1mindman, I genuinely think you have a problem. You have done numerous posts in the past about this site being untoward in some way or another, yet continue to play here. If you truly believe the bile that comes out of your gob, the last thing you should want to do is continue to lose money on this site.
You either need to contact GA or seek professional help.
1mindman i have a question for you because all the other simpletons here just dont have the brain compacity to answer it.
what happen when two players with the same sky poker rating play each other heads up? do they just split every pot and there money is im limbo forever?
ashamed? apologetic? remorseful?
Good to see you still playing here 1mindman.
You either need to contact GA or seek professional help.
what happen when two players with the same sky poker rating play each other heads up? do they just split every pot and there money is im limbo forever?