Thin brag post inbound...
It was my work's Christmas night out on December 12th and I ended up in a casino here in Aberdeen.
Come midnight, my mate was very drunk and wanted to sit down at the 1/2 cash table. He has a very basic understanding of the game but isn't overly used to playing casino poker (with regards to etiquette, etc), so I advised him against it on both counts. I was relatively sober, but didn't really fancy it. And apart from that, I
really didn't want to sit down and take his money...

Anyway, he
did sit down and proceeded to lose £60 very quickly. I stepped in and told him it was time to go home. Reluctantly, he agreed. He gave me the remaining £40 he had and told me to do better. So I did. I left in the early hours with over £200 profit from that table.
So it got my thinking. I decided to try the same casino on the craziness that is Mad Friday, and seeing if I could... take advantage. Long story short, I came out of that night over £400 in the black. Of course, it helped when I had KK and some guy decided to open shove £115 on a KK8 flop. I fear I kind of slowrolled him because I had to quickly check my hand again to make sure I had quads... He had nines.
I was without a plan last night, so I followed suit, and about six hours ago I rolled home £450 to the good.
£1,100 over three nights.
I find the difference in quality astonishing between live and online play. I would choke at a 1/2 table online, but am very comfortable face to face.
am I on shaky ethically ground because I made a made the effort to play poker against drunk people on (quite possibly) a few of the softest nights of the year, or is it simply taking the tools I have and using them as best I can?