In Response to Re: HUDs : for single style players maybe Posted by GELDY
For any players. Most players are adpaptive anyways. Memory is selective and unreliable. being able to see what the population turns up with on certain textures, whether certain river situations / ranges are costing or making you money is useful.
Most players overestimate their creative prowess and ts impact on results anyway. The most meaningful mistakes are the small munndane ones you make over and over. Most of your ev comes from villains making more mistakes than you.
Pt4, HEM etc are fantastic tools for self analysis. To think that you wouldnt benenfit as you are too creative for it to be meaningful woukd be arrogance.
In Response to Re: HUDs : For any players. Most players are adpaptive anyways. Memory is selective and unreliable. being able to see what the population turns up with on certain textures, whether certain river situations / ranges are costing or making you money is useful. Most players overestimate their creative prowess and ts impact on results anyway. The most meaningful mistakes are the small munndane ones you make over and over. Most of your ev comes from villains making more mistakes than you. Pt4, HEM etc are fantastic tools for self analysis. To think that you wouldnt benenfit as you are too creative for it to be meaningful woukd be arrogance. Posted by TeddyBloat
i would have to have some experience of them to be able to refute this, or not. suffice it to say based on my knowledge of statistics i know how to render them meaningless or worse
Any player could benefit from a database of all hands they have played and the tools to filter them.
You can never have a big enough sample to be sure of anything, but for example you can group similar hands together to gain sample size at the expense of detail.
.backed up with theory you can really drill down on certain parts of your game.
You dont even need to do anything fancy. For example simply being able to review every hand you have 3bt out of the SB v a cut-off open. You dont need to run through deep database analysis to simply pull the hands up and see how you play in 3bt pots. You may remember the time you have 3bt 54s and outplayed villain, but forget the times you have done the same and found yourself lost.
Any player could benefit from a database of all hands they have played and the tools to filter them. You can never have a big enough sample to be sure of anything, but for example you can group similar hands together to gain sample size at the expense of detail. .backed up with theory you can really drill down on certain parts of your game. You dont even need to do anything fancy. For example simply being able to review every hand you have 3bt out of the SB v a cut-off open. You dont need to run through deep database analysis to simply pull the hands up and see how you play in 3bt pots. You may remember the time you have 3bt 54s and outplayed villain, but forget the times you have done the same and found yourself lost. Posted by TeddyBloat
The actual HUD gives you a small overview of villain.
But you also have a database of all your hands and the using program running the HUD you can filter your entire database for buyin, starting range, position, board texture, facing actions, # players to flop, etc etc etc or any combination of these things. They are very powerful tools if you know how to use and interpret them. All this is work done away from the tables and a benefit people often overlook.
The HU server was down when I tried i and I have never played limit. Would be cool if there were lessons to be applied to hu no limt play but I thinjk the two game trees woukd be radically different.
I have seen pseudo GTO solutions for hu short stacked post flop play and the conclusions were radically different to how people play generally and incredibly useful in formulating exploitattive lines.
Ill be very excited to see what if any applications come out for gto no limit play from this.