That's my new word of the week.
I saw it yesterday, whilst ploughing through the "Collected, It's Rigged" Debate on 2+2, which fascinates, bemuses, bewilders, & bamboozles in equal measure.
I'm addicted to reading that sort of stuff, especially on Sky Poker, & I've no idea why. I'm never rude to them, they are entitled to their view. I do sometimes ask them, after they say "I lost with Aces 23 times running" to prove it. They never ever do, so I leave it at that.
Whilst perusing that 2+2 humdinger yesterday, I came across the collective term for those who think onliner poker is not "straight".
Like that, it works for me.
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In many cases, of course, they just suffer from severe "tilt".
Guy shoves with AJ and our "riggie" calls for his tournament life with Q9 clubs - AJ ahead
Flop comes down A45 with 2 clubs - AJ still ahead
Turn is J of Diamonds - AJ still ahead
River is J of clubs giving nut flush to "riggie" but boat to our hero
Perspective moment for "riggie" - this is a freeroll after all......nope cue the Sky Poker is rigged rant in the chat box after he has been eliminated!!
Very funny, nobody commented he was typing to himself
Gotta love Freeroll Keyboard Warriors