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Rlt's Diary. First update of 2017



  • yuranASSetyuranASSet Member Posts: 485
    edited January 2015
    Best wishes to your son. I hope he and everything is okay. 
  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited January 2015
    Sorry to hear bout your kid m8.Know exactly how cr*p it is man.My kids  been in and out of hosi the last 6 7 months havin to go on the nebuliser.Been told they generally grow out of it after 7 years old.Fingers crossed,eh?Enjoyin the poker side of the diary btw lol.
    Be good
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited February 2015
    so my phone died mid post last night and i wasnt able to update but i had an awful night i played the main the mini and one other BH and took one head in the mini and nothing else. a loss of around £50. and tonight the awful play continued, along with abit of bad varience. going to have to go over a few of the training videos i watched last month and refresh it all in my head.

    overall this month has been the most profitable month ive ever had, and its my second profitable month in a row, so i should be ending the month happy at my results but fact is im abit dissapointed in some of my play over the last few days and that ive let myself tilt a bit.
    i obviously still have a lot to work onm over the coming months and hopefully can get back to winning ways.

    Todays profit/loss: £35.4
    End of month balance £149.33
    end of month C4P: 2408

    This months profit (incl C4P): +£119.91

    My goals for next month is going to be another volum based one, im gonna set myself a target of 500 £3.30 DYMs and a limit of 5 MTT's a week, and not play any other game types, this will helpfully allow me to focus on the game types im strongest at and improve my ROI while allowing me to work on my game.

    Goodnight all
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited February 2015
    so after a shocking end to January, i really needed a positive first day in Febuary just to give me that bit of confidence back, and today that's just what happened. stuck strictly to my 3.30 dyms only, watched a few training videos while playing which helped, dished out a few bad beats to stuarty117 (quite frankly its the only way i can beat him) dished another out to bongo (you may have already read about this one its in the forum) but other than that i played well and managed to get the chips in while in front the majority of the time, i think my hand reading skills are improving a little bit each day and hopefully results throughout the month will reflect this.

    The night didn't end particularly well losing my last 4 games but played well enough before that for it to be brushed off and ill make up for it tomorrow my winning all 3 DTD games.

    I really like this months sky promo but after putting in my highest ever volume of games last month, i think im going to struggle to get the extra 100% needed to match this, so i've upped my tables to 3 which will give me a 50% extra on last month, and hopefully if i can get online enough while the double points are given out and with the extra table i should just about manage it. however i dont want chasing the promo to get in the  way of my results and learning, so if i feel like my game is suffering because of adding a table or chasing points, then ill simply go back to 2 and just give it up. because while £60,000 sounds great, just qualifying is going to be hard enough theres no garuntee i will win anything when entered so i could chase the points and then end up going out early and getting nothing from it anyway.

    <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->
    DYMs playedDYMs wonDYMs lostTodays profit/loss
    402416 £12
    Febuary total gamesC4PFebuary profit/loss 
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited February 2015
    GL RLT and dont forget the double points weekends a few hours muli-tabling during those weekends should really boost the points.

    Agree that you shouldnt try and force it though. 

    At games and levels you are comfortable with, especially DYMs, multi-tabling 3-4 is relatively straight forward.

  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited February 2015
    Another absolute shocking day on the tables yesterday only happy with my performance in dtd 2 but otherwise i feel like i played awfully and that on top of lag issues really annoyed me probably should of logged off earlier but results did improve towards end of the night.

    DYMs playedDYMs wonDYMs lostTodays profit/loss
    Febuary total gamesC4PFebuary profit/loss 
  • stuarty117stuarty117 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited February 2015
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Diary:
    GL RLT and dont forget the double points weekends a few hours muli-tabling during those weekends should really boost the points. Agree that you shouldnt try and force it though.  At games and levels you are comfortable with, especially DYMs, multi-tabling 3-4 is relatively straight forward.
    Posted by Phantom66
    My head hurts when i play 4 LOL
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited February 2015
    I will be honest, after the first 8 games today i thought to myself should i just withdraw whats in my account and leave, for no reason other than doubting my own ability, i had a few lag issues last night that were probably still annoying me a litle bit and it with how bad i was playing i just didnt see the point in carrying on and could see myself having to deposit again if i didnt get out of the bad run i was on.

    I lost 7 of my first 8 games today which if you included the previous days results meant id won only 14 of the last 41 games i had played, i'm sure the more experienced players on here will probably say that down swings like that happen all the time and you just have to learn to deal with them and that its a small sample size, and i guess there right but for a player of my standard (very average) to have your confidence knocked on those runs can be pretty destroying.  well anyway I didnt leave instead i loaded up the poker videos id watched a month or so ago and watched them while playing, and also read through johnconnnors blog for what must be atleast the 10th time. i read through the pms that had been sent to me offering me advice.

    Then it all clicked into place I played a further 29 games and won 23 of them (including 1 £5.50 that im not entirely sure how i regged for) so i not only managed to recoup everything i lost this morning but most of my loses from the previous night to, and put me in profit for the month. confidence right now is on a massive high hoping to continue tonights form into tommorows games.

    DYMs playedDYMs wonDYMs lostTodays profit/loss
    Febuary total gamesC4PFebuary profit/loss 
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited February 2015
    Mad a very busy day yesterday so only
    Managed to fit in 8 games, but they mostly went well winning 5 and losing 3 the table loading issue that a lot of people were having was a bit annoying but i suppose the effect on the game is minimal in a DYM. But it didnt effect any of the games i lost that was due to bad play on my part. 

    A question to anyone reading this who plays Dyms if your short stack on the bubble with 1.2-2k, blinds at 150/300+, and the other 3 all around 3.5k, what is your shoving range pre flop? I assume alot of people are shoving very wide here but its something that generally i try not to do, I'm normally quite happy to take a few orbits and wait for a better hand q10+, k10+ ,j10, or pairs higher than 8's. Should my shoving range be a lot wider here to steal more blinds, i have a feeling it should be but pressing that shove button into 1/2 or 3 other players at that stage is always quite scary.  I know john combos blog advises shoving any two but is that to wide of a range? 

    Thiughts appriciated 

  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited February 2015
    Another very short session today but the good results continue to come 8 games played, 7 games won with just the single loss the loss was a stupid one thought as i was second in chips at the time woke up with QQ and it ended up going aipf agaisnt the chip leader who had AK and hit, bad play on both our parts (although im sure he didnt mind)  i need to improve my discipline in those situations and just bin them.

    Today's profit £13.30. 

    Back to work now to earn some money the old fashioned way. Gl at the tables all
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited February 2015
    Another + day yesterday so shouldnt complain but i was a bit dissapointed with my overall results if im being honest, i had one of the regs tilting at me yesterday due to the way i played one of my hands agaisnt him

    blinds at 25/50 Im on the button and  pick up KK and 3x it, he is the big blind and re raises to 350 so i call. flop comes 9 4 2, theres 725 in the pot and i have around 1000 chips left he puts in a small raise of 200 and i jam on him. he folds, and spend the rest of the game telling everyone how much money ive lost quoting my sharkscope stats (which by the way i dont care about as im open and honest about them anyway and if people are seeing them and thinking im a bad player well i guess thats a good thing as i have improved alot since then) he also tells me how much of a donkey/fish i am. well 5/6 hands later i knock him out of the game AQ vs QJ aipf. after that though we played a few more times and the abuse ofcourse continued and i think it threw me of my game a little, i was trying to get one over on him to shut him up rather than concentrating on my own game which has been very good over the last few days and it affected my results a little. lesson learnt (although he didnt cash in any of the games either so justice was done)

    I try and be chatty and friendly to everyone i sit at a table with and im sure the people i play with regularly will agree with that, but when people like him are sat at the table with me i cant help but give them abit of stick back, i just hate people that are rude and arrogant with little reason to be so.

    anyway to my results and like i said another plus day not as much as id of liked but its another step in the right direction.
    DYMs playedDYMs wonDYMs lostTodays profit/loss
    Febuary total gamesC4PFebuary profit/loss 
    Also had my  january bonus of £28.04 added to my account woop woop so now sat with a balance of £194.59 and nearly time to take a few more potshots at the £5.50 games. although im going to wait until i have 50 BI's
  • SnufferSnuffer Member Posts: 3,057
    edited February 2015
    Always enjoy being at your tables (and stealing your blinds), the player in question is always rude but was nice to see him lose his chips as he was abusing my play as well, keep up the good work and hope to see you on the tables later.
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,240
    edited February 2015
    ''blinds at 25/50 Im on the button and  pick up KK and 3x it, he is the big blind and re raises to 350 so i call. flop comes 9 4 2, theres 725 in the pot and i have around 1000 chips left he puts in a small raise of 200 and i jam on him. he folds, and spend the rest of the game telling everyone how much money ive lost quoting my sharkscope stats''

    Playing poker (similar to what I see in Golf) can sometimes be a window to the darkest parts of the psyche and certain individuals can't seem to help themselves, ignoring is probably best (caveat; I don't always take that advice), but without a doubt knocking them out is much, much better :-)

    ps. If someone wants to abuse me they are welcome, but it better be witty....using sharkscope is 1. boring, 2. unimaginative and 3. a cheapshot. 

    pPs. I like sitting at your tables ;-)

  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited February 2015
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Diary:
    ''blinds at 25/50 Im on the button and  pick up KK and 3x it, he is the big blind and re raises to 350 so i call. flop comes 9 4 2, theres 725 in the pot and i have around 1000 chips left he puts in a small raise of 200 and i jam on him. he folds, and spend the rest of the game telling everyone how much money ive lost quoting my sharkscope stats'' Playing poker (similar to what I see in Golf) can sometimes be a window to the darkest parts of the psyche and certain individuals can't seem to help themselves, ignoring is probably best (caveat; I don't always take that advice), but without a doubt knocking them out is much, much better :-) ps. If someone wants to abuse me they are welcome, but it better be witty....using sharkscope is 1. boring, 2. unimaginative and 3. a cheapshot.  pPs. I like sitting at your tables ;-)
    Posted by HENDRIK62
    i also enjoy sitting at your tables, although id rather avoid it as their are definitely some softer opponents out there :)

    yesterdays results werent so good, but going through the historys of the games im struggling to see what i could of done different in most of my out hands, i played 10 games and lost 7, 5 of my outs i believe were geniune coolers, with 2x full house vs quads, 2 x sets vs rivered flushes (where the moeny went in on the flop) and 1 flopped top 2 pair vs bottom set, the two pair one i may have been ableto get away with vs a reg, but it was someone that i have played a few times and often goes all in with mid pair and worse. the other two game were quite standard bubbles when i got abit short and had to start shoving wider ranges and ran into better hands, it happens and ill move on :)
    DYMs playedDYMs wonDYMs lostTodays profit/loss
    Febuary total gamesC4PFebuary profit/loss 
    166/500593 £12 
    thats my thrid losing saturday in a row, so much for softer games at weekends, i always seem to get crushed :/
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited February 2015
    My afternnon session is over, and i decided to do somethign crazy today.. i was 5 tabling this wasbasically because i started well in the 3 three games i was playing and was as sure as you can ever be that id cash in them all so i decided i may aswell get 2 more started while i wait for them to finish but then the good results just kept on coming so i just kept going with the 5 tables. i won 13 of my first 14 dyms so felt no need to drop back down to 3 tables. Also decided to play a £5.75 bh as i was running well but that didnt even get going. early stages picked up AK agaisnt a guy that had been fairly loose raised it up 4x he called flop came K 10 2 i was happy to get it all in there and then after seeing what hed been up to already and you guessed it 10 2 but to be fair they were suited so i dont any reasons why not to call 4 x pre OOP lol. i swear ill get the hang of the bounty hunters one day.

    But until then im going to go have some dinner then come back tomnight ready to win 1 of the 3 DTD games, im not fussy which.

    DYMs playedDYMs wonDYMs lostTodays profit/loss
    Febuary total gamesC4PFebuary profit/loss 
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited February 2015
    Double update today as i didnt post yesterdays results.

    Had an awful day at work today due to my boss' boss being a bit of a moron over what can be described as the pettiest of things (one of the things was we have a phone with caller recognition and when he phones up his name pops up on the phone, so when i answered it i said "hello mark, how are you" to which i recieved a foul mouthed rant at how he had asked my boss to remove his name from the phone and that i should be answering the phone in a specific way each time, comepletely pathetic and unreasonable) then a couple more incidents happened which resulted in me spending an extra 3/4 hours at ork trying to fix a fairly serious situation tht quite frankly i shouldnt have been dealing with but people in positions above me werent there so instead of skirking responsibilty i rung them to let them know what was happening and procedded to deal with it as best as i could while doing my actual job along side. this brought on another foul mouthed rant.

    So tommorow the job hunt starts, i enjoy my job and most the people i work with, but to o what i do with mostly no recognition isnt rewarding in any other way than being payed (which ofcourse is the most important thing and im very grateful for it) but ive been there 6 years now and a new challange is definitely needed.  so tikay if your readin this and want to put in a good word ill pm you a copy of my CV i figure if you can have richard orford present a show on poker you can just about give the job to anyone ;)

     was very hit and miss yesterday but after an overall good week leading up to it a -£15 days wasnt going to be anythign to tilt me or effect me in ways that it may have done before i played 34 Dym wining 17 and losing 17. had abit of a hard time playing my big pocket pairs, every time i got QQ and id raise 3/4x id still end up with 2/3 callers and the flop would come AKx and then id struggle to figure out where i was (although in this spot id say im probably behind 90% of the time) and then my KK and AA weere coming up agaisnt straight draws flush draws or both and i think i let myself think they had those hands to many times and got paranoid and folded after investing alot into the pots, althought the times i did decided to go with it they had the straight/flush in question, but thats just poker sometimes. i also played tjr mini turbo BH but that flopped completely despite getting off to a very good start and getting a very early triple up to around 9k chips (although i got no head prizes for this).
    DYMs playedDYMs wonDYMs lostTodays profit/loss
    Today was pretty much the complete opposite everything i played went well, my big pocket pairs kept holding up and i cashed in 9 of the 10 games i played. In one game i had AA, KKx2 and QQx2 in the space of 12 hands, safe to say thats one of the easiest cashes ive had in a dym for a long time. a few of my games were 2.25 dyms tonight as a good friend of mine ws playing on the site so i decided to play a few with him, he did fairly well and it made the night even more enjoyable being able to have a nice chat with a mate while playing. although he did reg for a turbo DYM at one point which i decided to follow him into for a bit of a change, cant believe some of the play you get in those it was crazy but again managed to get an early double up and just let the rest of them go crazy :)
    DYMs playedDYMs wonDYMs lostTodays profit/loss
    Febuary total gamesC4PFebuary profit/lossBalance

  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited February 2015
    Yesterday didnt go very well at all, just another saturday for me really dont know what it is about them but i seem to struggle every week probably underestimating my opponents no giving them credit for being as good as they are, and poor play on my behalf, can see no other reasons for it, all of these reasons are my fault and need to be worked on if im going to make money.

    DYMs playedDYMs wonDYMs lostTodays profit/loss
    Febuary total gamesC4PFebuary profit/loss 
    anyway today has started in much better fashion. update will come at end of session tonight/early tommorow morning
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited February 2015
    only played 1  game yesterday and that was the UKPC quater final that I was entered in for free for winning a competition on the show last week ,  wasnt going to be able to enter the main event if i win due to work commitments so has to reg for the semi and try and win to get the entrance fee as a prize, so thas what I did. And it went well finishing  in the money :)  

    So plus +£48 for the day 

    Bigger session planned for tomorow along side the DTD games :)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603
    edited February 2015

    " tikay if your readin this and want to put in a good word ill pm you a copy of my CV i figure if you can have richard orford present a show on poker you can just about give the job to anyone ;)...."

    I'm reading Bro, I'm-a-reading.

    I mean, if Orford can, anyone can, right?

    PS - Congrats on 100 Posts. 

  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited February 2015
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Diary:
    " tikay if your readin this and want to put in a good word ill pm you a copy of my CV i figure if you can have richard orford present a show on poker you can just about give the job to anyone ;)...." I'm reading Bro, I'm-a-reading. I mean, if Orford can, anyone can, right? PS - Congrats on 100 Posts.   
    Posted by Tikay10
    thanks tikay surprised it lasted this long to be honest, im never normally good and contiuing with stuff like this to be honest, and id exepected to have gone busto a long time ago :). they still havent contacted me about the job though so guess i'll look elsewhere, i dont have the face for tv anyway.

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