I often read post on various threads criticizing Customer Services.
I would like to throw my hat in the ring and say I have always found them most helpful anytime I have had an issue (cue someone digging this up if I whine in any subsequent posts ........;-))
Yesterday I had an issue with 4 DYM tables I had loaded, broadband was working fine (had desktop on watching Sky go etc..)
yet they kept freezing, I couldn't see cards, sometimes no action buttons, I reloaded various times even turned off the other computer, restarted my laptop etc. all to no avail. managed to cash in one LOL.
Anyway, I emailed customer services and today they replied, they credited my buy ins and gave my a free flight to Malta for my inconvenience.
Big Thumbs up Sky!!!
Did we ever hear anything about the PLO8 invisible card phenomena? I know a few of us posted some hand IDs, but I don't recall if there was ever a reply or acknowledgement?