  • TheDartTheDart Member Posts: 1,581
    edited November 2014

    Personally I was delighted with the timing of UKOPSXI, too many times for my liking UKOPS events have been scheduled at busy times of the year such as bank holiday weekends , school half terms, Easter, Christmas, etc. 

    You know the time when people who might have a bit of a life outside of poker, will find it more difficult to commit to something like a UKOPS festival.

    Timing of UKOPSXI was perfect, but I realize I am entering the discussion of individual needs and preferences here, so moving on.....

    How about some type of UKOPS leaderboards?

    The threads of GARYQQQ and Slipwater are probably the most popular threads on here.

    You could have, micro, mini and main leaderboards.

    With the sides and challenger events, you can have a combined UKOPS leaderboard.

    You can have a UKOPS specific 'week' leaderboard or even a yearly UKOPS leaderboard.

    I'm guessing the next UKOPS will be a festive Christmas one, the UKOPS year could be a wrap around season (PGA TOUR style), starting at Christmas, concluding November 2015, this would be good timing for any yearly prizes of IPAD's, Sky TV bundles, Tv's, etc.
    With SkyPoker growing, there could be some very decent bonus prizes and awards on offer for players who commit to UKOPS, such as packages to live tournaments.

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,637
    edited November 2014
    Also, I found it hard to keep up with the myriad of Ukops related threads in "Poker Chat" .   A seperate "Ukops Chat" might be an idea?  
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited November 2014
    Some good points raised already. I was going to say I was happy with how it was and no need to change, but a couple of people have raised good points.

    Deepstacks to start at an earlier time, maybe have a game in the 7:30 slot. You have Micros at 7 I believe then the next event doesn't start until 8, so definitely a slot there for the longer structure game of the night. 

    I was going to suggest a couple of Omaha games, but as it's only 4-5 days long then maybe 1 is enough with a PLO8 added (Not good enough to play it myself, but that's irrelevant).

    Leaderboards would be good. Us poker players love a bit of rivalry, checking the tournament lobby to see if our closest rivals are still in the tournament.

    Maybe bracelets for every event? Can't cost that much to get some more made surely, and I imagine it could add a few extra runners to the game to cover the costs.

    Overall though, that's the first time I've played a UKOPS series properly and I really enjoyed it! Well done.
  • SlykllistSlykllist Member Posts: 2,888
    edited November 2014

    Micro events were a great idea, maybe change the structures of them so that they are not all turbos?

  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    edited November 2014
    A PLO/PLO8 mini would be nice 
  • LightwoodLightwood Member Posts: 224
    edited November 2014
    Hi Tikay,

    A few more PLO event would be good, perhaps only a the mid range stakes as the game is still a learning curve for most.

    One other suggestion - how about an extra £1 on every entrance to the mid/big stake event that will pay towards seats for the main event at the end of the festival.

    Eg, 550 runners with extra £1 on entrance = £%50 - which gives top 5 a seat to ME as well as prize money, just a thought.

    Also entrants of both main and mini could qualify for an all in sat the following night for a ME seat
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited November 2014
    A deepstack MTT starting at say 7.30 and the 10pm game being a turbo would make more sense to me. The 9max seemed pretty painful to play and I would have thought 4max would be more popular than 9max. There are lots of places to play 9max and 9max no ante is like pulling teeth. If you look at the runners in the 9max I am fairly sure it was the usual names that will pretty much play any MTT at those kind of buy ins that you put on the site.

    I agree about micro structures, especially given they start so early I see no reason why structures cant be tweaked a bit to allow more play late on.

    I think a leaderboard would be great, especially if it was split so you could have a champion of each type. eg micro champion UKOPS XII would mean even if someone can only afford the micro buy in they have a chance of their name in lights.  
  • LightwoodLightwood Member Posts: 224
    edited November 2014
    In Response to Re: Hello UKOPS XII - any suggestions?:
    A deepstack MTT starting at say 7.30 and the 10pm game being a turbo would make more sense to me. The 9max seemed pretty painful to play and I would have thought 4max would be more popular than 9max. There are lots of places to play 9max and 9max no ante is like pulling teeth. If you look at the runners in the 9max I am fairly sure it was the usual names that will pretty much play any MTT at those kind of buy ins that you put on the site. I agree about micro structures, especially given they start so early I see no reason why structures cant be tweaked a bit to allow more play late on. I think a leaderboard would be great, especially if it was split so you could have a champion of each type. eg micro champion UKOPS XII would mean even if someone can only afford the micro buy in they have a chance of their name in lights.  
    Posted by MattBates
    Agree with Matt re start games and structure
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited November 2014
    I liked the 9max. Nothing wrong with a long structure. Didn't feel much different to the deepstack games to me. No reason why you can't have 4 max and 9 max as opposed to 1 or the other.
  • jdsallstarjdsallstar Member Posts: 1,675
    edited November 2014
    Dont know how it can be changed but i found the tournament lobby (especially in regards to satellites) a little confusing to navigate. 

    Also more satellites for events that are on the following night would be appreciated. I cant really start playing until around 7:30pm every night and the only satellites available at that stage are really hyper structured ones or all in sats. 

    Oh and no 9 max lol
  • nickd49931nickd49931 Member Posts: 124
    edited November 2014
    Ante's, 4max, as many £22 events as possible, rebuy bounty hunters :) 
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,240
    edited November 2014
    ''Also more satellites for events that are on the following night would be appreciated. I cant really start playing until around 7:30pm every night and the only satellites available at that stage are really hyper structured ones or all in sats. ''


    And the other point raised are all excellent. 

    I really like Talons suggestion of a 'mixed game' tourney on consecutive nights.....a low buy in for that with prizes each night and at the end would be great fun.

    But all in all the UKOPS are brilliant, although I got chewed to pieces this week I think I enjoyed it ...:-)
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,658
    edited November 2014

    UKOPS are growing in field sizes and attracting some of the biggest players around to the site.

    With this in mind, maybe another HR event being put into the schedule (£250-£550 BI). All the Main events got the numbers, so a mixture of everything did work.

    I think the micros should only be freezeouts/deepstacks or BH's.

    For Jackpot purposes, it would be advantageous for the Main & Mini be the same 'format' each night. It would be also nice to see the same structure applied to both.

    Satellite schedule could be looked at and some more put on to the bigger events for all to attempt to play. Some of the bigger stories from each UKOP series is the 'little guy' who satted in and cashed big. Also agree, for those who work 9-5 everyday, more sats the previous evening to the upcoming events the next day.

    The PLO tournament also worked. Add a PLO8 and perhaps another PLO to the schedule.

    Leader boards/walls of fame would also add a bit of extra to the whole proceedings too. 

    Bounty prizes on presenter heads too. Plus it would be nice if a few of them played the micro games too.

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