i was on a 5dym table and sucked out on some1 after that they just went on and on about it
what is the point in this
yes every1 sucks out why mouth off about it
| | 1217.50 | - ckd won 2600.00 with a Pair of Queens
that was i hand q5 ok not the best but lasttime i checked you canplay whatever you want
he had a j
i think from now on sky should put up a chart saying what you can play and cant
just makes me laught
and just to justify a bit the last table i was on with him he was raising alot and i caught him out a couple times when he had 10 high
play your own game and leave others alone to play theres
we dont complane when they call and miss why do we when they hit
gl to all at the tables
They have one of them dnt they? The hot o meter? Thats sumtimes a reallllyyyy good way to mix ur game up, 4xBB pre with top cards everytime - ur oppos will find it very hard to put u on a hand! lol
As for the serious point - the abuse issue has come up loads of times, and I say the same everytime, just ignore it, they cnt hurt u, and if theyre having a go coz uve beat em, its easy money.
Was an example other day tho, when a fella was having a go when he'd stacked me! and that realllyyyy got me going! - Especially when he called me fatty!! haha obviously a reference to my avatar, I hope so anywyay - The more annoying thing tho is when they stack me (yes happens alot l8ly) - Have a pop, LAUGH! - sit out, stand up, leave the table...yet carry on having a pop...so cowardly.....
Bloke sat at my table with half the buy in, posted the BB out of position, I raised behind and fired 3 shells, flop turn river, board was 9 high n he had 9-2 off ...cudnt get him off....then without even seeing the next hand....he had stood and was out of there...
This sort of thing is much worse than an abusive chatbox!
the abuse does not bother me i put this up so that hopfully people who do it might relise that every 1 sucks out and theres no need for saying anything about it in fact im very happy when they do it cos then i just wait for a big hand and push 9/10 i get called by them and take the rest of there chips. but some people do get hurt by this sort of stuff and that is the only reason i put this up
as far as that calling you fatty i bet that really hurt lol
so tell me how much did it cost him for calling you that lol
The fella who was doing it, Im sure he was doing an impression of an american rapper, some of the 'words' or even noises...cnt call em words....he was coming out with, were unreal! I actually ended up laughing, I cud picture him doing that thing ppl do with there fingers, the ali G thing, whilst dancing round his comp, calling me a punk, and saying "thats wa im tolkin bout dawgggg" hahahahah im laughing writing this.
He stood up and left shortly after, he was honest enough to say it was his first game - he flat called a bet on the river with the nuts about 10 minutes later and then said "trip jacks and a pair of 9's, not bad a dohhhh" haha - quite a loveable character really.
He sat out, n a couple of ppl asked him what was wrong? he said "just taking a time out to count this money, brappppp" - lolol
words will hurt forever
If you feel you have suffered table abuse at any level please report this to customer care (by clicking here). The team will happily investigate all reported cases and this is, without doubt, the fastest and most efficient way to eradicate abuse from Sky Poker.
I hope this helps
I got onto live chat while i was still playing, they come onto the table, checked chat log and was as shocked as me resulting in them instantly banning him.
I love a good bit of banter in the chat box and talk to anyone that listens but some things you need stamp out early
I'm also a possible culprit as i had a steam on last night lol, however I wasn't very insulting to whoever i commented to. I said it was the "worst call i'd seen that year but good luck to you" Considering it's Jan 2010 i haven't seen that many bad calls and i just couldn't steam without wishing them luck lol. I did get sucked out on by someone with A Picture and a 5 but it was K 5 V's My A K I think (i hope cos i'd hate to be getting slated on the forum lol)
no was none of you
ty sky rich for that link i am not reporting it cos it was just spouting of as i said above it dosent bother me i like it puts them on tilt more was just hoping to get throught to at least 1 person that might do it that we all get lucky its just a game
As someone that has done this in the past it's just something that is part of the game. Some people get angry and I used to with inexperience. However I was banned from the chat and am now a 'reformed character'
. I prefer to think of my chat now as 'banter' and I love a bit of banter whilst playing, it makes the game so much more enjoyable for me. Nothing worse for me than having 6 tables going in mini-view and working like a robot I would prefer to have a chat and enjoy myself. If anyone ever gets offended by anything I say please don't be, I'm just trying to have a bit of fun!
PS - Only joking, Dearest.
any player can play any hand its your right,because you have paid ya money..good luck,dave