im in a satalite,the £48 UKPC we are on the bubble only 6 seats ,7 left my table has 3 short stacks rangeing from 4k to 8k im on 18k the other table has 3 big stacks 13k upto 17k im being told i should be shoving every hand even thou i was getting 9highs and lower when i did have a hand i did shove or raised it ..its a satalite and i want to win a £220 seat im not going to give my chip lead away just because someone on other table thinks i should be shoving every hand so he can win a seat as he lost alot chips on his table ....CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME WHY I SHOULD GIVE UP A CHIP LEAD IN THIS SITUATION OR RISK MY CHIPS WITH RUBBISH CARDS
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Firstly, if people on the other table were telling you how to play whilst the game is in progress then that could be looked at as collusion and could get them, and you, in trouble.
Secondly, your goal in a satellite is to qualify, it makes no difference whether you qualify as chip leader or as a short stack, you still qualify. If you 'want to fold your way to the seat' that is fine. In my opinion you probably played it correctly from what you have said. Certainly why put pressure on smaller stacks when you only had to lose 2 all ins and then you would also be a short stack? Obviously in a normal tournament where the money is heavily weighted to the top places then you should almost certainly put pressure on the short stacks.
Only my opinion and I'm sure better players than me would disagree.
Putting pressure on as the big stack in the satellite on the bubble is just really terrible advice! You have a seat as good as locked up from the sounds of it - you mentioned you were raising with AK/AQ and decent pairs - you don't even really need to do this and it might be even best play to fold aces facing action. Eventually 2 of the shortstacks are going to be forced to do battle. Just wait it out for that to happen!
It is up to the short stacks to fight it out. Take the seat in the knowledge that you played it right.
Good luck in the final sir.