Hi all,
I'm reaching the end of my tether with sky, which is a real shame, because I used to enojoy playing here exclusively every day.
I have occasional minor problems with the software (as pretty much everyone I have ever asked does) which I am willing to overlook, but when I have severe problems that directly effect results in tournaments, I expect something to be done about it. A refund, looking into the problem in detail etc. Nothing extreme, and the same I would expect from any site.
Anyway, I dont want to ramble, because I want people to actually read this and respond...
I had severe problems with the software/ connectivity on 2nd December - Tables gradually stopped working, either because the action buttons weren't visible, or because my action was not processed (if i clicked raise for example, the raise would be displayed but the timer would continue to timeout, until I was sat out). Leaving me with a problem of choosing when to restart the software such that the remaining working games were minimally impacted and before I had been sitting out too long on the tables that had stopped working.
I emailed customer care, this time with 7 or 8 screenshots of it happening on some tables but not others, and only on sky. An example is below, and a link is below that for those that view this before the image is approved.
CC responded, basically saying that it wasnt their problem - other players were able to play on fine and they cant see any server problems. Then rather helpfully gave me tips on how to fix problems my browser (I used to work in IT support, and I use the download ffs). I'll post the full response in a minute.
The main reason for this post is a last ditched attempt to get sky to look into these problems in detail, and to give me a refund before I permanently have my account closed
to help with this, I would like to establish whether I was the only one that experienced these kind of problems on Tuesday 2nd December, much worse than any other minor problems normally experienced...
I did have one CC operative say recently, when I experienced Virgin media based problems, that the download isn't compatible with Windows 8, after calling me a liar regarding my inability to play my hands. I've only been playing on the download client for 18 months through Windows 8, yeah it ain't compatible
Same for me and a few others on a DYM table i was playing.
Only playing one table at the time !
I have regular issues with sky software, and like you have other poker sites and software running fine when sky crashes/freezes. Now i'm no technical expert (or poker expert lol) but a friend of mine took a look at my laptop and said the sky program uses a lot of processing power when its running. So my laptop doesn't like it, freezes sky whilst other stuff run. To counteract this I sometimes play through windows. I do all the things sky have told you to do, clear cookies etc but to no avail, I still get the white screen of death. I have so many weird little niggly things that happen too (chips still on table when hand dead, missing cards, random connection errors when moving tables etc etc).
For some reason skys stock answer is "no problem our end" now they may be right as far as the internet connection is concerned. My guess is there are fundamental flaws within skys programming that they are not willing to address. What makes it worse is I have NO PROBLEMS AT ALL with any other poker software! So by burying their heads in the sand all sky are gonna do is lose players! Ranging from mediocre (me) to pretty **** good (you)!
Fingers crossed you get some sort of refund/compensation.
Agree that it's heavy on the RAM. I'm currently playing 1 table with just the necessary progs running and my RAM is at 50% and CPU between 12 and 35%.
Also I will point out that Sky Poker is the only poker DOWNLOAD I have installed that is not fully fuctional. I can't remember the last time player search, HH or My Tables worked. I sometimes lose the MTT lobby too. All fine via a browser. Coincidence? I think not.
I was only playing one table by the time this started happening so didn't really cause me any pain. I did see the issue once where I was moved table and couldn't see my cards, even though I was dealt into the hand - I had never had this before, but have heard others say about it.
I very rarely play more than 2 table's, so see less problems than others. However, in the summer I was playing and my Internet connection died, so as I was still playing in a tournament I turned my phone into a hotspot and got the laptop running through the phones 3G connection. I have a 3G Watchdog App so it tracks my monthly usage and in the space of around 20 minutes (I think) I used over 150MB of my usage, luckily by this time my Internet connection had come back up. This shows a lot of bandwidth is required for each table to run, so for those running 6 tables they could be downloading around 1GB in a 20 minute window. This seems a lot as it is hardly HD video, just a few cards. Not sure if Sky or anyone has done any testing on the amount of MB each table uses, just probably something worth pointing out.
Hope you get some kind of refund and they sort you out, pretty obvious you are geniune. Very frustrating talking to any kind of CC when you are technical yourself and they are usually reading off a script.