So when I started playing more regularly on Sky Poker, I threatened I might do a diary and here it is. I aim to post at least once a month about how I'm getting on. Here's my thoughts on how November went.
Well the first thing I learned was that it was a bad choice of username, as everyone constantly seems to ask me / tease me about West Brom in the chatbox and I am completely clueless

To be honest I'm not really into football (like plenty of other sports, just not football) so I didn't even think about that rather obvious meaning for Albion. I just chose it cos its in a song I like. Oh well

Poker wise, I think it has been a good first month. I've been playing lots of 0.05/0.10 cash, some micro DYMs, and some micro/freeroll tournaments. I've ended the month £54 up which I am really pleased with. It's probably my first month of showing a decent profit at poker, I have been breaking even for a while on other sites but not really seeing profit. Obviously it could just be first month luck / run good although I think I have been running pretty even. With reward points it will be £75 profit which is really great tbh.
I'd say it's almost all come from the cash. DYMs I am running at 56% wins so probably breaking even. Tournaments have been a bit frustrating - done well in the freerolls and won seats a few times, but then not turned them into cashes. I haven't played enough to notice a pattern - this is why I prefer cash really as waiting for a tourney cash is really frustrating. But I would like to improve my tourney game.
I have really enjoyed the cash play though. I think I have some good strenghts - I am quite patient and calm at the table and happy to play my fairly tight game and wait for good spots. I've been working on my table selection and note taking. I think my biggest weaknesses at the moment are randomly losing discipline and spewing off chips with big useless bluffs, and also I think I lose value sometimes by playing too cautiously. Also sometimes calling knowing full well I am beat but wanting to know what by - that is a really expensive trait of mine!
It has been a really fun first month though and I like the site and the community a lot (and Anna showed my cat on tv which was awesome). So say hi if you see me on the tables

Gl with it all.
I'm sure you'll do well.
You're the sort of poker player tikay likes to see around the place so he'll be on your case before long I'm sure.
Interestingly my cat, Machka, has also been shown on Sky Poker. By accident the producer mixed up pictures and showed my cat by mistake. This made James Hartigan the presenter at the time have a fit of giggles for the next 5 minutes!
Poker, Xbox, Cats, The Open University, Club 100 freeroll (I didn't cash) - so many similarities.
I have vaguely fond memories of my OU course, do any of M101, M205, M203, M261, MST204, M353, MT365, M206, M301 still exist?
HI, good luck with your hobby of poker.
i hope you continue to run good, i have played you on the Cash tables, now can i have my money back.
ALBION, there are a few places with that name however, ALBION is the old celtic name for Scotland,
There was also a time that it was used as a name for the UK.
None of which relate to football.
I hope this helps
Bluffing is an important part of poker and whilst at the lower levels you definitely should be value betting more than bluffing, there is merit in bluffing in certain spots. One of my favourite poker sayings is: "If you never get caught bluffing then you aren't bluffing enough." It's completely fine to get your hand caught in the cookie jar as long as it's not in their too often!! And if you do get caught it can also be great advertising for getting paid off when you do actually have a hand
from lady D