Assuming our new Ambo is going to help people build Rolz, bearing in mind some people may have started with just the £10 welcome cash... how about this fo title of blog?... Enhancing nil
Ay? You having that? Think about it.. Anagram of Neil Channing.
So Tikay pops over to the Large Hadron Collider to give them a few tips, then 3 days later they announce they've discovered two new subatomic particles. Anything you want to share with us, Mr Particle Physics Genius?
Sorry gents, that was the wrong hand, haha. The one I was suppose to give was when I had 6,7 suited and was playing higher stakes and managed to get lambert of two pairs with re-raising him with 7 high etc... What an epic fail! congrats Neil on your new role.
All the best
Channel Channing
chancellor channing.
dIdn't make the main tonight, tried a few sats, but am currently in the last 4 of a 350 BH,
will be doing my daily link tomorrow, and now I have something too do on it which will now be neil,
I done tikay last week. eventually
ill do u soon though orford, but I only have the 220 :@ 220 on your list of achievements..... well thats a lie your online cv was pretty good
So Tikay pops over to the Large Hadron Collider to give them a few tips, then 3 days later they announce they've discovered two new subatomic particles. Anything you want to share with us, Mr Particle Physics Genius?
My question is:
Judged on previous outfits
Will Neil be starting a new fashion line
or will he stick to Karate suits, pyjamas and super casual.
Plus has the wardrobe department got a big enough budget for Neils unique style, Tikay's jackets and Orfords hair dye?
the mental game of poker is great aswell, but
861 is probably one of the best things out there!!!