Tikay started a feedback thread after the UKOPS and a couple of people mentioned satellites which reminded me of a thread I started a while ago. I'll just C+P what I said there because nothing much has changed in terms of how things are atm and the improvements that I think are a good idea.......
Obv the SPT bit aint very relevant atm
"The satellites need a complete overhaul and that's what would increase ME numbers imo. Firstly give tourney tokens, so u can play a sat whenever, win the token and play whenever. Tons of people can't afford a direct BI to the ME and can't play the nightly 6pm sat for the ME, whether it's due to working, having dinner, sorting the kids out etc. so they simply don't play the ME at all. But if they could play a ME sat at 10pm and use that ticket the next day, lots would.
If you're worried about overlay, maybe run them as SnGs. Maybe run them as 1in5s capped at 2 seats, so it runs when 10 people join, sure it wouldn't take too long to get 10 runners, then no danger of overlay cos if it doesn't fill, it doesn't run. Then as SnGs, they could just run 24 hours a day if the people wanna play them. Imagine how many runners a ME could get if there was potentially SnGs running throughout the entire day, every day. If they aint that popular, so what, they'd just sit in the lobby not being played like regular SnGs do now, and then you could get rid of them if after a prolonged period they were not running. But imo, I'd be shocked if you couldn't get at least 10 of these games to run every day... at 2 seats a go, that's 20 extra runners in every ME.... 20 more lots of rake (and there's rake on the SnGs too), and imo it's not being overly optimistic to expect them to run at least 10 times a day.
Same applies to the SPTs, look how few people are regged for it. Why aren't there non stop SnG all in sats? £6, 55 runners, goes when it fills, its not like you need to be at the computer for an all in sat, can reg in advance. Or non stop SnGs to win entry to the Semi or Quarter? boost the number of seats at each stage.
More sats, more sats. Maybe give them their own full tab so it's Cash, SnGs, Tournaments, and Satellites, then within that new group, you can have subgroups, 'Main Event', 'UKOPS', 'SPT' etc. If you do start tourney tokens then it'd be easier to just say this is a sat for an £11 game then people can use it for a variety of different games. And/Or you could have subgroups to split between scheduled sats and SnG sats. Don't really understand why all in sats aren't run as SnGs literally 24 hr a day, 365 days a year for every type of game.... people don't need to be there to play, so you could reg up 3-4 and even if it takes 5 hours for them to fill, so what, you come back later and find out if you got a seat. It's just a win-win scenario for everyone who wants to play them and Sky.
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The only time it could make a difference is with stuf like VLV and £1k UKPC seats because if you get an extra £1k token, you could be waiting a while to use it... but they are rare and unique, I'm sure it wouldn't be very hard to treat these as stand alone events not subject to the same rules so cash would be available (if you are already regged).
We've just come off the back of a UKOPS where Sky put on tons of extra satellites at all times of the day. Now for the first day or two maybe there was a small amount of overlay probably down to a lack of promoting them so at first no-one even knew they existed, after the first couple of days though, from what I saw pretty much 100% of the sats met/broke/smashed their guarantee (the ones I played between like 10am - 1pm anyway)
I get that for a big series like UKOPS Sky really wanna push to make sure they meet the bigger guarantees and of course it's necessary because they tend to be bigger BIs..... but the people that played these UKOPS sats day in, day out (it was pretty much the same names everyday) didn't just appear out of nowhere, I very much doubt many/any of the players actively went out of their way to make sure they were logged in at 10/11am to play those sats, they weren't new players signing up to try and sat into UKOPS, they were just regs already online playing their regular games.
So based on that, clearly there are the players there to easily meet the guarantees in the morning. I don't want this to come across as a rant/moan at Sky but it seems like they're just happy enough as they are, when surely it should just be a constant push to get bigger and better. These morning sats always run for UKOPS, UKPC, SPTs etc, so the numbers are there, so why aren't they running 365 days a year? 350 runners for a main is great, but 400 is even better. If the ME numbers are going up (they do seem to be) then that's great news, but it doesn't mean you should take your foot off the gas and not try to make them even bigger.
I play in the mornings, but then kids get home from school just after 3pm, and so I'm with them, having dinner etc, and then getting them up to bed at 7pm so all ME sats are long gone by then unless I wanna punt an all-in sat.
Also, sometimes I'll be playing MTTs and I've bust a load and there's just nothing else worth regging at that point in the night... if I could flick in a couple of £12 SnGs (10 runners) with 2 x £55 seats, then I'd deffo play them and use them the following night.
The recent satellites for the double guarantee mains are perfect, although the structure is pretty slow.
So I'll be playing Monday's 16k BH
If even one or two satellites were to go up for the £33 mains or £55 BHs a few nights before scheduled I'm sure they'd be a hit.
Very good point! More sats no tokens gets my vote
I expect a fair proportion of those playing the satellites won't have that much though, and tokens might be a good idea for them.