The more serious i play poker the more i have realised that i need to improve my multi-tabling ability. I mainly play 2-4 tables of tournaments, at the max 6 on a busy schedule... I feel like i could play 2 tables day and night and be fine, but when it comes to 4 tables i feel fine for the first few hours but after say 3-4 hours I feel like a lose concentration, i get a headache, my focus goes and with that often goes my interest in playing,
I would really like some tips from players who can multitable long sessions, how did you find adding more tables? is it just a matter of time for your brain to get used to it? Im only 23 My eyesight is fine, i drink plenty of water, and keep to a healthy diet so in terms of that i know im fine.
Ive only been playing poker for 2 years so i understand a lot of this stuff comes with time, but i also know if at any point i want to become very serious with poker il need to master the art of playing 6 tables+ and still keeping up my A game,
advice and tips from anyone would be most appreciated.
thanks in advance Jordz16
It's a fact that when our eyesight starts to deteriorate we do not always notice it so i would suggest it's worthwhile getting your eyesight checked. The headaches could be a sign that your eyesight has changed without you realising. A computer screen can put extra strain on our sight as it's usually a lot brighter than natural light. Try turning down the brightness or there is a little programme called f.lux that softens the colours to match your lighting at home.