I'm aware there are Community Guidelines that include provisions against people calling the software's integrity into question...but they rarely seems to result in even thread closure. There are so many threads like this in BBV.
Can we get some of those threads closed and trolls banned, please?
This is my daytime bread and butter.

You close them, you close my fun
Its quite funny when the threads are kept up and the OP is destroyed by reasoned logic
Typical example "OMG all these noobs who ALWAYS hit with flush draws, it f****** rigged man"
Response "ok always shove every flush draw you get, you will win loads wont you? Let me know how you get on....."
Or the classic, "yes sky would risk there multi-million pound business to fix your 5p/10p nl game"
Plus they are sometimes very VERY funny. The players secret ranking/score had me in stitches. If my secret score is higher than yours I will always win a hand against you. I was literally LOLing
He was convinced that everyone had a tournament ranking, and it was this ranking that determined your eventual finishing position, how you played your hands was irrelevant.
He was in the final 3 of a mini recently, and I popped open the table and asked where he was gonna finish. He told me he had a better ranking than the guy in 3rd but the chip leader had the best ranking, so he was adament he was destined for 2nd place. I think he did come 2nd as well.......thinking about it, maybe he was right all along!
Come back, 1mindman, all is forgiven!