Can't believe it's Sunday already, the week has literally flown by for me! Hope you've had a good one yourself? Tomorrow, I'm off to Winter Wonderland with the girls, after all, it is December the 1st tomorrow so it's time to get festive! Any tips for me? I've been told already to wear two pairs of socks as apparently my toes will be like ice by the end, and I've also been told to take it easy on the mulled wine. I may ignore the advice for the latter

Tonight's show is going to be busy busy busy!!! As always on a Sunday we've got loads to show you on the telly tonight and we are going to be mixing between some Live Mastercash action, Thursday's Final Table from the Bounty Hunter, and also tonight's HUGE... £25K MEGA ROLLER!!!!
On the show tonight, it's myself and your poker expert Jen Mason, who will be with me to look through your hands, so any questions, comments, hand requests, get them sent in! We are here to help! We also love your poker banter to get us through the 5 hours, so entertain us tonight please! I love a bad joke, and Jen hates them with a passion, so why not...
send in your best/worst poker jokes!
I'm in the mood for a giggle, and it doesn't take much. If you make us laugh that much we might even give away a few seats to a tourney next week, so get in touch!
Email: skyopen@bskyb.com
Or post here on the forum! See you from 7pm - midnight you lot!
Jules x
Cash question for Jen, I am generally a winning cash player but tend to spew my chips calling all 3 streets with top pair second kicker such as kq or aj, which is obvs a major leak.
I know the answer is situation and player dependent but when would you accept that your top pair is not good enough? In position i know i should pot control more by perhaps checking one or more of the streets.
Enjoy Winter Wonderland Jules!
A man walks into a bar and notices a poker game at the far table. Taking a closer look he sees a dog sitting at the table. Being nosey he walks over and sees cards and chips in front of the dog.
Then the next hand is dealt and cards are dealt to the dog. Then the dog acts in turn with all the other players, calling, raising, folding, everything the human players were doing.
However none of the other players seemed to pay any mind to the fact that they were playing with a dog, they just treated him like any other player.
Finally the man said to one of the players, "I can't believe that dog is playing poker, he must be the smartest dog in the world!"
The player smiled and said, "He isn't that smart, every time he gets a good hand he wags his tail."
ps it goes without saying have a great show as always
Worst Poker Joke
What did the giraffe say to the leopard at the poker table?
Answer: I thought you were a cheetah!
Did ya hear about the blonde who brought a bag of frozen French fries to a poker game?
Someone told her to bring her own chips.
------A woman walks into the living room and sees her brother playing poker with their dog.
“Wow!” she exclaimed, “You must have the smartest dog in the world!”
Her brother replies, “He’s not all that smart. I’ve beaten him 3 out of 5 games so far."Where the **** have you been?" screamed my wife.
I said, "I've been playing poker with some blokes."
"Playing poker with some blokes?" she repeated. "Well, you can pack your bags and go!"
"So can you," I said. "This isn't our house anymore."
Q How do you make Lady Gaga Cry
A Ppppppppppoker Face!
I cleaned my fish out last night. Can't believe how bad they are at poker!
Me & my mate had an argument playing poker. He picked the cards and 51 of them hit me in the face but I went one better, I decked him.
Think I'm on a roll!
I think she's bluffing.
main event
Q having 3bet preflop do i really need to be so aggressive or should i just keep my bets for value?